The United Nations Statistics Division, in collaboration with the United Nations Committee of Experts on Business and Trade Statistics (UNCEBTS), the Wiesbaden Group on Business Registers, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, is hosting an online platform for receiving responses for the Country Progress Report on Statistical Business Registers.

2024 Country Progress Report

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe is organising the biennial meeting of the Group of Experts on Business Registers to take place on 16 – 18 October 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Information on the meeting, including the registration link, is available at:

A special session will be organised at this meeting to present the outcome of the 2024 Country Progress Reports on statistical business registers. The session will focus on the progress and challenges experienced by countries in their work with the business register in 2024. To this end, participants are encouraged to submit an online response for the 2024 Country Progress Report by clicking on the link below.

  1. 1. Prior to submitting an online response, you need to obtain a token for authentication purposes. When you register for the meeting, an email containing the token will be sent to you within a week of successful registration. Please note that in line with past practices, usualy only one unique token is issued for a country, as we expect one coordinated response from each country on the development of the statistical business register in their country. If you could not participate in the meeting but would like to submit a CPR response, please contact UNSD at or UNECE at and a token will be sent to you by email.
  2. 2. The online responses should be completed by Tuesday, 20 August 2024.

Past CPR Responses

UNSD is working on compiling the past CPR responses and organizing in a user-friendly manner. Below is a list of the available CPR responses, organized by the year and event.

Expert Groups on Statistical Business Registers

As part of the established practice on international coordination, there are two separate groups that usually organize meetings on the development of business registers in alternative years: