Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 01 Dec 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The course will enhance participants' methodological and technical knowledge of Quality reporting in the European Statistical System (ESS). Participants will understand and have practical experience on how to prepare detailed quality reports for the different types of statistical processes according to the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS) V.2.0 and its derived structures ESMS (Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure) and ESQRS (ESS Standard for Quality Report Structure), including how to calculate ESS Quality and Performance indicators. The ESS Metadata Handler, the web application used by Eurostat to collect metadata and quality report from National Statistical Institutes and Other National Authorities producing European statistics, will be presented.
Target Audience: Staff of National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) and Other National Authorities (ONAs) producing Official Statistics directly involved in the compilation of quality reports or working in quality management and/or quality reporting coordination units.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 07 Mar 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Participants will understand different quality concepts, European Statistical System (ESS) quality criteria, the European Statistics Code of Practice and its Common Quality Framework and know how to apply methods to measure quality concepts.
Target Audience: Employees of national statistical agencies involved in quality management, measurement and reporting.
Description: This sprint, the second in a series of online events organized by the Friends of the Chair Group on Social and Demographic Statistics, in collaboration with the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), is an opportunity to take stock of and review essential elements for developing and maintaining population data systems fit for current and future data demands. Indeed, countries are expected to significantly transform their data collection and processing systems, by adopting digital-first, multi-mode methods, increasing utilization of geospatial information and administrative data sources, and developing strategies to address and adapt to potential shocks and disruptions. Against this background, this sprint will discuss both current and emerging practices to enhance the quality of population statistics and will address ongoing challenges and the growing need for integrated data sources, innovative methods, and techniques to meet diverse data demands effectively.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ESCAP Government of Mongolia
Description: Quality data are vital for enabling governmentsinternational organizationscivil societyprivate sector and the general public to make informed decisions and to ensure the accountability of representative bodies. Effective planningfollow-up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires the collectionprocessinganalysis and dissemination of an unprecedented amount of data and statistics at localnationalregional and global levels and by multiple stakeholders.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 29 May 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat INE Portugal
Description: Statistics Portugal and Eurostat are pleased to invite you to the 11th European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2024) in Estoril (the Greater Lisbon region) from 4 to 7 June 2024. Following a longstanding quality-driven tradition in the European statistical community, this conference will gather statisticians, academics, and external stakeholders to foster the dissemination of knowledge and research on emerging issues related to quality in official statistics. By bringing diverse stakeholders together, Q2024 aims to enhance and improve cooperation between official statistics and the scientific community — in which students play a significant role — and to promote closer dialogue between users and producers. Q2024 will focus on the role of official statistics as a pillar of democracy and on some of the most challenging issues currently faced by the official statistics community. The conference topics aim to be broad enough to cover the diversity of challenges faced by the statistical community while also addressing the most relevant dimensions within the field of quality. Q2024 will explore how institutional frameworks and the role of innovation and research impact on quality in official statistics, and it will also focus on the power of data and NSIs’ capabilities to harness opportunities in a challenging environment. Bearing in mind the importance of capacity-building in previous editions of the conference, a variety of engaging and informative one-day training courses will be held on 4 June 2024. These courses will be organised around four main pillars: quality management, innovation/data science/AI, dissemination/communication, and the integration of administrative and privately-held data.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 29 May 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Can Eurostat data affect our daily life? What makes Eurostat statistics reliable? In a world that is faced with complex issues and is therefore difficult to understand, statistics provided by Eurostat support the work of journalists, decision-makers, and fact-checkers all over the EU and beyond. Available to everyone and free-of-charge, Eurostat data can also help EU citizens make evidence-based decisions, better understand the trends in many of Europe’s sectors. In this webinar, you will get to know more about how Eurostat works to provide high-quality statistics and learn how to find the information you are looking for on Eurostat’s website.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 07 Mar 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: To provide participants with theory and practice of quality in Official Statistics, in particular process and product quality. To this purpose, a brief overview of the ESS quality framework is given. Then, the focus of the course shifts on process and product quality measurement. The statistical process is described and tools for preventing and reducing the errors are presented and discussed. Methods and tools to assess the effect of non-sampling errors such as coverage, measurement and nonresponse errors in statistical products are widely described.
