United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   48th Session (2017)   Side Events

TOSSD: A statistical measurement framework for tracking the Means of Implementation to achieve the SDGs

  • Monday, 6 MAR 2017
  • 8:15 - 9:30 am
  • Conference Room A

Meeting organized by OECD

Objectives of the discussion

To advance understanding about the nature and potential future role of the TOSSD measurement framework in global monitoring of SDG implementation, in particular finance supporting the "Means of Implementation" for achieving the SDGs.

Explore collaboration opportunities with UNSC members regarding further work on the TOSSD concept in order to ensure its relevance to SDG monitoring efforts, including as an international statistical standard against which all providers of development co-operation could report.

    Draft Agenda

  1. Welcoming remarks by OECD Director  5 minutes
    Thanks participants for their engagement in the work to develop TOSSD
    Jorge Moreira da Silva, Director, Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD), OECD
  2. Opening remarks by the Chair  5 minutes
    Setting the scene: objectives of the meeting and international context around SDG indicators
    Lisa Grace Bersales, Co-Chair of the IAEG-SDGs and National Statistician, Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), Philippines
  3. Presentation by OECD secretariat  15 minutes
    TOSSD OVERVIEW (ppt): introduction of statistical parameters, relevance for tracking SDG17/MoI, data gaps and proposed way forward
    Suzanne Steensen, Manager, Development finance architecture unit, OECD
  4. Panellist remarks  5 min each or ~25 min total
    Comments and reactions to the presentation and interest to pursue TOSSD as an international statistical standard
    Aboubacar Sedikh Beye, Director General, National Agency of Statistics and Demography (ANSD), Senegal
    Neil Jackson, Chief Statistician, Department for International Development, United Kingdom
    Martine Durand, Chief Statistician and Director, Statistics Directorate, OECD
  5. Questions from the floor  20 minutes
    Time permitting, audience members will be given the occasion to pose questions
  6. Wrap-up by the Chair  5 minutes
    Concluding statement based on outcomes of the discussion

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