Description: This two-week course, conducted by the Statistics Department, familiarizes participants with the sources and methods to develop macroeconomic relevant climate change-related indicators that can inform economic and financial policies. The participants gain an understanding of a) environmental accounting concepts; b) how to assess global/open-source datasets that can be used for the compilation; and c) the different approaches and methodologies used to estimate the indicators. The course consists of a series of lectures, workshops, and plenary discussions on country practices describing the methods for compiling environmental and climate change statistics, including data sources. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss compilation challenges they have encountered and gain insights into the analytical uses of the environmental and climate change statistics. The statistics covered include Environmental revenues and expenditures, Natural Resource Accounts, Physical and Transition risk indicators, Air Emission Accounts and Sustainable Finance indicators.
Target Audience: Officials from National Statistics Agencies, Ministries of Finance, Planning and Environment, Central Banks and other agencies, who are responsible for compiling environment and/or climate change related indicators.
Title in Spanish: Taller para la generación de indicadores de cambio climático en República Dominicana
Organizer(s): ECLAC ONE Dominican Republic AI Generated
Description: La ONE impulsa el fortalecimiento de estadísticas ambientales y de cambio climático a nivel nacional, colaborando con el SEN para superar los desafíos de la información multidisciplinaria necesaria para monitorear el impacto del cambio climático.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Its impacts on well-being are far reachingincluding impacts on health and the economy. Humans have contributed to climate change largely through economic activities which are intrinsically linked to climate change. Our supply and use of energy for example has led to increased emissions of greenhouse gases which have resulted in global warming. A better understanding of the relationship between the economy and climate change through the compilation of relevant indicators is key to mitigating and adapting to climate change.This course will focus on climate change indicators that can be compiled from environmental economic accounts. After a brief overview of climate change andrelevant polices and multilateral agreementsparticipants will learn how to compile various indicators that inform climate change. The focus of the course is on better understanding the relationship between climate change and economic activity. And the statistical framework that provides the conceptsdefinitionsand methodology for measuring this relationship is the System of Environmental Economic Accounting. Participants will learn about physical supply and use tables for energy and air emissionsand indicators that can be compiled from these accounts. Other topics to be discussed include transaction accounts which can be used to derived expenditure type indicators such those on taxes on energy and pollution. Further details on course content follow below.
Description: Addressing climate change, biodiversity loss and other related issues requires high quality and consistent data on the environment-economy nexus. The System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) provides the agreed upon statistical framework for measuring the relationship between the environment and the economy. There is a need to strengthen the capacities of NSOs to produce and disseminate SEEA accounts to better meet the needs of users for high quality integrated data on climate change, biodiversity and the economy. In the Central Asia region, national statistical offices (NSOs) have expressed strong interest to compiling various SEEA accounts, including taking steps towards compiling energy and air emission accounts which are among the most relevant accounts for informing climate change. Ecosystem accounts inform biodiversity as well as climate change related issues. With the recent adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), demand by users for ecosystem accounts will increase as the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting is the methodological base for several headline indicators of the GBF. The workshop, organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP), with the support of the Office of the Director-General for Policy Planning on Statistical Policy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Government of Japan, and in collaboration with the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic aims to further build capacities in the Central Asia region for the compilation of SEEA accounts relevant to climate change and biodiversity.
Description: This three-day course, conducted by the Statistics Department familiarizes participants with key climate change related indicators that can be developed to better inform economic and financial policies. The statistics covered include Environmental revenues and expenditures, Natural Resource Accounts, Physical and Transition risk indicators, Air Emission Accounts and indicators of Sustainable Finance. The course consists of a series of lectures giving overview of methods for compiling climate change-related indicators, and insights into the analytical uses of the climate change-related indicators.
Target Audience: Officials from National Statistics Agencies, Ministries of Finance, Planning and Environment, Central Banks, and other agencies, who are responsible for compiling and/or using environment or climate change related indicators.
