United Nations Statistical Commission

47th Session (2016)   Exhibition


This year's exhibition at the Statistical Commission will be dedicated to showcase the many ways in which the second World Statistics Day was celebrated around the globe on 20 October 2015.

The exhibition will be an opportunity for national statistical offices and international and regional organizations to share with delegates and other visitors to the UN Headquarters information and materials they produced to observed World Statistics Day 2015, often in connection with a national or regional statistics day celebration such as African Statistics Day and Caribbean Statistics Day, or to the anniversary celebration of the national statistical office.

Submission guidelines

Organizations from the international and national statistical system are welcome to submit posters, flyers, pictures, advocacy materials (t-shirts, mugs, etc.) related to their celebration of World Statistics Day 2015.

  • The total dimensions of posters or other exhibition materials should preferably not exceed 0.8m wide x 1.5m high (approximately 30 in. x 60 in.)
  • All poster or exhibition materials must include a brief descriptive note (aprox. 100-200 words)

Regular mail:

Member States and international organizations wishing to submit printed posters or other materials must ensure that they are received by UNSD no later than 26 February 2016. Please use the following address:

Statistics Division
Two UN Plaza
New York, NY 10017
United States of America
Attention: Mr. Jaspreet Doung

In person:

Delegates attending the Commission may deliver printed posters or other materials in person directly before the Commission.

Please send an e-mail notification to doung@un.org by 26 February 2016, informing us of the type of materials to be delivered, so we can make the necessary allocation of exhibition space.


It is also possible to submit short videos and power point presentations to be projected on large screens at the exhibition site (however, no sound will be available).

If the file size does NOT exceed 10Mb, electronic submissions should be sent by email to doung@un.org. Otherwise, please use Dropbox, Google drive, or a similar service, as our servers will not accept emails greater than 10Mb in size.

A limited number of posters and other image files submitted electronically may also be printed by UNSD (please contact us by email to the above address for further details).

The deadline for electronic submission is also 26 February 2016, to enable review, selection and printing by UNSD.

Upcoming session



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