Description: The objective of International Workshop on Time-Use Statistics is to strengthen national capacity to collect and regularly produce comparable high-quality time-use data in cost-effective ways by adopting innovative data collection methods and latest technologies to inform and monitor public policies, including SDGs. The workshop will include presentations on conceptual and methodological issues, data sources, collection and compilation, country practices, and round-table discussions. The workshop will also be an opportunity to introduce the UN Guide to Producing Statistics on Time Use, endorsed by the UN Statistical Commission at its 55th session in 2024.
Description: The Expert Group on Innovative and Effective Ways to Collect Time-Use Statistics (EG-TUS) is convened to present the final version of the revised UN Guide to Producing Statistics on Time Use and accompanying time-use data resources hub, which marks the conclusion of a phase of methodological development as expressed in the terms of reference of the EG-TUS and to strategize on ways to build national capacity and provide technical assistance to countries, particularly in developing regions in the area of time-use statistics as requested by the Statistical Commission. The EG-TUS meeting will also provide an opportunity for members to exchange the latest practices, lessons learned, and future projects.
Source: World Bank (Data extracted on: 11 Dec 2023 )
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Organizer(s): World Bank
Description: Representative surveys on individuals’ daily time use—across unpaid domestic and care work, employment and other productive activities—are essential to understand economic decision-making among men and women. However, standard recall-based time use surveys can be costly to conduct, and often face challenges in accurately capturing people’s multiple daily activities. Addressing these difficulties is important to design data-driven labor policies and to improve the monitoring of global targets that recognize and value unpaid work across countries. Our study is one of the first to compare real-time against recall-based time use data collection from a low-income context, and in this talk, we present findings from a randomized experiment in Malawi. We compare how real-time data collection, through a low-cost pictorial smartphone-based app, can address potential recall bias in traditional 24-hours and 7-days time use diaries. The findings reveal several benefits of the smartphone diary approach, such as the possibility of capturing a greater range of multitasked activities and the avoidance of potential fatigue in recalling time allocation within the day—particularly among women. We will discuss how the insights of our paper can advance the validation of scalable best practices to individual-level data collection on time use, which could, in turn, be considered for implementation as part of large-scale surveys conducted by national statistical offices.
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), is organizing a three-day Regional Workshop on Time Use Statistics: Methods and Uses in Tunis, Tunisia. The event will take place on 10-12 October 2023.
The objective of the workshop is to develop national capacities on the methodology to collect and regularly produce comparable high-quality time-use data in cost-effective ways by adopting innovative and digitalization data collection methods; to analyze data to inform and answer policy questions; and to better understand progress towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The workshop will provide the opportunity to share the updates to the UN Guidelines on time-use statistics and to provide hands-on training on the adaptation at the national level of proposed methods to collect, analyse, disseminate, and communicate time-use data, including time spent on unpaid care and domestic work. It is expected that the newly developed tools will lessen the burden on respondents and the high cost associated with paper diaries and improve data quality.
Organizer(s): ECLAC UNSD UN Women INEGI Mexico Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres Mexico
Description: The twenty-first International Meeting of Information Specialists on Time Use and Unpaid Work will be held in Santiago, on September 25, 2023. Discussions will focus on the importance of time use measurements for the formulation and monitoring of policies to move towards the Care Society.
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics (INEGI) held a study tour on measuring time use and valuing unpaid work in Mexico City from 24 to 28 April 2023. The study tour was organized with the support of the Development Account 12 Tranche Project on Time-use data for better policies in Africa, Western Asia, and Latin America as an opportunity to exchange knowledge and improve skills on the production of time-use data using standalone timeuse surveys; and the valuation of unpaid household production of services. Participants from Mexico, Morocco, and Argentina found this occasion useful to strengthen SouthSouth cooperation and international collaboration for the harmonization of time use statics. During the study tour, national statisticians presented their experiences and challenges encountered during the process of their timeuse surveys. Participants from Mexico and Morocco also reflected on the changes that their upcoming surveys will implement to improve the quality of the data and advance toward international harmonization. On the second day of the study tour, INEGI shared its methodology for the construction of the unpaid household work satellite account. During the remaining part of the study tour participants worked using data from their time-use surveys, labour force surveys and, information from their national accounts to calculate the monetary value of unpaid household work in their countries. Statisticians participating in the study tour provided feedback to their peers on methodological decisions at each stage of the valuation process, making the experience very enriching.
Description: The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) subregional headquarters for the Caribbean will convene a virtual expert group meeting on Thursday 3rd November 2022 to examine the importance of time-use surveys in guiding social policies.
Description: This Expert Group Meeting is convened in Montreal, on 16 August 2022 to take stock of progress made in the revision of the 2005 United Nations Guidelines for Producing Time-use statistics, to be published in 2024, based on initial discussions and agreements at the experts’ meeting in May 2022. Additionally, the Expert Group will discuss progress made on the implementation / piloting of their proposed methods under the Development Account project on “Time Use Data for better policies in African, Western Asian and Latin American countries”, endorsed by the Statistical Commission in 2022, and other initiatives on time-use statistics implemented by members of the group. This meeting is organized back-to-back to the Conference and Workshop on time-use statistics organize by the International Association for Time-use Research (IATUR) in Montreal, Canada from 16 to 19 August 2022.