Description: Concept note Unpacking gender dimensions within climate-related concerns, policies and programmes is important to enhance social, economic, and environmental outcomes. In particular, exploring the gender and climate change nexus is key to reducing the differentiated impacts of disasters and climate change on women and men, promoting the empowerment and opportunities of women and men in all their diversities, enhancing their access to environmental decision-making, and ensuring a just transition. Data plays a critical role in uncovering gender-climate change nexus issues, informing actions, and supporting the monitoring of policy implementation and outcomes. The statistical community at various levels has been advancing statistical guidance and tools in the areas of gender, climate change, and the intertwining between the two. They include, for instance, the Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators, the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting and Climate change, the Disaster-related Statistics Framework, the Asia-Pacific Gender-Environment Indicators and the Model Questionnaire on Gender and Environment. Understanding particular circumstances, needs, and priorities of countries is essential for policy-relevant applications of these tools and guidance in addressing national gender-climate change concerns. To this end, ESCAP and UN Women are partnering to support the Government of Indonesia in the production and use of selected priority statistics and indicators that may help understand the gender-climate change nexus and inform related policies based on national needs. In particular, this support will include: (1) A facilitated national multistakeholder consultation to identify key information needs and priority areas for measurement; (2) Technical support for the production of selected indicators of national policy interest using available data; and (3) Assistance for the preparation of a short data brief for policy advocacy/use and way forward. Within the context of pursuing step (1) above, UN Women and ESCAP are looking to organize a national consultation with key stakeholders in Indonesia. In particular, the national consultation, scheduled to take place on July 30th and July 31st, will bring together representatives from BPS-Statistics Indonesia and representatives from key Ministries or Civil Society Organizations engaging in climate-related work. Concept note and Agenda , National consultation: Harnessing the Power of Data to Inform a Gender-Climate Change Nexus: Fiji Indonesia Philippines
Description: The region faces droughts and floods, affecting food security and the economy. Environmental statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean require inter-institutional collaboration. They are crucial for the 2030 Agenda, but insufficient. This seminar seeks to improve the resilience of statistical systems with innovative data and modern technologies, reviewing advances and challenges in climate change statistics.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP SPC
Description: Climate change is one of the most pressing issues in the Pacific region. Many countries are already experiencing intensifying threats such as rising sea levelsincreasing ocean acidificationand escalating extreme weather eventsprofoundly impacting the region's economysocietyand environment. There is a need to address the well-being of people through good evidence-based policy. Reliable statistics and indicators on the impact of climate change are vital to enable evidence-based policydecision-makingplanning and investment. Importantlythese statistics and indicators must be able to speak to the range of economicsocial and environmental impacts of climate change in a timely manner. This workshop aims to support capacity building and knowledge sharing across this topic in the region.
Organizer(s): UNSD BC3 INE Spain Gobierno Vasco Spain Ministry of External Affairs, EU and Cooperation Spain Instituto Vasco de Estadística Spain Excelencia María de Maeztu Spain
Description: As the world grapples with numerous global challenges, including environmental issues, climate change, health crises, food insecurity, economic recovery, and human displacement, the need for knowledge integration has never been more critical. Amid a data landscape with fast-increasing volumes of data, information remains compartmentalised to pre-defined scales and fields, rarely building its way up to collective knowledge. The statistical community, the data science community, the geospatial community and the modelling community are tasked with delivering this integrated knowledge, to shed light on the ongoing “wicked problems”—intertwined, multistakeholder and with potential solutions dependent on subjective, competing interests. The purpose of the conference is to address and share knowledge on these emerging issues that require the timely and flexible production of integrated scientific, statistical and geospatial information. This involves collaboration with strategic partners from the public and private sectors, as well as from academic and research institutes, and needs a paradigm shift that will favour open synthesis to contribute and reuse knowledge and apply it toward decision making. The conference will consist of a ministerial opening, high-level panels, technical sessions as well as a several workshops. The overall theme of the conference is “Informing Climate Change and Sustainable Development policies with integrated data”.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP SPC
Description: Climate change is one of the most pressing issues in the Pacific region. Many countries are already experiencing intensifying threats such as rising sea levelsincreasing ocean acidificationand escalating extreme weather eventsprofoundly impacting the region's economysocietyand environment. There is a need to address the well-being of people through good evidence-based policy. Reliable statistics and indicators on the impact of climate change are vital to enable evidence-based policydecision-makingplanning and investment. Importantlythese statistics and indicators must be able to speak to the range of economicsocial and environmental impacts of climate change in a timely manner. This workshop aims to support capacity building and knowledge sharing across this topic in the region.