Target Audience: Staff of national statistical institutes involved in statistical production processes and in quality management.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 07 Mar 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The course will enhance participants' methodological and technical knowledge of Quality reporting in the European Statistical System (ESS). Participants will understand and have practical experience on how to prepare detailed quality reports for the different types of statistical processes according to the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS) V.2.0 and its derived structures ESMS (Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure) and ESQRS (ESS Standard for Quality Report Structure), including how to calculate ESS Quality and Performance indicators. The ESS Metadata Handler, the web application used by Eurostat to collect metadata and quality report from National Statistical Institutes and Other National Authorities producing European statistics, will be presented.
Target Audience: Staff of National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) and Other National Authorities (ONAs) producing Official Statistics directly involved in the compilation of quality reports or working in quality management and/or quality reporting coordination units.
Description: This meeting follows-up on the request of the Commission to develop additional materials and guidance to support countries in the implementation of a national quality assurance framework and to address relevant issues such as quality assurance when administrative or other data sources are used to produce official statistics. Specifically, the meeting will work on the finalization of draft guidance on the use of administrative and other data sources and draft guidance on the implementation of a quality culture. The meeting will address remaining issues and amend the existing draft materials as required and prepare a worldwide consultation on them. The meeting will also review the status and possible development of guidance and tools on other issues and review the further workplan of the Expert Group.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 07 Dec 2023 )
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Description: Quality data are vital for enabling governmentsinternational organizationscivil societyprivate sector and the general public to make informed decisions and to ensure the accountability of representative bodies. Effective planningfollow-up and review of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires the collectionprocessinganalysis and dissemination of an unprecedented amount of data and statistics at localnationalregional and global levels and by multiple stakeholders.
Description: The Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks (EG-NQAF) conducted its 33rd meeting via MS Teams. A total of 20 experts of 14 countries and 2 international organizations attended the meeting. UNSD as the secretariat of the Expert Group presented the work progress of the two Subgroups of the EG-NQAF, one focusing on quality culture and one focusing on quality assurance when administrative and other data sources are used to produce official statistics. The meeting also discussed the results of the two global seminars that were conducted, and the results of the regional workshop for countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in Bogota, Colombia. In addition, the Expert Group reviewed the logistics and preparations of its upcoming in person meeting, which is scheduled for 5-7 February 2024. The Expert Group also suggested to host a side event during the 55th Session of the Statistical Commission in late-February 2024, aiming to generate awareness about the ongoing work and its forthcoming global consultation on guidelines for quality assurance when using administrative and other data sources for official statistics.
Description: The workshop will train participants from national statistical offices on quality assurance and its implementation throughout the national statistical system. It will also support the development of additional guidelines on quality assurance. Specifically, the workshop will provide an overview of the contents of the Manual, the United Nations National Quality Assurance Framework, the Code of Good Practice in Statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean, and ECLAC’s Guide for the implementation of a quality assurance framework for statistical processes and outputs. It will review and discuss the implementation of quality assurance in participating countries. A special focus will be on quality assurance when administrative and other data sources (such as big data or citizen generated data) are used for producing official statistics. Other topics will include quality culture and data stewardship. The sharing of experiences will be a central element of this workshop and support the development of additional guidance on some of the above-mentioned topics.
Description: The UN Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks (EG-NQAF) and its Subgroup on administrative and other data sources are hosting a global seminar on assuring the quality when administrative and other data sources are used to produce official statistics. The seminar will present insights on how the use of such data sources poses challenges and how quality aspects of the source data and the source itself impact the final statistical output. Expert speakers from four countries will share their experiences, exploring the promise and complexities of utilizing administrative and other data sources to produce official statistics. Registration: here Date & Time: Tuesday, 14 November at 8:00 – 9:15 AM EDT
Description: On 11 January 2023, the Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks conducted its 29th meeting via Teams. During the meeting, UNSD presented the updated survey results on the implementation of quality assurance in countries and expressed its gratitude to countries that have responded to the survey. The meeting also reviewed the updated Roadmap for the implementation of a national quality assurance framework, which was revised based on the feedback received at the Workshop for African countries on 6-9 December 2022. Furthermore, the Expert Group discussed the format and agenda for the side-event on data quality at the 54th session of the Statistical Commission. At this year’s Commission the item on data quality will be for discussion and decision. Nine countries and four international and regional organizations attended the meeting, with a total of 21 participants.