Description: This meeting brought together the group of experts on time-use statistics, established by the Statistical Commission in 2020 to develop innovative and effective ways to produce and use time-use statistics. The Expert Group Meeting was convened to discuss the revision of the 2005 United Nations Guidelines for Producing Time-use statistics, to be published in 2024. In particular, the group discussed the outline of and specific steps for the revision of the Guidelines.
Title in Spanish: XIX Reunión internacional de especialistas en información sobre uso del tiempo y trabajo no remunerado
Organizer(s): ECLAC UN Women INEGI Mexico Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres Mexico
Description: Este es un evento paralelo de la undécima reunión de la Conferencia Estadística de las Américas de la CEPAL, organizado por la División de Asuntos de Género de la CEPAL, el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía de México, el Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres de México, y ONU Mujeres.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 26 Oct 2021 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women ILO
Description: UN Women and the ILO are organizing a joint technical webinar to support filling gender data gaps and share knowledge on the latest international statistical standards guiding the measurement of unpaid domestic and care work. Equally important, the webinar will also provide illustrations of time-use surveys conducted both prior and during COVID-19 and will showcase how results can inform national policies.
Description: The Asia-Pacific Stats Café Series on "Harnessing Time-use Data for Evidence-based Policy and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" was held on Monday, 9 August 2021, 12:00-13:00 (GMT+7). Attendance summary Flyer About the Session Time-use surveys and statistics have become an essential component of the international statistical toolbox since their introduction through social surveys more than a century ago. These surveys provide a detailed time accounting of activities people engage in through their day-to-day lives. Time-use data can offer crucial insights into the formulation and monitoring of gender-responsive public policies and development strategies on a diverse range of areas with implications for the lives of women, men, girls and boys. Such policy areas include, for instance, addressing constraints faced by women in participating in the labour market, accessing education, training and healthcare; expanding understandings of poverty to encompass the manifestations and implications of “time poverty”; addressing quality and affordability of childcare provision and care of older persons; as well as enhancing benefits for women and girls through public investment in infrastructure development and basic social services. While over 30 countries in the Asia-Pacific region have conducted time-use data collection through nearly 100 collection exercises, the use and analysis of the data for policy purposes has been very limited, one reason being the limited awareness of the policy applications of such data. References: Manual: Harnessing Time-Use Data for Evidence-based Policy, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Beijing Platform for Action Read blog: Harnessing time-use data for gender equality policies and beyond. , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2021 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women ECA AfDB
Description: Time-use surveys (TUS) measure the average amount of time people spend on various activities, such as unpaid household chores and family care, self-care, social life, leisure activities, and so on. More specifically, TUS are the main statistical sources for data used to calculate SDG indicator 5.4.1: Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location. TUS are critical tools to measure the value of household production and its contribution to the overall socio-economic welfare in any given country. Their granularity associated with disaggregated analyses (sex, location, age) can inform a wide range of policies, from market-based caregiving services to work-life balance and quality of life. This training workshop covers the introductory notions and basics of producing, analysing and disseminating time-use data as well as their policy relevance for gender equality.
Title in Spanish: 18a Reunión Internacional de especialistas en información sobre uso del tiempo y trabajo no remunerado
Organizer(s): ECLAC UN Women INEGI Mexico
Description: La experiencia desarrollada en la región señala un camino promisorio para avanzar tanto en el plano de la incidencia política, con la finalidad de colocar el tema de medición del cuidado y trabajo no remunerado en la agenda pública, como en la producción de nuevos conocimientos que contribuyan a diseñar mejores instrumentos y a profundizar los análisis de la información disponible, y aún más en el contexto de una pandemia como la presente.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 18 Nov 2020 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics
Description: The webinar, Measuring time use and quantifying care: Challenges and strategies in the design and harmonization of time-use surveys, will present the key findings of the studies by Nancy Folbre and Jacques Charmes from their recent research with UN Women on better methodological approaches to design and conduct time-use surveys, as well as to improve comparability and methods of harmonization across national surveys. It will also provide an opportunity to present an update on the work of the UN Expert Group on Innovative and Effective Ways to Collect Time-Use Statistics (EG-TUS) as part of the global conversation around time use. The webinar is organized by the Global Centre of Excellence on Gender Statistics (CEGS), which is part of the Women Count programme.
Source: UN Women (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2020 )
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Organizer(s): UN Women
Description: Bringing together practitioners from national statistical offices and National Women's Machineries, the workshop aims to strengthen national capacity to produce time use statistics on unpaid domestic and care work and enhance monitoring and reporting of relevant Sustainable Development Goal indicators.
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is organizing the third meeting of the Expert Group on Innovative and Effective ways to collect Time-Use Statistics (TUS), in line with ICATUS 2016 and other international standards, to be held in New York on 4 – 6 November 2019. The meeting will be convened to continue the process of developing methodological guidelines on how to operationalize ICATUS 2016 and produce time-use statistics using the latest technologies, as requested by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its forty-eighth session in 2017 in its decision 48/109.
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) is organizing the second meeting of the Expert Group on Innovative and Effective ways to collect Time-Use Statistics (TUS), in line with ICATUS 2016 and other international standards, to be held in New York on 20-22 May 2019. The meeting will be convened to continue the process of developing methodological guidelines on how to operationalize ICATUS 2016 and produce time-use statistics using the latest technologies, as requested by the United Nations Statistical Commission at its forty-eighth session in 2017 in its decision 48/109.