United Nations Statistical Commission

Overview   21st Session (1981)   Documents

  • Report on the twenty-first session

Click the links below to browse documents by agenda item.

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/535

    Provisional agenda

  • E/CN.3/L.90

    Organization of the work of the session

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/537

    Report of the Secretary-General on the draft international recommendations on the 1983 World Programme of Industrial Statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/538

    Report of the Secretary-General on energy statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/539

    Report of the Secretary-General on shipping statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/540

    Report of the Secretary-General on international trade statistics: concepts and definitions

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/541

    Report of the Secretary-General on future directions for work on the System of National Accounts (SNA)

  • E/CN.3/542

    Report of the Secretary-General on relationship of the revised System of National Accounts (SNA) to the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/543

    Report of the Secretary-General on links between the System of National Accounts (SNA) and the System of Balances of the National Economy (MPS)

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/544

    Report of the Secretary-General on the International Comparison Project (ICP) developments

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/545

    Report of the Secretary-General on the harmonization of economic classifications

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/546

    Report of the Secretary-General on the 1980 World Population and Housing Census Programme

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/547

    Report of the Secretary-General on civil registration and vital statistics

  • E/CN.3/NGO/8

    Statement submitted by the International Institute for Vital Registration and Statistics, a non-governmental organization in category II consultative status

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/548

    Report of the Secretary-General on status on and plans for the improvement of housing and related statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/549

    Report of the Secretary-General on strategy for implementation of recommendations on international migration statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/550

    Report of the Secretary-General on draft guidelines on age-group classifications

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/551

    Report of the Secretary-General on national practices in classifications of size and type of locality and urban/rural areas

  • E/CN.3/551/Corr.1

    Report of the Secretary-General on national practices in classifications of size and type of locality and urban/rural areas - Corrigendum

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/552

    Report of the Secretary-General on role of macro-data and micro-data structures in the integration of demographic, social and economic statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/553

    Report of the Secretary-General on environment statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/554

    Report of the Secretary-General on the review of training of statistical personnel

  • E/CN.3/554/Add.1

    Report of the Secretary-General on the review of training of statistical personnel - Addendum

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/555

    Report of the Secretary-General on statistical data processing

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/556

    Report of the Secretary-General on the National Household Survey Capability Programme

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/557

    Report of the Secretary-General on international technical co-operation in statistics

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/536

    Report of the Working Group on International Statistical Programmes and Co-ordination on eighth session

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/558

    Report of the Secretary-General on the review of achievements in co-ordination in selected areas and international statistical programmes, 1981-1985

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/559

    Report of the Secretary-General on regional conferences of statisticians and similar bodies

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/560

    Report of the Secretary-General on statistical work of the specialized agencies

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/561

    Report of the Secretary-General on the Statistical Office of the United Nations

  • E/CN.3/562

    Note by the Secretariat on the proposed draft work programme of the Statistical Office of the United Nations, 1982-1983, and medium-term plan, 1984-1989

  • E/CN.3/XXI/CRP.1

    Proposed draft work programme of the Statistical Office of the United Nations, 1982-1983

  • E/CN.3/XXI/CRP.2

    Proposed draft medium-term plan of the Statistical Office of the United Nations, 1984-1989

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/563

    Report of the Secretary-General on proposals for the future work of the Statistical Commission and its methods of operation

    Official documents

  • E/CN.3/XXI/CRP.3

    Draft provisional agenda for the twenty-second session of the Commission

Agenda item 2

Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters

  • E/CN.3/535

    Provisional agenda

  • E/CN.3/L.90

    Organization of the work of the session

Agenda item 3(a)

Industrial, energy, transport and international trade statistics: Industrial statistics

  • E/CN.3/537

    Report of the Secretary-General on the draft international recommendations on the 1983 World Programme of Industrial Statistics

Agenda item 3(b)

Industrial, energy, transport and international trade statistics: Energy statistics

  • E/CN.3/538

    Report of the Secretary-General on energy statistics

Agenda item 3(c)

Industrial, energy, transport and international trade statistics: Transport statistics

  • E/CN.3/539

    Report of the Secretary-General on shipping statistics

Agenda item 3(d)

Industrial, energy, transport and international trade statistics: International trade statistics

  • E/CN.3/540

    Report of the Secretary-General on international trade statistics: concepts and definitions

Agenda item 4(a)

National accounts and balances: System of National Accounts (SNA)

  • E/CN.3/541

    Report of the Secretary-General on future directions for work on the System of National Accounts (SNA)

  • E/CN.3/542

    Report of the Secretary-General on relationship of the revised System of National Accounts (SNA) to the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual

Agenda item 4(b)

National accounts and balances: Links between the System of National Accounts (SNA) and the System of Balances of the National Economy (MPS)