Description: The Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks (EG-NQAF) and its Subgroup on Quality Culture hosted a virtual Global Seminar on Quality Culture. The Seminar emphasized the crucial role of establishing and maintaining a quality culture for official statistics within national statistical systems for achieving continuous quality improvements. The Seminar brought together presentations of four countries (Colombia, Norway, Niger and United Kingdom) to showcase best practices in the implementation of a quality culture, addressing challenges, and discussing expectations for the work of the Subgroup on Quality Culture. The event facilitated exchanges on the different dimensions, aspects and approaches to establishing a quality culture, highlighting the interlinkage between quality culture and the national quality assurance frameworks. The Seminar was attended by 48 international experts and colleagues. The presentations are available on the event website.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Participants will understand different quality concepts, European Statistical System (ESS) quality criteria, the European Statistics Code of Practice and its Common Quality Framework and know how to apply methods to measure quality concepts.
Target Audience: Employees of national statistical agencies involved in quality management, measurement and reporting.
Title in Arabic: ادارة الجودة الشاملة والتميز المؤسسي في العمل الإحصائي
Organizer(s): AITRS
Description: وانطلاقا مما سبق ذكره، أصبح محتما على أجهزة الإحصاء الوطنية العربية إرساء قواعد جديدة ومتجددة للتدبير العملي والإستراتيجي للعمل الإحصائي ينبني على المقاربات و المناهج التي طورها علماء واختصاصيو علم التدبير في مجال إدارة الجودة الشاملة و السعي الحثيث الى التميز المؤسسي عبر ضمان التحسين المستمر للعمليات والإنتاج موازاة مع انخراط كلي للموارد البشرية المتاحة لتحقيق الأهداف المحددة بطريقة ناجعة وفعالة مبنية على ضمان الجودة و الابتكار والإبداع على كل المستويات. ومن هذا المنطلق، تأتي هذه الورشة التدريبية لدعم قدرات الأجهزة الإحصائية العربية في مجال ادارة الجودة الشاملة والتميز المؤسسي في العمل الإحصائي. فتماشيا مع استراتيجية واهداف المعهد العربي للتدريب والبحوث الإحصائية في مجال تعزيز القدرات الإحصائية للدول العربية واستنادا على الحاجة الماسة والمعبر عنه على مستوى الدول لتكوين كوادرها على المناهج والأدوات المرتبطة بنشر ثقافة الجودة مؤسسيا وارساء اسس تدبيرها بشكل يتماشى والأساليب الحديثة "للتدبير اللين" LEAN MANAGEMENT المبني على التحسين المستمر والابتكار المنتج للقيمة والمؤديين الى التميز المؤسسي في غالب الأحيان.
Description: A total of 29 participants attended the 31stmeeting of the Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks, including members of 14countries and 4 international and regional organizations. During the meeting, which was held online the Expert Group discussed the work plan and topics for 2023-2024. The meeting agreed to form two subgroups focusing on quality culture and quality assurance when administrative and other data sources are used to produce statistics. The Expert Group agreed on the launch of an online discussion forum on quality assurance for official statistics on UNSD’s Global Network of Data Officers and Statisticians after summer. Furthermore, the meeting reviewed materials submitted by countries as part of last year’s global survey on the issue of quality assurance when administrative and other data sources are used. On the same topic, the Expert Group listened to the presentation given by a consultant of the Collaborative Administrative Data (CAD) introducing a draft Toolkit for assessing the quality of administrative data sources to produce official statistics. The next meeting of the Expert Group is scheduled for 21 September 2023.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: To provide participants with theory and practice of quality in Official Statistics, in particular process and product quality. To this purpose, a brief overview of the ESS quality framework is given. Then, the focus of the course shifts on process and product quality measurement. The statistical process is described and tools for preventing and reducing the errors are presented and discussed. Methods and tools to assess the effect of non-sampling errors such as coverage, measurement and nonresponse errors in statistical products are widely described.
Target Audience: Staff of national statistical institutes involved in statistical production processes and in quality management.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The course will enhance participants' methodological and technical knowledge of Quality reporting in the European Statistical System (ESS). Participants will understand and have practical experience on how to prepare detailed quality reports for the different types of statistical processes according to the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS) V.2.0 and its derived structures ESMS (Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure) and ESQRS (ESS Standard for Quality Report Structure), including how to calculate ESS Quality and Performance indicators. The ESS Metadata Handler, the web application used by Eurostat to collect metadata and quality report from National Statistical Institutes and Other National Authorities producing European statistics, will be presented.
