How Covid-19 is changing the world: a statistical perspective - Volume III
(Released 30 March 2021)Throughout the current crisis, the international statistics community has continued to work together, in partnership with national statistical offices and systems around the world to ensure that the best quality data and statistics are available to support decision making during and after the crisis. The third report - compiled jointly by international organizations, under the aegis of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) - gives a flavor of that cooperation. It provides an updated snapshot of some of the latest information available on how COVID-19 is affecting different aspects of public and private life.
For Volume I and II please go here.
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In September 2002, the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) was established in order to continue coordination in the statistical sector, which had been done by the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) Subcommittee on Statistical Activities prior to 2002. The CCSA adopted its terms of reference during its first session on 3 March 2003 in New York. These terms of reference were revised and approved by the twelfth meeting of the CCSA held in Tunis on 11-12 September 2008. The new terms of reference can be viewed and downloaded here.
An annual report on ongoing Committee activities is made available to the United Nations Statistical Commission and if necessary or desirable the report is referred to the High Level Committee on Programmes of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB).
The Committee focuses its work on the following six main activities:
- Efficient functioning of the statistical system
- Common standards and platforms
- Development of methodologies
- Inter-institutional support
- Outreach
- Advocacy for statistics
Members of the Committee comprise international and supranational organizations, whose mandate includes the provision of international official statistics in the context of the Principles Governing International Statistical Activities, and which have a permanent embedded statistical service in their organization and regular contacts with countries.
- Principles Governing International Statistical Activities
- Publications
- Case studies: using non-official sources in international statistics
- Data Revolution for Sustainable Development
- Recommended Practices on the Use of Non-Official Sources in International Statistics
- Microdata dissemination best practices
- Global Inventory of Statistical Standards