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Last updated:
28/02/2002 17:29:00
Comment on CPC V.1.0 code 86422, CPC V.1.1 88211


Request for Add Add more explanatory words from French book. ("phosphation", "cémentation, nitruration, trempe", "d'émaillage", "ébarbage, sablage, polissage, brunissage") TSG 02/2002 Looking at the last part of the exclusion in CPc V.1.1 code 88170, is there a conflict with the first exclusion (I.e. between 88211 and 89200). Should we make the distinction clear?


CPC V. 1.0 code 86422 changed to code 88211. Australia - Unable to comment on the meaning of these terms, however, I am happy with explanations as given in CPC, because "other coating services" and "other metallic surface treatment services" covers it. KC - The french translations - application of phosphates, dipping, enamelling, polishing, burnishing, etc. all seem to be adequately covered under "other coating services".


CPC V 1.0 code 86422 has now become code CPC V.1.1 code 88211. Change CPC V.1.1 code 88211 to read: 88211 Metal treatment and coating services This subclass includes: - metallic coating services by immersion in molten metals - metallic coating services by thermal spraying - metallic coating services in zinc, by electrolysis and chemical treatment - coating services in other metals (nickel, copper, chromium, etc.), by electrolysis and chemical treatment - plastic coating of metal surfaces - other coating services (phosphatising, etc.) - heat treatment of metal services (other than metallic coating) - painting, varnishing of metal - anodising services - vapour deposition services (CVD/PVD) - other metallic surface treatment services This subclass does not include: - vacuum coating services of plastic parts with metal, cf. 88170 TSG 02/2002 88170 Change the last inclusion to read: - parts of cellular, stratified or reinforced plastic materials, moulded parts with fibre core; plastic parts, rolled, calendered, extruded, etc, vacuum plating of plastic objects, cf.89200 88211 Change 5th inclusion of CPC V.1.1 code 88211 to read: - plastic coating, including of metal surfaces. Change exclusion of CPC V.1.1 code 88211 to read: - vacuum coating services of plastic parts, cf. 89200. 89200 Change second inclusion to read: - parts of cellular, stratified or reinforced plastic materials, moulded parts with fibre core; plastic parts, rolled, calendered, extruded, etc., vacuum plating of plastic objects