Target Audience: Staff of National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) and Other National Authorities (ONAs) producing Official Statistics directly involved in the compilation of quality reports or working in quality management and/or quality reporting coordination units.
Source: IMF Cartac (Data extracted on: 30 Jun 2022 )
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Quality of NAS workshop
27 Feb 2023 – 03 Mar 2023
Source: IMF Cartac (Data extracted on: 30 Jun 2022 )
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Enhancing the Quality of Statistical Business Registers with Scraped Data
24 Jan 2023 – 24 Jan 2023
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 10 Jan 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: This webinar will aim to inspire and equip participants keen to use web-scraped information to enhance the quality of the Statistical Business Registers. The webinar will discuss some of the different approaches to web scraping business information and the automatic prediction of NACE codes via text mining.
Description: The third Expert Group Meeting aims to continue monitoring the challenges in conducting population and housing censuses during the pandemic. In addition, on day two, the meeting will cover data quality issues that may have arisen due to conducting the census during a pandemic and potential methods to address data quality concerns. Day three of the meeting will provide an opportunity to take a broader approach and discuss lessons learned from conducting censuses during times of crisis and provide recommendations for improving the resilience of future censuses conducted. It is likely that future census operations will have to contend increasing uncertainty due to natural disasters, health emergencies, political instability, or other unforeseen disruptive events. None of these events can be predicted in advance, but contingency planning for the unexpected will be a vital component of delivering a successful census going forward into the 2030 round.
Description: This activity focuses on presenting the R library “Calidad”, a set of methodological tools to assess the quality of an estimate towards objective criteria of the estimate’s reliability in complex household surveys.
Description: The Workshop will train participants from national statistical offices on quality assurance and its implementation throughout the national statistical system and support the development of additional guidelines on quality assurance. The Workshop will provide an overview of the contents of the Manual and the UN National Quality Assurance Framework, review and discuss the implementation of quality assurance in participating countries and discuss quality assurance in the case when new and administrative data sources are being used. The sharing of experiences will also support the development of further implementation guidance.
Architecture, Methodology and Quality - an Overview
23 Nov 2022 – 23 Nov 2022
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 10 Jan 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: The webinar took place on 23 November 2022 and provided the first insights into essential quality aspects of web data and methodological solutions for some quality issues. It looked at the architectural framework BREAL, with the main benefits and the challenges of analysing web data. The webinar also delivered an overview of the following: The web data pipeline and related official statistical standards Main architectural components of a modern data platform Web data-specific quality aspects Important methodological tasks
Description: This webinar will present a roadmap for national quality assurance framework (NQAF) implementation. In recent years many countries have developed and adopted a national quality assurance framework (NQAF) for their official statistics. In order to support countries in the implementation, the Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks developed a Roadmap for NQAF implementation. The "Roadmap" summarizes good implementation practices in the form of a step-by-step process. The webinar will provide a basic introduction to quality assurance for official statistics.
Description: Within the framework of its Webinar Series on Statistical Experience Sharing, SESRIC will organise a Webinar on ‘Implementation of National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) for Official Statistics’ on 8 November 2022, in collaboration with the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) with the participation of official statisticians working in National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of the OIC member countries. The main objective of this webinar is to provide a platform to exchange knowledge on how to implement NQAF and assess the data quality using Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) in national statistical systems of OIC member countries including discussions about the challenges faced and lessons learnt by all stakeholders. The Webinar will cover: Quality assurance for official statistics Principles and requirements of UN NQAF Recommendations and guidance: UN NQAF Manual Development and implementation of a NQAF Using the GSBPM for data quality assessment and improvement Document: Concept Note and Work Programme (English)
Title in Arabic: تقييم جودة بيانات السجلات المدنية ومدى اكتمالها واستخدامها
Organizer(s): AITRS
Description: تنظم الإسكوا، بالتعاون مع صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان والمعهد العربي للتدريب والبحوث الإحصائية، ورشة عمل تدريبية حول الطرق الديمغرافية في تقييم جودة بيانات السجلات المدنية ومدى اكتمالها، واستخدامها. وللإحصاءات الحيوية دورٌ أساسي في فهم الديناميّات السكانية، ومساعدة التخطيط الحكومي، ورصد التقدم المحرز نحو أهداف التنمية المستدامة. وهي تتطلّب نظام تسجيل مدني يتّسم بالاكتمال والدقة والتوافر وحسن التوقيت. إلّا أن أنظمة التسجيل المدني تواجه العديد من التحديات، خاصة في البلدان التي تعاني من أزمات إنسانية وعدم استقرار، ما يؤدي إلى تباين كبير في مدى اكتمالها ونوعيتها، وفي قدرة البلدان الأعضاء على تجميع تقارير الإحصاءات الحيوية. وقد وضعت الإسكوا وشركاؤها إطارًا إستراتيجيًا إقليميًا لتعزيز نظام التسجيل المدني والإحصاءات الحيوية في المنطقة العربية للفترة 2021-2025، يهدف إلى تحسين أنظمة التسجيل المدني وتحديثها، بما يتماشى مع أولويات السجلات المدنية في كل بلد.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 31 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Participants will understand different quality concepts, European Statistical System (ESS) quality criteria, the European Statistics Code of Practice and its Common Quality Framework and know how to apply methods to measure quality concepts.
