Registry Detail


Last updated:
21/01/2000 11:05:00
Construction of sports facilities


CPC V1.0 54129 and 54270: Review the item that involves both classes on the issue of "Construction work/services of structures and other sport installations. Discusssion made during the Review of CPC Version 1.0 - Provisional CPC detailed correspondences and other recommended changes to CPC Version 1.0 publication. November 5-7, 1998, New York.


The group approved this distinction between CPC V1.0 54129 and 54270. The intention in this area of the breakdown for sports installation was to have a distinction between buildings and civil engineering structures. The buildings have been described as for indoor sports and the civil engineering structures has been described as for outdoor sports. Agreed and no change needed..


The intention in this area of the breakdown for sports installation was to have a distinction between buildings and civil engineering structures. The buildings have been described as for indoor sports (under CPC V1.0 54129) and the civil engineering structures, stadia etc. under open air ( CPC V1.0 54270) has been described as for outdoor sports. This is just an illustration. The group agreed on this issue. No change needed.