United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   8th Session (1954)   Documents

Click the links below to browse documents by agenda item.

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/164 and E/CN.3/L.30

    Provisional agenda and annotations

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/170

    Report on review of international statistics

  • E/CN.3/188

    Report on improving the international comparability of statistics on illiteracy and education

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/171

    Report on indexes of quantum and unit value for external trade

  • E/CN.3/172

    Report on external trade: Transaction value

  • E/CN.3/173 and /Add.1, /Add.2, /Add.3 and /Add.3/Corr.1

    Report on external trade statistics

  • E/CN.3/174

    Report on the customs areas of the world

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/175

    Report on index numbers of wholesale prices

  • E/CN.3/L.32

    Report on provisional programme for the preparation of wholesale price indices in the United Kingdom

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/176

    Report on statistics of individual industries

  • E/CN.3/168

    Report on industrial activities of households

  • E/CN.3/169

    Report on statistics of enterprises

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/177

    Report on survey of methods used in the construction of price and quantity indexes

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/178

    Report on social statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/179 and /Add.1 and /Add.2

    Report on international definition and measurement of standards and levels of living

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/180 and /Corr.1 and /Add.1

    Report on international convention relating to economic statistics

  • E/CN.3/181

    Report on annotated list of international standards for statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/182

    Progress report on balance of payments statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/167

    Report on international standard classification of occupations

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/166

    Progress report on national accounts

  • E/CN.3/184

    Report on statistics of income distribution

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/165

    Report on statistics of capital formation

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/185

    Report on population census activities

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/186

    Progress report on vital statistics activities

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/187 and /Add.1

    Report on housing statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/189

    Report on time reference for the presentation of agricultural data

  • E/CN.3/191

    Report on Conference of European Statisticians

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/190

    Report on I.C.C. study on distribution censuses

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/183

    Report on priorities of the Commission programme

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/L.31

    Report on question of the representation of China

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/L.33 and /Adds. 1-13

    Draft report to the Economic and Social Council on the eighth session of the Statistical Commission

  • E/CN.3/SR.102-124

    Summary records of the eighth session

Agenda item 2

Adoption of the agenda

  • E/CN.3/164 and E/CN.3/L.30

    Provisional agenda and annotations

Agenda item 3

General survey of developments in international statistics

  • E/CN.3/170

    Report on review of international statistics

  • E/CN.3/188

    Report on improving the international comparability of statistics on illiteracy and education

Agenda item 4

External trade statistics

  • E/CN.3/171

    Report on indexes of quantum and unit value for external trade

  • E/CN.3/172

    Report on external trade: Transaction value

  • E/CN.3/173 and /Add.1, /Add.2, /Add.3 and /Add.3/Corr.1

    Report on external trade statistics

  • E/CN.3/174

    Report on the customs areas of the world

Agenda item 5

Wholesale price statistics

  • E/CN.3/175

    Report on index numbers of wholesale prices

  • E/CN.3/L.32

    Report on provisional programme for the preparation of wholesale price indices in the United Kingdom

Agenda item 6

Basic industrial statistics

  • E/CN.3/176

    Report on statistics of individual industries

  • E/CN.3/168

    Report on industrial activities of households

  • E/CN.3/169

    Report on statistics of enterprises

Agenda item 7

Survey of methods used in the construction of price and quantity indexes

  • E/CN.3/177

    Report on survey of methods used in the construction of price and quantity indexes

Agenda item 8

Work programme in social statistics

  • E/CN.3/178

    Report on social statistics

Agenda item 9

Report on International Definition and Measurement of Standards of Living

  • E/CN.3/179 and /Add.1 and /Add.2

    Report on international definition and measurement of standards and levels of living

Agenda item 10

International Convention relating to Economic Statistics (1928)

  • E/CN.3/180 and /Corr.1 and /Add.1

    Report on international convention relating to economic statistics

  • E/CN.3/181

    Report on annotated list of international standards for statistics

Agenda item 11(a)

Reports on work in progress: Balance of payments statistics

  • E/CN.3/182

    Progress report on balance of payments statistics

Agenda item 11(b)

Reports on work in progress: Money and banking statistics

Agenda item 11(c)

Reports on work in progress: Classification of occupations

  • E/CN.3/167

    Report on international standard classification of occupations

Agenda item 11(d)

Reports on work in progress: National accounts

  • E/CN.3/166

    Progress report on national accounts

  • E/CN.3/184

    Report on statistics of income distribution

Agenda item 11(e)

Reports on work in progress: Statistics of capital formation

  • E/CN.3/165

    Report on statistics of capital formation

Agenda item 11(f)

Reports on work in progress: Population census activities

  • E/CN.3/185

    Report on population census activities

Agenda item 11(g)

Reports on work in progress: Vital statistics

  • E/CN.3/186

    Progress report on vital statistics activities

Agenda item 11(h)

Reports on work in progress: Housing statistics

  • E/CN.3/187 and /Add.1

    Report on housing statistics

Agenda item 11(i)

Reports on work in progress: Other

  • E/CN.3/189

    Report on time reference for the presentation of agricultural data

  • E/CN.3/191

    Report on Conference of European Statisticians

Agenda item 12

Statistics of distribution

  • E/CN.3/190

    Report on I.C.C. study on distribution censuses

Agenda item 13

Priorities in the Commission's work programme

  • E/CN.3/183

    Report on priorities of the Commission programme

Agenda item 14

Other business

  • E/CN.3/L.31

    Report on question of the representation of China

Agenda item 15

Report of the eighth session to the Economic and Social Council

  • E/CN.3/L.33 and /Adds. 1-13

    Draft report to the Economic and Social Council on the eighth session of the Statistical Commission

  • E/CN.3/SR.102-124

    Summary records of the eighth session

Upcoming session



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