Classification Detail

CPC, Version 2.1 - Code 62511


Explanatory note

This subclass includes: - trade services related to: * goods of group 011 (Cereals) * goods of group 014 (Oilseeds and oleaginous fruits) * goods of group 015 (Edible roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content) * goods of group 016 (Stimulant, spice and aromatic crops) * goods of group 017 (Pulses (dried leguminous vegetables)) * goods of group 018 (Sugar crops) * goods of class 0191 (Forage products) * goods of class 0192 (Fibre crops) * goods of class 0194 (Beet seeds (excluding sugar beet seeds) and seeds of forage plants) * goods of group 233 (Preparations used in animal feeding; lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets)


This code corresponds to the following:

To obtain the full list of correspondences please visit this link