Target Audience: Employees of national statistical agencies involved in quality management, measurement and reporting.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 19 May 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Statistics Lithuania
Description: The conference aims to bring together statisticians, academics and stakeholders to reinforce the dissemination of knowledge and recent research on emerging questions related to quality in official statistics. Furthermore, the conference aspires to foster cooperation between users and producers, to enhance cooperation and exchange between official statistics and the scientific community, and to provide a forum for the exchange of good practice in meeting new challenges in official statistics. The event will also focus on the institutional challenges of quality management, quality assurance in the emerging data ecosystem, and new challenges in creating and maintaining trust among users, as well as new opportunities in the face of global crises. This conference should also draw the attention of governmental bodies to the importance of high-quality, timely and more detailed statistics, and increase awareness among other stakeholders of the challenges faced by producers of official statistics, especially in times of crisis. In addition, one-day training courses on quality management, the role of statistics in the era of Big Data and in a future society, innovation and modernisation practices, as well as data journalism and data visualisation, will be held the day before the conference – 7 June 2022.
Description: For this joint Global Network and ISWGHS Webinar we had with us Patricia Goerman, Mikelyn Meyers, and Yazmín Garcia Trejo from the U.S. Census Bureau with us who talked about Including Respondent Perspectives in International Survey Development to Improve Quality and Comparability of Data across Languages. The foundation of high-quality data is the design of surveys containing clear and concise questions. Well-understood questions help to ensure that differences found in response distributions across populations are valid and not an artifact of respondents interpreting survey questions. When a survey spans multiple countries or languages, it is even more challenging to ensure this. In this webinar our speakers first discussed best practices for survey translation. Next, they turned to the topic of questionnaire pretesting methods, focusing in particular on how they implement the methods to test translated questionnaires at the U.S. Census Bureau. Among other things our speakers presented a few emerging methods for including respondent voices in survey development.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 13 Apr 2022 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: To provide participants with theory and practice of quality management, process and product quality. To this purpose, a brief overview of the ESS quality framework, the quality dimensions and quality management models is given. Then, the focus of the course shifts on process and product quality measurement for statistics based both on traditional surveys and on multiple sources, including administrative data. The statistical process is described and tools for preventing and reducing the errors are presented and discussed. Methods and tools to assess non-sampling errors in statistical products are widely described.
Target Audience: Staff of national statistical institutes involved in statistical production processes and in quality management.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The course will enhance participants' methodological and technical knowledge of Quality reporting in the European Statistical System (ESS). Participants will understand and have practical experience on how to prepare detailed quality reports for the different types of statistical processes according to the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS) V.2.0 and its derived structures ESMS (Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure) and ESQRS (ESS Standard for Quality Report Structure), including how to calculate ESS Quality and Performance indicators. The ESS Metadata Handler, the web application used by Eurostat to collect metadata and quality report from National Statistical Institutes and Other National Authorities producing European statistics, will be presented.
Target Audience: Staff of National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) and Other National Authorities (ONAs) producing Official Statistics directly involved in the compilation of quality reports or working in quality management and/or quality reporting coordination units.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 24 Feb 2022 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Objectives: * To raise general awareness about the peer reviews in the ESS; * To make staff familiar with the methodology for peer reviews; * To harmonise the way peer reviews are implemented in the EU MS and EFTA countries.