  • E/CN.3/543

    Report of the Secretary-General on links between the System of National Accounts (SNA) and the System of Balances of the National Economy (MPS)

Agenda item 5

International Comparison Project (ICP)

  • E/CN.3/544

    Report of the Secretary-General on the International Comparison Project (ICP) developments

Agenda item 6

International economic classifications

  • E/CN.3/545

    Report of the Secretary-General on the harmonization of economic classifications

Agenda item 7(a)

Social and demographic statistics: 1980 World Population and Hounsing Census Programme

  • E/CN.3/546

    Report of the Secretary-General on the 1980 World Population and Housing Census Programme

Agenda item 7(b)

Social and demographic statistics: Civil registration and vital statistics

  • E/CN.3/547

    Report of the Secretary-General on civil registration and vital statistics

  • E/CN.3/NGO/8

    Statement submitted by the International Institute for Vital Registration and Statistics, a non-governmental organization in category II consultative status

Agenda item 7(c)

Social and demographic statistics: Housing and related statistics

  • E/CN.3/548

    Report of the Secretary-General on status on and plans for the improvement of housing and related statistics

Agenda item 7(d)

Social and demographic statistics: International migration statistics

  • E/CN.3/549

    Report of the Secretary-General on strategy for implementation of recommendations on international migration statistics

Agenda item 7(e)

Social and demographic statistics: Classification of age

  • E/CN.3/550

    Report of the Secretary-General on draft guidelines on age-group classifications

Agenda item 7(f)

Social and demographic statistics: Classifications of size and type of locality and urban/rural areas

  • E/CN.3/551

    Report of the Secretary-General on national practices in classifications of size and type of locality and urban/rural areas

  • E/CN.3/551/Corr.1

    Report of the Secretary-General on national practices in classifications of size and type of locality and urban/rural areas - Corrigendum

Agenda item 7(g)

Social and demographic statistics: Links among economic, social and demographic statistics

  • E/CN.3/552

    Report of the Secretary-General on role of macro-data and micro-data structures in the integration of demographic, social and economic statistics

Agenda item 8

Environment statistics

  • E/CN.3/553

    Report of the Secretary-General on environment statistics

Agenda item 9(a)

Techinical co-operation: Training of statistical personnel

  • E/CN.3/554

    Report of the Secretary-General on the review of training of statistical personnel

  • E/CN.3/554/Add.1

    Report of the Secretary-General on the review of training of statistical personnel - Addendum

Agenda item 9(b)

Techinical co-operation: Statistical data processing

  • E/CN.3/555

    Report of the Secretary-General on statistical data processing

Agenda item 9(c)

Techinical co-operation: National Household Survey Capability Programme (NHSCP)

  • E/CN.3/556

    Report of the Secretary-General on the National Household Survey Capability Programme

Agenda item 9(d)

Techinical co-operation: International techinical co-operation in statistics, 1976-1985

  • E/CN.3/557

    Report of the Secretary-General on international technical co-operation in statistics

Agenda item 10(a)

Co-ordination and integration of international statistical programmes: Working Group on International Statistical Programmes and Co-ordination

  • E/CN.3/536

    Report of the Working Group on International Statistical Programmes and Co-ordination on eighth session

Agenda item 10(b)

Co-ordination and integration of international statistical programmes: Review of achievements in co-ordination in selected areas and international statistical programmes, 1981-1985

  • E/CN.3/558

    Report of the Secretary-General on the review of achievements in co-ordination in selected areas and international statistical programmes, 1981-1985

Agenda item 11(a)

Programme objectives: implementation and prospects: Regional conferences of staticians and similar bodies

  • E/CN.3/559

    Report of the Secretary-General on regional conferences of statisticians and similar bodies

Agenda item 11(b)

Programme objectives: implementation and prospects: Statistical work of the specialized agencies

  • E/CN.3/560

    Report of the Secretary-General on statistical work of the specialized agencies

Agenda item 11(c)

Programme objectives: implementation and prospects: Statistical Office of the United Nations

  • E/CN.3/561

    Report of the Secretary-General on the Statistical Office of the United Nations

  • E/CN.3/562

    Note by the Secretariat on the proposed draft work programme of the Statistical Office of the United Nations, 1982-1983, and medium-term plan, 1984-1989

  • E/CN.3/XXI/CRP.1

    Proposed draft work programme of the Statistical Office of the United Nations, 1982-1983

  • E/CN.3/XXI/CRP.2

    Proposed draft medium-term plan of the Statistical Office of the United Nations, 1984-1989

Agenda item 12

Other business

  • E/CN.3/563

    Report of the Secretary-General on proposals for the future work of the Statistical Commission and its methods of operation

Agenda item 13

Consideration of the draft provisional agenda for the twenty-second session of the Commission

  • E/CN.3/XXI/CRP.3

    Draft provisional agenda for the twenty-second session of the Commission

Upcoming session



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