Organizer(s): BIS Bank of France Deutsche Bundesbank Germany
Description: The workshop on "Addressing climate change data needs: the global debate and central banks’ contribution" will be hosted by the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye, with the support of the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics (IFC), the Bank of France and Deutsche Bundesbank. The event is scheduled to take place in İzmir, Türkiye, from Monday 6 May to Tuesday 7 May 2024. For those unable to attend in person, we also offer the option of virtual participation. We aspire to convene experts from the public and private sector, as well as academia, to facilitate an insightful discussion on the challenges and prospective solutions that can enhance climate resilience strategies, especially through bridging data gaps. The imperative to improve climate risk data (and data on all ESG policies more generally) is now a universally acknowledged priority. While the workshop will be centred on initiatives by central banks to improve their policy-making and climate risk data frameworks, we intend to illuminate a broader spectrum of data-related challenges and potential remedies, considering the perspectives and inputs of all stakeholders involved. Specifically, we explore how ongoing and future initiatives, both at the national and international levels, can contribute towards identifying and closing data gaps for key policy areas. These include, but are not limited to, measuring the climate impact of economic activities, the volume of climate finance and government expenditure to mitigate climate change as well as developing forward-looking physical and transition risk indicators. The workshop is meant to contribute to the global debate on the subject matter and will particularly emphasise forward-looking physical and transition risk indicators.
Description: The event "New challenges for national statistical offices for environment and climate change statistics: Role of the SEEA" is organized as a side event of the 55th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) will tentatively be held on Tuesday , 27 February 2023, from 13:15 to 13:30 in New York. This side event will review new and emerging demands for environmental and economic information that are being faced at global, regional and national levels. It will identify ways that the statistical community can address these demands through existing SEEA frameworks, as well as identify areas which could be addressed through an update of the SEEA Central Framework (CF) in order to make the SEEA CF more responsive to the new demands.
Description: This in-person, two-week course, conducted by the IMF Statistics Department, will familiarize participants with the sources and methods to develop macroeconomic relevant climate change-related indicators that can inform economic and financial policies. The participants gain an understanding of a) environmental accounting concepts; b) how to assess global/open-source datasets that can be used for the compilation; and c) the different approaches and methodologies used to estimate the indicators. The course consists of a series of lectures, workshops, and plenary discussions on country practices describing the methods for compiling environmental and climate change statistics, including data sources. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss compilation challenges they have encountered and gain insights into the analytical uses of the environmental and climate change statistics. The statistics covered include Environmental revenues and expenditures, Natural Resource Accounts, Physical and Transition risk indicators, Air Emission Accounts and Sustainable Finance indicators.
Target Audience: Officials from National Statistics Agencies, Ministries of Finance, Planning and Environment, Central Banks and other agencies, who are responsible for compiling environment and/or climate change related indicators.
Description: This side event on “Integrating Natural Capital Accounting and Climate Change” was organized by the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) during the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 in Dubai. The event was moderated by the Scientific Director of BC3 and included interventions by representatives from the IMF and the World Bank, who emphasized the importance of using the harmonized methodology of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in support of informing climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies and the role of capacity building to support countries to develop the necessary information. The event was opened with a message by the UNSD Director, who underlined the strengths of the SEEA in linking environmental and economic information to support decision-making in a statistical framework endorsed by the international statistical community through the UN Statistical Commission. Tools such as ARIES for SEEA, developed by BC3 in collaboration with UNSD, can facilitate the implementation of the SEEA in countries by providing easily accessible data and models that are consistent with SEEA. More information on the side event is available here
Title in French: Rôle des Instituts Nationaux de la Statistique dans l’écosystème de production des statistiques environnementales et du changement climatique
Description: This five-day virtual course, conducted by the IMF Statistics Department as three-hour daily sessions, will familiarize participants with key climate change related indicators that can be developed to better inform economic and financial policies. The statistics covered include Environmental revenues and expenditures, Natural Resource Accounts, Physical and Transition risk indicators, Air Emission Accounts and indicators of Sustainable Finance. The course consists of a series of lectures giving overview of methods for compiling climate change-related indicators, and insights into the analytical uses of the climate change-related indicators.
