Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities

CCSA   CCSA Special Topic Sessions at the ISI World Statistics Congress

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CCSA Special Topic Session at the ISI World Statistics Congress
Statistical Indicators for Monitoring and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

ISI World Statistics Congress 2015
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Rio centro, room 203B, Barra da Tijuca
  • Thursday, 30 July 2015 [10:30 - 12:30]

The CCSA Special Topic Session at the ISI World Statistics Congress was held on 22 August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Papers and presentations for the ISI session: Reference number STS583

Thursday, 22 August 2019

 14:00 – 15:40
Organiser & Chair: Pietro Gennari, Chief Statistician, FAO
Discussant: Gemma Van Halderan, Director, Statistics Division, UNESCAP

Introduction by FAO

Mariana Kotzeva, Director-General, Eurostat
Implementing a geospatial data strategy in the European statistical system
Yakob Mudesir Seid, Senior Statistician, Office of the Chief Statistician, FAO
Cost-effectiveness of remote sensing for agricultural statistics in developing and transition countries
Michael Wild, Senior Statistician, Analytics and Tools Unit of Data Group, World Bank
Addressing the issue of missing or non-ideal sampling frames in household surveys in developing countries through remote sensing data
Daniel Clarke, UNESCAP
Using GIS and Official Statistics to support assessments of risk to sustainable development from environmental degradation