United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   53rd Session (2022)   Side Events

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Concept Note

There is currently no underlying framework linking the reporting requirements arising from the Paris Agreement and the statistics or indicators needed to monitor climate change and support climate policy action. Following the United Nations Statistical Commission's decisions at its 47th and 49th sessions (2016 and 2018, respectively), UNSD developed the Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators (Global Set), in collaboration with UNFCCC and the Expert Group of Environment Statistics to promote the policy and statistics interface. The Global Set thus provides the statistical framework with suitable indicators to serve as guidance for countries to prepare their own sets.

This statistical framework links the reporting requirements stemming from the Paris Agreement and the agreed reporting modalities known as the 'Katowice package' to the indicators necessary to support climate policy action. It is structured in three tiers which follow the internationally accepted frameworks, standards and guidelines with relevance to climate change e.g. IPCC, SDGs, Sendai Framework, FDES, SEEA and UN-ECE core set of climate change-related indicators. This is expected to assist NSOs to efficiently coordinate the collaboration between specialized national agencies and authorities responsible for reporting to UNFCCC.

The Global Set will be reviewed for adoption under Item 3(m) of the provisional agenda of the fifty-third session of the United Nations Statistical Commission. The Report of the Secretary General on Climate Change Statistics (E/CN.3/2022/17) accompanied by two background reports can be consulted here: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom/53rd-session/documents/.

The Side Event will provide an overview of the Global Set and updates from COP26 in Glasgow. National experiences on the contributions to and the application of the Global Set will be shared by several countries.


     (8:00 - 8:05) Welcome words
    Ms. Reena Shah, Chief, Environment Statistics Section, UNSD

     (8:05 - 8:35) Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators
    Ms. Reena Shah, Mr. Emil Ivanov, Mr. Marcus Newbury, Mr. Xuan Che and Ms. Robin Carrington, Environment Statistics Section, UNSD

     (8:35 - 8:45) Policy and statistics: updates from COP26 in Glasgow
    Mr. Vlad Trusca, Team Leader, Transparency Division, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

     (8:45 - 9:30) Country experiences

    Climate change statistics in the United Kingdom
    Mr. Neil Wilson, Team Lead for Environmental Statistics, Office of National Statistics, United Kingdom

    Suriname's experience with the Global Set
    Ms. Anjali Kisoensingh, Scientific Research & Planning Division, General Bureau of Statistics, Suriname

    Implementation of the Global Set
    Mr. Sushil Sharma, Director, Central Bureau of Statistics of Nepal, Nepal

    Climate change statistics in Hungary
    Mr. Pal Boday, Head of Multidomain statistics Department, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Hungary

    Tanzania's experience with the Global Set
    Ms. Ruth Minja, Director for Population Census and Social Statistics Directorate, National Bureau of Statistics, Tanzania

     (9:30 - 10:00) Questions and comments

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