International Training on Toponymy "Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage"

19-23 June 2023, Bali, Indonesia  

  • Overview
  • The International Training on Toponymy is one of the goals set out in the UNGEGN Asia South-East (ASE) Division Work Plan 2019-2022 to be achieved during Indonesia's chairmanship. Initially, the training should have been held in conjunction with the 8th Divisional Meeting of the UNGEGN ASE Division in 2020. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the training had to be postponed for safety reasons.

    Indonesia's chairmanship ended in April 2022 during the 10th Divisional Meeting of the UNGEGN ASE Division. However, Indonesia is still committed to convening the International Training on Toponymy in 2023, as discussed with the UNGEGN Secretariat and the UNGEGN Working Group on Training Courses in Toponymy.

    The International Training on Toponymy is open to all UNGEGN member countries, with a limit of up to 75 international participants. The training is co-organized by the Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency (Badan Informasi Geospasial - BIG), the UNGEGN Secretariat, and the UNGEGN Working Group on Training Courses in Toponymy. The training will be held face-to-face in Bali, as it has a rich tangible and intangible cultural heritage that would suit the theme of the training: Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage. As part of the training activities, Indonesia designed a one-day visit to several cultural geographical features, which will offer participants a full immersion into the field collection of geographical names.

  • Trainers
  • Module 1: Peder Gammeltoft (Norway)
  • Module 2: Cecille Blake (USA) and Ade Komara Mulyana (Indonesia)
  • Module 3: Tjeerd Tichelaar (The Netherlands)
  • Module 4: Ni Komang Aniek Purniti (Indonesia)
  • Module 5: Peder Gammeltoft (Norway) and Harry Ferdiansyah (Indonesia)
  • Module 6: Jasper Hogerwerf (The Netherlands).
  • Documents
  • Webinar Evaluation
  • To improve the quality, content and delivery of its awareness raising and capacity building webinars, UNGEGN sought feedback from participants. The following are extracts from the results based on 22 responses.

  • What were your expectations on participating in this webinar?
    • Learning more about developing use of LOD
    • Seeing practical uses of RDF and linked open data.
    • Get basic information on Open Linked Data
    • Get information about Linked Open Data, particularly related to geographical names. I wanted to see some examples of applications of these new concepts, notions, and technologies
    3. Did the webinar meet your expectations as stated above?
    6. Rate your agreement with the following statements
  • How could the webinar be improved?
  • please give longer time on presentation session.
  • that more countries participate
  • More practical examples

  • Are there topics you would like to learn about in future webinars?
  • 1. How to data model LOD
  • 2. AI and geographical names.
  • 3. UNGEGN organization and ToR
  • 4. Legislation on Geographical Names Manual for national standardization of Geographical Names Geographical Names data collection
  • 5. Initiatives to standardize and homogenize geographical name data across countries and boundaries

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