Target Audience: Staff in the EU/EFTA MS NSIs/ONAs involved in the implementation of the 3rd round of ESS peer reviews in their country. Please note: All ESTP Courses are exclusively available to staff members of a European Statistical System (ESS) institution.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 May 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Objectives: * To raise general awareness about the peer reviews in the ESS; * To make staff familiar with the methodology for peer reviews; * To harmonise the way peer reviews are implemented in the EU MS and EFTA countries.
Target Audience: Staff in the EU/EFTA MS NSIs/ONAs involved in the implementation of the 3rd round of ESS peer reviews in their country. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 29 Jun 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: To provide participants with theory and practice of quality management, process and product quality. To this purpose, a brief overview of the ESS quality framework, the quality dimensions and quality management models is given. Then, the focus of the course shifts on process and product quality measurement for statistics based both on traditional surveys and on multiple sources, including administrative data. The statistical process is described and tools for preventing and reducing the errors are presented and discussed. Methods and tools to assess non-sampling errors in statistical products are widely described.
Target Audience: Staff of national statistical institutes involved in statistical production processes and in quality management. Please note: All ESTP Courses are exclusively available to staff members of a European Statistical System (ESS) institution.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 May 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Make the participants aware of what is involved in the acquisition of PHD for use in official statistics, including the European legal and policy background and what is needed for developing partnerships. The course should enable the participants to apply the acquired knowledge in roles such as developing policies concerning the acquisition and use of PHD and developing partnerships.
Target Audience: Staff from NSIs who are involved or wish to become involved in the acquisition of privately held data (PHD) as a source for official statistics. This engagement may come in different shapes, such as involvement at a legal or policy level, in negotiations with holders of PHD or stakeholders engagement. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: The Second United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Conducting Population and Housing Censuses and on Census Data Quality Concerns is organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) with the aim of continuing the monitoring of challenges in conducting population and housing censuses during the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss alternative solutions in designing census operations conducted during the pandemic as well as address data quality and comparability issues resulting from pandemic protocols and recent changes in the design of census operations. The meeting will address the following four main topics: i) potential adjustments in census questionnaires to improve the relevance and quality of census data; ii) innovative approaches in designing census operations for reducing the adverse impact of the pandemic; iii) assessment of the quality of population and housing censuses concerning the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on process quality and output quality; and, iv) effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on data analysis and comparability overtime. The meeting will bring together census experts from NSOs, census agencies, international and regional organizations to explore challenges, good practices and lessons learned in conducting censuses during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 May 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The course will enhance participants' methodological and technical knowledge of Quality reporting in the European Statistical System (ESS). Participants will understand and have practical experience on how to prepare detailed quality reports for the different types of statistical processes according to the Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS) V.2.0 and its derived structures ESMS (Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure) and ESQRS (ESS Standard for Quality Report Structure), including how to calculate ESS Quality and Performance indicators. The ESS Metadata Handler, the web application used by Eurostat to collect metadata and quality report from National Statistical Institutes and Other National Authorities producing European statistics, will be presented.
Target Audience: Staff of National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) and Other National Authorities (ONAs) producing Official Statistics directly involved in the compilation of quality reports or working in quality management and/or quality reporting coordination units. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 May 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The main objective of this course is to provide participants of theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of all aspects of data collection by fields interviews from preparatory steps for the fieldwork to the processes after the data retrieval in order to maximise the quality of data in compliance with the European requirements, guidelines and best practices.
Target Audience: Statistical units responsible for field work in the NSIs and field survey methodologists of NSIs. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 21 Dec 2020 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Participants will understand different quality concepts, European Statistical System (ESS) quality criteria, the European Statistics Code of Practice and its Common Quality Framework and know how to apply methods to measure quality concepts.
Target Audience: Employees of national statistical agencies involved in quality management, measurement and reporting. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: During this course we will give an overview of various typical situations that can arise when producing statistics based on multiple data sources for which one wants to measure the quality of the output. The course will provide the participants with knowledge of specific quality measures, their calculation methods and when and how to apply them, and hands on experiences of the quality measures. We will also discuss examples from the participants’ experience with the production of multisource statistics and the quality measurement of these statistics. After the course participants will be able to identify several practical situations where the quality of multisource statistics can be measured, and will be able to apply appropriate quality measures and methods to calculate these measures. Topics covered during the course are: * General introduction on (quality of) multisource statistics; * Bootstrapping; * Using latent class modelling for correcting for measure error; * Capture-recapture methodology to correct for under-coverage; * Macro-integration techniques; * Case studies based on input from the participants.
