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MBS tables - Technical notes

No.TopicTable name
1POPULATIONEstimates of mid-year population
2POPULATIONCrude birth rates
3POPULATIONCrude death rates
4INDEX OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIONIndices of world industrial production, by branches of industry and regions
5INDEX OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIONIndex of industrial production
6PRICE INDICESConsumer price indices
7PRICE INDICESProducer price indices
8PRICE INDICESRetail price indices relating to living expenditures of United Nations officials
9EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGSPaid employment in non-agricultural activities
10EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGSPaid employment in manufacturing
12EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGSEarnings in manufacturing, by sex
13ENERGYHard coal production
14ENERGYBrown coal production
15ENERGYCrude petroleum production
16ENERGYNatural gas production
17ENERGYElectricity production
18FUEL IMPORTSFuel imports, developed economies
19FUEL IMPORTSIndicators on fuel imports, developed economies published
20MININGIron ore production
21MANUFACTURINGWheat flour production
22MANUFACTURINGPig iron production
23MANUFACTURINGCrude steel production
24MANUFACTURINGCotton yarn production
25MANUFACTURINGWoven cotton fabrics production
26MANUFACTURINGNewsprint production
27MANUFACTURINGTire production
28MANUFACTURINGMotor vehicle production
29TRANSPORTInternational maritime transport: freight loaded, unloaded
30TRANSPORTRegistration of new motor vehicles
31TRANSPORTCivil aviation traffic
32CONSTRUCTIONCement production
33CONSTRUCTIONConstruction of new buildings
34INTERNATIONAL MERCHANDISE TRADETotal imports and exports by regions and countries or areas
36INTERNATIONAL MERCHANDISE TRADETotal exports and imports by countries or areas
37INTERNATIONAL MERCHANDISE TRADEExternal trade conversion factors
38INTERNATIONAL MERCHANDISE TRADETotal exports and imports by regions
40INTERNATIONAL MERCHANDISE TRADEWorld exports by provenance and destination
41INTERNATIONAL MERCHANDISE TRADEExports by commodity classes and by regions: developed economies
42INTERNATIONAL MERCHANDISE TRADEWorld exports by commodity classes and by regions
43FINANCEExchange rates
44FINANCEMoney supply
45FINANCEInternational reserves minus gold by components
46FINANCEGold reserves
47FINANCEGovernment bonds interest rate
48FINANCEDiscount rates of central banks
49FINANCEShort-term interest rates
50FINANCEIndex numbers of share prices
51WORLD STATISTICS, SELECTED SERIESSelected series of world statistics
53EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGSEarnings in non-agricultural activities, by sex
54NATIONAL ACCOUNTSGross domestic product, volume measures (2005=100)
55WORLD STATISTICS, SELECTED SERIESWorld food situation: FAO Food price index
56EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGSHours of work per week in non-agricultural activities
57EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EARNINGSHours of work per week in manufacturing
58RETAIL TRADE INDICESRetail trade indices
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