United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   52nd Session (2021)   Side events

The Great Debate: What Will Be the Hottest Agenda Topic at #UN82SC (the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2051)?

A Side Event at the United Nations Statistical Commission

  • Wednesday, 10 March 2021
  • 9:15 - 10:30 AM

Since 1947, the United Nations Statistical Commission has assembled Chief Statisticians from UN member states all over the world to take decision on international statistical activities, set statistical standards, develop concepts and methods, and to implement these at national and international level. That Statistical Commission changes its agenda to meet the relevance of contemporary demand. It has been pivotal in advancing statistics internationally in the fields of economy, society and environment, and taken on a vast multitude of issues all of which statistical measurement is paramount. Years from now, in 2051 at its 82nd session, what will the Statistical Commission be discussing? What will the hottest agenda topic be in 2051 and what may we learn in 2021 by pondering and debating that question? #UN52SC #UN82SC

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