Target Audience: The course is mainly targeted on statisticians working at institutes that produce statistical information, such as National Statistical Institutes.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: World Bank (Data extracted on: 29 Sep 2021 )
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Organizer(s): World Bank
Description: With rapid changes in the production and consumption of data, there is an urgent need for national statistical systems to transform and strengthen their capacity. To assess the performance of such systems, the World Bank has developed the Statistical Performance Indicators (SPI). By helping countries identify the strengths and weaknesses of their statistical systems, the SPI can guide decisions about investment priorities and help identify peer countries from which they might learn. The SPI includes a forward-looking framework to track progress in national statistical capacity and will replace the Statistical Capacity Indicators (SCI) that the World Bank has regularly published since 2004.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 21 Dec 2020 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: The goal of the course is to make participants familiar with standards and guidelines relevant for frames in social statistics, in particular the ESS Quality Guidelines on Frames for Social Statistics (QGFSS). This concerns: * Constructing and maintaining frames; * Using frames; * Assessing and evaluating the quality of frames.
Target Audience: Staff concerned with the construction, maintenance and/or use of frames in social statistics. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: Topics considered at the workshp are 1. Recording of COVID related fiscal transactions, 2. Treatment of transactions related to natural resources, 3. Recording of transactions related to social security funds, 4. Review progress on transition to accrual accounting; and 5. Assess status of implementation of recommendations of previous GFS regional workshops.
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) organized the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Conducting Population and Housing Censuses and on Census Data Quality Concerns, took place online from 9 to 12 February 2021. The Expert Group Meeting had extensive discussions on major changes in the design of census activities in response to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and challenges in producing timely, accurate and reliable small area statistics during the pandemic. The meeting also addressed data quality issues caused by the pandemic protocols and recent changes in the design of census operation and discussed potential challenges in comparing the results of censuses conducted during the pandemic with the results of previous censuses.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 17 Nov 2020 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: The course aims at enhancing participants' theoretical and practical knowledge of Quality reporting. Using the "ESS Handbook for Quality Reports (2014 edition)" as a reference, participants will develop understanding and will become acquainted with the practices of how to prepare detailed ESS quality reports for the different types of statistical processes. In addition, they will develop knowledge of and will receive an insight into the standard reporting structures (Single Integrated Metadata Structure and its ESMS and ESQRS components) and their metadata environment ESS Metadata Handler.
Target Audience: Staff of National Statistical Institutes (including newcomers) involved in the statistical production process who want to acquire in-depth understanding of Quality reporting. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: Purpose Celebrate World Statistics Day by recognizing the strength of the regional community of statisticians using the Regional Programme for Economic Statistics as an example. Agenda Open Stats Café: Ms. Rikke Munk Hansen Celebratory message: Ms. Gemma Van Halderen How regional support for statistics is impacting on development in Bhutan: observations from the United Nations Country Representative: Mr. Gerald Daly Reactions from the audience / importance of trust and connections How new price indices in Bhutan have increased trust: Mr. Penjor Gyeltshen Connections between countries: Replicating Bhutan’s approach in Laos PDR: Ms. Salika Chanthalavong Discussant (reflections on how regional and national connections help to build trust): Mr. Chris Pike Open discussion, Closing remarks: Mr. Gerald Daly and Ms. Gemma Van Halderen --------------------- >> See others Asia-Pacific Stats Café series
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 25 Nov 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Sogeti
Description: Participants will understand different quality concepts, European Statistical System (ESS) quality criteria, the European Statistics Code of Practice and its Common Quality Framework, and know how to apply methods to measure quality concepts.
Target Audience: Employees of national statistical agencies involved in quality management, measurement and reporting. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: تهدف الورشة إلى صقل مهارة المتدرب في تطبيق الأساليب الإحصائية المعتمدة في الجودة من خلال شرح الجانب النظري، وتنفيذ الحالات العملية، وتدعيم القدرة على تحقيق متطلبات الجودة في العمل الاحصائي فيما يخص القياس والتحليل والتحسين المستمر للعمليات والنظام، والتعرف على التوجهات المرشدة للأساليب الإحصائية في ضبط ومراقبة عمليات ضبط الجودة. بالإضافة إلى عرض المنهجيات الخاصة بجودة العمل الإحصائي في الأجهزة الحكومية.