
The second meeting of the Webinar Series on the Global Initiative on Unique Identifiers for Businesses will bring together regulatory authorities, national statistical offices and users of national and global unique identifiers for businesses. The purpose of the meeting is to have a better understanding of the need for unique business identifiers and of identifying concrete ways to strengthen the legal registration of businesses and the management of unique identifiers.

The United Nations Statistics Division organizes the Webinar Series on the Global Initiative on Unique Identifiers for Businesses in collaboration with the UN Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics and the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation. More information is available online at: https://unstats.un.org/unsd/business-stat/Webinar-Unique-BusinessID.cshtml.



7:00 am - 7:15 am (New York time)

Opening remarks
  • Stefan Schweinfest, Director, United Nations Statistics Division
  • Stefano Menghinello, Chair of UNCEBTS

7:15 am - 9:00 am (New York time)

Understanding the Business Registries and their links to Statistical Business Registers

Chair: Ricco Dun, GLEIF

9:00 am - 9:25 am (New York time)

Plenary discussion - Opportunities to better Link Business Registries to Statistical Business Registers?

Chair: Ivo Havinga (UNNES)

Roundtable discussions - Opportunities to better link Business Registers to Statistical Business Registers?

Discussion questions:

  • ▪ What is your experience in linking the business registries of legal businesses and the statistical business registers?
  • ▪ What are the main challenges and impediments - e.g., cooperation agreement, legal requirements, technical skills and competencies, information technology, etc.?
  • ▪ How did you address these challenges?
  • ▪ What are the success stories?

9:25 am - 9:30 am (New York time)

Closing remarks

▪ Ivo Havinga (UNNES)