Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities

CCSA   CCSA Special Topic Sessions at the ISI World Statistics Congress

Photo Attribution: "Rio de Janeiro" by Elias Rovielo - Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
CCSA Special Topic Session at the ISI World Statistics Congress
Statistical Indicators for Monitoring and Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

ISI World Statistics Congress 2015
  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
    Rio centro, room 203B, Barra da Tijuca
  • Thursday, 30 July 2015 [10:30 - 12:30]

The CCSA Special Topic Session at the ISI World Statistics Congress was held on 30 July 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Programme for the ISI session: Reference number STS037

Thursday, 30 July 2015

 10:30 – 10:40
Welcome address

Welcome remarks by Mr. Werner Bier, Deputy Director General, Directorate General Statistics, European Central Bank, CCSA Co-chair

 10:40 – 10:55
Mr. Ronald Jansen, Chief of the Trade Statistics Branch, United Nations Statistics Division

"Developing an indicator and monitoring framework for the Post-2015 Agenda"

 10:55 – 11:10
Mr. Rafael Diez de Medina, Chief Statistician and Director of the Department of Statistics, International Labour Organization

"Measuring decent work beyond 2015: Adapting concepts in changing patterns of work"

 11:10 – 11:25
Mr. Pietro Gennari, Director of the Statistics Division, FAO and CCSA Co-Chair

"The role of International Organizations in monitoring food security"

 11:25 – 11:40
Mr. Steve MacFeely, Head of Development Statistics and Information, UNCTAD

"The Fundamental Pillars necessary for a Modern National Statistical Service"

 11:40 – 11:55
Mr. Nicolas Fasel, Head of Human Rights Measurement Unit, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

"Measuring the New Sustainable Development Goals: Opportunities and Challenges for Human Rights"

 11:55 – 12:10
Mr. Bruno Tissot, Head of Statistics and Research Support, Monetary and Economic Department, BIS

"Statistical challenges related to financial inclusion"

 12:10 – 12:25
Mr. Michael Herrmann, Manager of Innovation Fund and Adviser on Population and Economics, UNFPA

"Consequential Omission: How demography shapes development - lessions from the MDGs for the SDGs"

 12:25 – 12:30
Questions and answers
Closing remarks