United Nations Statistical Commission

47th Session (2016)   Side Events

Modernisation, New Data and 'Sandbox':
Building the Statistical Modernisation Community

  • Tuesday, 8 MAR 2016
  • 1:15 - 2:30pm
  • Conference Room A (CB)

Meeting organized by UNECE


  1. Opening and introduction Lidia Bratanova, UNECE
  2. Work of the High-Level Group on Modernisation of Official Statistics Pádraig Dalton, Ireland, Chair of the HLG-MOS
  3. Main achievements so far and plans for 2016 Steven Vale, UNECE
  4. National experiences:
    • Mojca Suvorov, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
    • Giorgio Alleva, President, Istat, Italy
  5. Open discussion

For more information about the Statistical Modernisation Community, see: http://www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/smc

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