Description: This event is held within the framework of the Fifth United Nations World Data Forum, which will take place in Medellín, Colombia, from November 12 to 15, 2024.
Organizer(s): FAO DANE Colombia UNSD HLG-PCCB UNWDF PC AI Generated
Description: The United Nations World Data Forum 2024 opened from 12 to 15 November in Medellín, Colombia, to spur data innovation, nurture partnerships, mobilize high-level political and financial support for data, and build a pathway to better data for sustainable development.
Organizer(s): UNSD DANE Colombia Ruta N ColombiaCity of Medellin Colombia AWS Esri GPSDD UN MGCY ECLAC Openmined GeoVille
Description: Hosted in Medellín, Colombia by Ruta N and DANE and organized by the United Nations and partners in conjunction with the World Data Forum, UN Datathon 2024 will challenge participants to localize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the city level, with a focus on Medellín, Colombia. The event centers on urban sustainable development, addressing three critical themes: Sustainable Tourism, Urban Waste Management, and Circular Economy. Teams will develop innovative, data-driven solutions that strike a balance between economic growth, environmental preservation, and community well-being. The Datathon aims to showcase how localizing SDGs can foster resilient, inclusive cities and demonstrate how Medellín’s strategies can serve as blueprints for sustainable urban development globally.
Description: The workshop will train participants from national statistical offices on quality assurance and its implementation throughout the national statistical system. It will also support the development of additional guidelines on quality assurance. Specifically, the workshop will provide an overview of the contents of the Manual, the United Nations National Quality Assurance Framework, the Code of Good Practice in Statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean, and ECLAC’s Guide for the implementation of a quality assurance framework for statistical processes and outputs. It will review and discuss the implementation of quality assurance in participating countries. A special focus will be on quality assurance when administrative and other data sources (such as big data or citizen generated data) are used for producing official statistics. Other topics will include quality culture and data stewardship. The sharing of experiences will be a central element of this workshop and support the development of additional guidance on some of the above-mentioned topics.
Title in Spanish: Infraestructura Colombiana de Datos Espaciales (ICDE): Ecosistema geoespacial sostenible
Organizer(s): ECLAC DANE Colombia
Description: En una visión del futuro de un “ecosistema geoespacial”, prácticamente todos los miembros de la comunidad mundial interactúan entre sí de forma ubicua, directa o indirectamente, aprovechando información de calidad basada en la localización que permita la realización de análisis geográficos.
Title in Spanish: Taller técnico del Proyecto Sistema Registros Estadísticos para la explotación de datos administrativos en los institutos nacionales de estadística (INE) de Bolivia, Chile, Colombia y Perú
Organizer(s): ECLAC DANE Colombia INE Bolivia INE Chile INEI Peru
Description: La agenda prevista para este taller aborda en primer lugar la socialización de los resultados obtenidos de la consultoría para la construcción metodológica de cada indicador de los ODS priorizado por los INE.