Description: The Africa Natural Capital Accounting Policy Forum on Using Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) And Analysis to Inform Policies for Development, Climate Change and Nature Protection aims to provide participants with a platform to discuss the use of natural capital approaches, including natural capital accounting (NCA), in particular the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA), and the challenges and opportunities in using natural capital data, tools and analysis to inform and support policies in African countries. The Forum will foster dialogue and sharing of experiences on using NCA and related data and analysis to address policy issues like climate change, biodiversity, and nature protection. Both the latest Climate and Biodiversity Conferences of the Parties (COP 27 and COP15) called for addressing climate change and nature protection simultaneously, as they are closely intertwined. The 2023 Africa NCA Policy Forum will hence focus on how NCA and related approaches can inform the climate change, nature, and development nexus in Africa. The Forum is expected to attract policy makers, statisticians, academics, regional and international experts, as well as private sector entities from countries and organizations across Africa. It will be an in-person event with selected sessions livestreamed.
Description: Climate change is one of the most pressing policy issues for many African countries given its wide-ranging impacts on well-being. High quality, consistent data on the environment-economy nexus is needed to inform effective pathways for addressing climate change and related issues. Many national statistical offices (NSOs) of countries in the region have responded to this need by compiling various SEEA accounts, including taking steps towards compiling energy and air emission accounts which are among the most relevant accounts for informing climate change. However, there is still a need to strengthen the capacities of NSOs to produce and disseminate SEEA accounts, in particular energy, air emission and carbon accounts, to better meet the needs of users for high quality integrated data on climate change and the economy. Hence, this regional training workshop will aim to further build capacities in the region for the compilation of SEEA accounts relevant to climate change. The 2-day workshop will take place in Nairobi, Kenya at the Radisson Blu Hotel. During the workshop, participants will discuss technical issues related to the compilation of energy, air emission and carbon accounts and engage in practical exercises on how to compile these accounts This workshop will be held in advance to the Africa Natural Capital Policy Forum.
Description: UNSD and ESCWA organized a virtual meeting to initiate a collaboration with MEDSTAT V which is one of the programmes on Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation. The programme is funded by the European Union, addressing nine Mediterranean countries with duration 2022-2025. The purpose of MEDSTAT V is to improve the development, production and dissemination of reliable and comparable statistical data in the Southern Neighbourhood countries as well as to strengthen the institutional capacity of the partner countries’ National Statistical Institutes and other producers of official statistics. It covers six thematic areas: 1. Business registers and statistics, circular economy, informal economy; 2. Trade and international investment; 3. Inclusiveness: Gender and Labour statistics; 4. Migration surveys and statistics; 5. Energy, transport and sustainable development; 6. Climate action and biodiversity. The programme has already used several of the UN statistical frameworks, including the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES 2013). Key issues and challenges were discussed, in particular for meeting the needs for climate change information and statistics, for which the Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators will be disseminated among the nine countries and further implementation support will be offered.
Description: Institutionalizing sound evidence-based sustainable development policies in the Caribbean requires quality, timely, and accessible climate change and disasters indicators that are harmonized and comparable across countries.
Description: The Global Webinar on Strengthening Climate Change and Disaster-Related Statistics: Needs, Priorities, and Action is part of a series of online webinars being held under the 14th tranche of the United Nations Development Account (DA14) Project “Resilient and agile National Statistical Systems to meet post-COVID-19 data needs to recover better”. The DA14 Project aims to help enhance the resilience and agility of the national statistical systems (NSS) of the 50 beneficiary countries to respond to emerging economic, social and environmental data needs in times of crises and disasters, through the use of innovative data sources, advanced data acquisition methods and modern technologies, while ensuring a path towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This webinar is organized under Workstream 2.1 of the DA14 project, which aims to strengthen national capacities, and increase the availability and policy use of statistics and indicators on climate change and disaster-related statistics. The Workstream is co-facilitated by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). The objectives of this webinar are to: Enhance awareness and understanding in the beneficiary countries of relevant international statistical frameworks and guidelines on climate change and disaster-related statistics; Share experiences, including good practices as well as technical and institutional challenges, on the production and use of climate change and disaster-related statistics between beneficiary countries; Discuss national priorities and plans for improving climate change and disaster-related statistics, and, Share and discuss how countries may further engage in the project. Before and after the webinar, each participant will be invited to complete a short survey on their level of awareness and knowledge relating to climate change and disaster-related statistics.
