Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities

CCSA   Conferences on Data Quality for International Organizations

Photo Attribution: "Desde la azotea del Círculo de Bellas Artes" by Carmen Voces - Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities
Special Session on Quality of International Statistics:
Statistics Tailored to the International Sustainable Development Goals Agenda
  • "Circulo de Bellas Artes" in Madrid, Spain
    Fernando de Rojas Room
  • Friday, 3 June 2016 [8:30 - 10:00]

The seventh CCSA Conference on Quality in International Statistics was held on 3 June 2016 in Madrid, Spain, during the Q2016 European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Madrid, 31 May - 3 June 2016).

The challenges for international statistics at global, national and local levels

Friday, 3 June 2016

 8:30 – 8:40
Welcome address by the Chair

Peter van de Ven, OECD

 8:40 – 8:52
"Role of IO in defining standards that follow the quality requirements and ensure comparability of data"

Peter Everaers, Eurostat

 8:52 – 9:04
"ICAO quality system for the aviation data collected under the statistics programme"

Jessica Diaz de Leon, ICAO

 9:04 – 9:16
"Enhancing statistical capacities of OIC member countries to achieve SDGs: the role of SESRIC"

Amb. Musa Kulaklikaya and Zehra Zumrut Selcuk, SESRIC

 9:16 – 9:28
"Statistics governance and quality assurance: the experience of FAO"

Stephen Katz, FAO

 9:28 – 9:40
"Quality assurance procedures for estimating purchasing power parities"

Marko Rissanen, World Bank

 9:28 – 10.00
Session summary