Registry Detail


Last updated:
09/10/2000 11:29:00
Internet providers


Should we classify Internet service providers under Telecommunication in ISIC 6420?


'Internet providers' is an interesting question, I think (even though not clearly stated as a question). Canada's index puts 'Internet access providers' in 7240 (Data base activities), which does not really convince me. I think we are looking here (at least for most of the large providers) at a combined activity of providing access to a larger network of computers, usually through telephone lines, and providing of specific content. For example, AOL, Compuserve, MSN etc. allow you to access the Internet, but that is only one part of the information you can access there (even though a large and growing one). I remember that a few years ago, on Compuserve and AOL, you had about 100 so called 'channels', i.e. categories with different kinds of information, specifically selected, organized and presented by the Provider (e.g. Travel, Finance, Sports, Special Discussion groups, Message Boards). The access to the Internet was only one of these 100 channels. The other channels and their content were not (and are still not) accessible through the Internet, i.e. from other providers etc. However, even if we place more importance on the content aspect, I would hesitate to call it 'Data base activities' since the explanatory notes for that class seem to point in different direction. Of course, I don't know if all this holds for the many small Internet providers (I doubt it). Therefore, focusing on the 'access' aspect and ISIC 6420 (Telecommunications) may not be a bad choice ? On the other hand, the explanatory note of 6420 says "Included are telephone, telegraph and telex communications." Computer communication seems blatantly missing here (on purpose??), even though the Internet has been around by the time ISIC was finished. Also, the Internet Provider is not in charge of the telephone lines you use to connect your computer with the provider and probably only leases whatever cables they use to connect to a backbone. (I don't know who is actually in charge of those.) What about 7290 (Other computer related activities)? I'm not a real friend of these 'other' categories, but we are still talking about something that mainly involves computers and software, on the user AND the provider side. We will discuss this further and keep you posted on any new development. ------------------------- The CPC V.1.0 distinguishes between Internet providers as 'On-line access services' (CPC 84200) and Content providers as 'On-line information provision services' (CPC 84300). These CPC classes correspond to ISIC 6420 (for Internet providers) and 7240 (for Content providers). While the title of ISIC 7240 (Database activities) doesn't seem to be completely related to Content providers, the third section of the explanatory note leaves enough room for proper interpretation. It is more clearly spelled out in the explanatory notes of the abovementioned CPC classes. The decision whether to classify a particular company as Internet provider or Content provider still has to be made based on available information, as they may often be combined activities (see the remarks in the previous message).


Activities of Internet providers (such as AOL, MSN etc.) usually encompass provision of access to the internet, combined with provision of (large amounts) of specifically selected information (content) available only for subscribers. If an establishment engages in both activities, it should be classified as an Internet provider. If engaging only in content provision (without providing the access), it should be classified as a content provider. Internet providers are classified in ISIC 6420. Content providers are classified in ISIC 7240. Explanatory notes should be changed to reflect this. Note: See related items under Registry ID# 384, 401, 402, 719, 780, 938, 942.