Source: World Bank (Data extracted on: 03 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): World Bank
Description: Human activity has caused precipitous increases in greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions, resulting in a one degree warming of average global surface temperatures over the past century. As the planet responds to rising emissions, extreme weather events are expected to become more frequent, distressing both natural and human systems. Researchers and practitioners need innovative analytical tools and data sources to understand how to mitigate the risks and impact of climate change on welfare. COP27 ended with a compromise to create a fund sourced from developed countries to remedy climate change damages in low income and fragile contexts. This adds to the panoply of climate funds and financial tools geared toward broader action on climate change and the commitment of all development institutions to align their financing with the Paris Agreement. To make sure these investments maximize well-being and protect those who are most at risk, we need to assess not only what the damages would be and who would be most vulnerable, but also what mitigation and resilience strategies are most effective. To this end, the World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) department and Data Analytics and Tools (DECAT) unit, the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), and the University of Chicago’s Development Innovation Lab (DIL) will host the ninth annual Measuring Development Conference (MeasureDev). The Mitigating the Risks and Impacts of Climate Change conference will convene researchers at the frontiers of physical and social sciences and decision-makers who influence humanity’s responses to the challenges of climate change. It will showcase innovative data sources and analytical techniques to better monitor emissions and appraise efforts to mitigate their consequences. MeasureDev will feature a series of presentations, panel discussions, and lightning talks on novel applications of mobile data, satellite imagery, remote sensing technologies, and the computational approaches to make sense of the data to provide more granular, frequent, and accurate insights regarding our changing climate and actions to respond. Participants will learn about the frontiers of measurement using these approaches and gain perspectives from leading academic and industry pioneers. Researchers, graduate students, practitioners, policymakers, and industry partners are all welcome to submit to our call for speakers using this form.
Description: The Global Webinar on Strengthening Climate Change and Disaster-Related Statistics: Needs, Priorities, and Action is part of a series of online webinars being held under the 14th tranche of the United Nations Development Account (DA14) Project “Resilient and agile National Statistical Systems to meet post-COVID-19 data needs to recover better”. The DA14 Project aims to help enhance the resilience and agility of the national statistical systems (NSS) of the 50 beneficiary countries to respond to emerging economic, social and environmental data needs in times of crises and disasters, through the use of innovative data sources, advanced data acquisition methods and modern technologies, while ensuring a path towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This webinar is organized under Workstream 2.1 of the DA14 project, which aims to strengthen national capacities, and increase the availability and policy use of statistics and indicators on climate change and disaster-related statistics. The Workstream is co-facilitated by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). The objectives of this webinar are to: Enhance awareness and understanding in the beneficiary countries of relevant international statistical frameworks and guidelines on climate change and disaster-related statistics; Share experiences, including good practices as well as technical and institutional challenges, on the production and use of climate change and disaster-related statistics between beneficiary countries; Discuss national priorities and plans for improving climate change and disaster-related statistics, and, Share and discuss how countries may further engage in the project. Before and after the webinar, each participant will be invited to complete a short survey on their level of awareness and knowledge relating to climate change and disaster-related statistics.
Description: In the Asia-Pacific region, climate change is one of the most pressing policy issues given its wide-ranging impacts on well-being. High quality, consistent data on the environment-economy nexus is needed to inform effective pathways for addressing climate change and related issues. National statistical offices (NSOs) of countries in the region have responded to this need by compiling various environmental accounts in compliance with the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) , including taking steps towards compiling energy and air emission accounts which are among the most relevant accounts for informing climate change. However, there is a need to strengthen the capacities of NSOs to produce and disseminate SEEA accounts, in particular energy, air emission and carbon accounts, to better meet the needs of users for high quality integrated data on climate change and the economy. The workshop, organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UNSIAP), with the support of the Office of the Director-General for Policy Planning on Statistical Policy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Government of Japan, aims to further build capacities in the region for the compilation of SEEA accounts relevant to climate change. The workshop will take place at the headquarters of the UNSIAP in Chiba, Japan.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 13 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course introduces concepts relevant to compiling indicators that inform climate change. The topics covered include among othersclimate change policies and indicators; energy and air emission accounts; and data sources. Weekly webinars will also be held as part of the course to provide an overview of the topics and allow participants to ask questions. Following the completion of the course and depending on resource availabilityin-kind support will be provided to countries interested in the compilation of climate change indicators that will be introduced and discussed during the course.
Description: The Statistics Division and the Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in collaboration with United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission, have been working together over the past year and a half at the country level to strengthen institutional and statistical capacities of selected Caribbean countries to better produce, disseminate and use environment, climate change and disaster indicators. Work at the country level has helped in identifying coordination and data sharing as the most critical areas where exchange of knowledge and experiences and peer learning at the regional level bring the most value for countries. Therefore, as part of the Development Account 12th Tranche (DA12) project on Caribbean SIDS relevant climate change and disasters indicators for evidence-based policies, a regional workshop is being organized to facilitate exchange of ideas and peer learning among project beneficiary and non-beneficiary countries.
Description: The virtual workshop will consist of sixteen sessions held over four days, including presentations and knowledge sharing sessions. It will build awareness on the indicators that the Fund uses for surveillance and indicators presented on the Fund's Climate Change Indicator Dashboard. It will also outline the methods of compilation and use of key macro-relevant climate change indicators. The workshop comprises lectures, open discussions, and a concluding panel discussion. Apart from the countries covered by the SARTTAC, namely, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka, the workshop could also be attended by other APD countries.
Description: On 19 July, the "IMF and Climate Change Statistics" webinar provided an overview of the work on Climate Change as part of the IMF Global Policy Agenda, with a focus on the...
Description: Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise an Online Training Course on ‘SDG 13 (Climate Action) Indicators’ for the benefit of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of OIC countries on 14-16 March 2022. Mr. Mohammad Khalaf, Director of Sustainable Development Unit at the Department of Statistics (DoS) of Jordan will conduct the course and cover the following topics: Definition of climate change Causes of climate change and its effect on the planet Definitions and calculations of SDG13 indicators Metadata preparation for SDG13 indicators The course will be conducted through a video conferencing platform by following synchronous learning and instruction approaches designed in line with the virtual training solutions undertaken by SESRIC in order to better serve the Centre’s training activities and keep participants motivated and engaged during this time of global crisis due to COVID-19. For more information on SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit:
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course will focus on climate change indicators that can be compiled from environmental economic accounts. After a brief overview of climate change andrelevant polices and multilateral agreementsparticipants will learn how to compile various indicators that inform climate change. The focus of the course is on better understanding the relationship between climate change and economic activity. And the statistical framework that provides the conceptsdefinitionsand methodology for measuring this relationship is the System of Environmental Economic Accounting. In particularparticipants will learn about physical supply and use tables for energy and air emissionsand indicators that can be compiled from these accounts
Description: Reena Shah (UNSD) and Vlad Trusca (UNFCCC) presented on the new Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators. In 2016, the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) received a mandate from the Statistical Commission to develop a Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators applicable to countries at various stages of development. The Global Set, being developed in close collaboration with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat and the Expert Group on Environment Statistics (EGES), is structured according to the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) and the five areas of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) framework. The draft Global Set was distributed for a global consultation between May and September 2021. Responses and feedback were received from 86 member states and 26 agencies which were summarized and presented to the Eighth Meeting of the Expert Group on Environment Statistics (EGES) in October 2021 for review and discussion. Based on the progress achieved, the EGES recommended that the final Global Set be submitted to the upcoming 53rd session of the Statistical Commission in March 2022 for adoption. This Global Network Webinar covered: the background to the Global Set; the mandate of the Statistical Commission; the foundation, methodology and output of the Global Set; the global consultation and a summary of the results; recent and planned actions of UNSD; and the collaboration between UNSD and UNFCCC to strengthen link between statistics and policy.
Description: This is a side-event of the Eleventh meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, organized by the Statistics Division of ECLAC. Experiences related to indicators produced or developed by countries of the subregion will be presented, as well as progress in the production of a resilience database for the Caribbean subregion.
Description: The 9th Statistical Forum of the International Monetary Fund will take place virtually during November 17–18, 2021. The theme of this year’s Forum is Measuring Climate Change: The Economic and Financial Dimensions. The Forum will build on the IMF Climate Change Indicators Dashboard, developed in close collaboration with other international organizations and launched in April 2021. The Forum is a platform for policymakers, researchers, private sector, regulators, and compilers of economic and financial data to come together to discuss cutting-edge issues in macroeconomic and financial statistics and to build support for statistical improvements. It will take place over two days and the second day will be livestreamed. During the first day, the Forum will feature empirical and conceptual papers on climate-related topics, particularly on measuring how economic activity is damaging the environment, risks to economic and financial stability, effects on the sustainability of growth, and actions and activities to mitigate or adapt to climate change. During the second day, there will be two high-level panel discussions on international efforts to measure climate change in macroeconomic statistics and the role of these statistics in informing decision makers and the public. Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, will deliver the keynote speech. Professor Rockström is globally recognized for his research on planetary boundaries, which was featured in the recent Netflix documentary, Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet. The keynote speech will be followed by a one-on-one discussion with the IMF’s Managing Director, Kristalina Georgieva.
4th AMDN Webinar: Migration Environment and Climate Change in Africa: Using migration data to formulate policy responses
27 May 2021 – 27 May 2021
Source: IOM GMDAC (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2021 )
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Organizer(s): IOM GMDAC
Description: Forced displacement is emerging as the human face of the climate crisis. There is broad global consensus that the impending climate crisis threatens sustainable development and could critically affect people, including through increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events, water scarcity, reduced crop yields, rising sea levels, and health and sanitation problems. In particular, the climate crisis is emerging as a key driver of forced displacement and migration. By 2050, it is estimated that more than 200 million people worldwide could be forced to leave their homes for climate-related reasons. A 2018 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that Africa will experience a rise in average temperatures faster than the global average during the 21st century. Africa, which population is projected to double to 2.5 billion people by 2050, will be profoundly affected by climate-forced mobility as its sheer scale could intensify competition over scarce natural resources and endanger peace, stability and prosperity in fragile situations throughout the continent. This could have serious implications on the evolution of African cities and villages. Accurate data on this type of migration for the entire continent is a prerequisite for assisting current and future climate migrants.
Description: Moderated by Louis Marc Ducharme, IMF's Chief Statistician and Data Officer and STA Director, the panel will discuss how the IMF’s Climate Change Indicators Dashboard can contribute to statistical cooperation on climate change-related data and overcome challenges to integrate climate change into the overall macroeconomic statistics framework.
Description: Compared to other regions of the world, Latin America and the Caribbean has historically made a minor contribution to climate change. Nonetheless, the region is acutely vulnerable to its negative consequences, particularly the small island developing States (SIDS) of the Caribbean that have been continuously impacted by hazardous events, such as tropical storms, floods or landslides.
Description: Organized by Statistics Division and the Caribbean Subregional Headquarte of ECLAC. This is a Side-event of the 52nd session of the United Nations Statistical Commission
e-Learning Course on Compiling Climate Change Indicators: an Accounting Approach
06 Jan 2021 – 12 Feb 2021
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 15 Oct 2021 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course introduces concepts relevant to compiling indicators that inform climate change. The topics covered include among others: climate change policies and indicators; energy and air emission accounts; and, data sources.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: Organizado conjuntamente por la CEPAL, la Secretaría Nacional de Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático, Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente, Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y el Sistema Nacional de Emergencias de Uruguay. Financiado por la Cooperación Alemana.