Description: Provisional Programme Concept note (English | 中文) Self-Assessment Tool on the Readiness to Use Administrative Data for Census (SATRAC) (Excel file) Objectives and Outcomes The workshop aims to strengthen participants’ capacity on how to better use administrative data to support the census. The objectives of the workshop are to: Provide an overview of the different potential uses of administrative data sources for the census. Discuss the concepts, features, preconditions, considerations, challenges, opportunities, and processes involved in the use of administrative data sources for census purposes. Discuss the self-assessment tool on the readiness to use administrative data for census purposes. Introduce the “Generic model for the transition from a traditional census to register-based approaches”. Draft potential approaches to increase the use of administrative data for censuses in participating countries. Exchange experience and learn from participating countries. Resources This workshop builds upon the Regional Training Workshop on Transition to Register-based Approaches for Population and Housing Censuses. Some of the key resources for this workshop include: UNFPA Register-Based Census eLearning Course United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Guidelines on the use of registers and administrative data for population and housing censuses. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 2018. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Guidelines for assessing the quality of administrative sources for use in censuses. United Nations, Geneva, 2021. United Nations Statistics Division. Handbook on Registers-Based Population and Housing Censuses, 2022. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Emerging Trends in Census Approaches in Asia and the Pacific – with country examples. United Nations, Bangkok, 2022. ESCAP Stats Briefs: Tapping into administrative data in census-taking: an emerging trend in Asia and the Pacific (2022) Are population censuses in Asia and the Pacific evolving? (2021) Population registers: a key resource for producing vital statistics (2020)
Description: UNSD and UNDP, under the Data For Now initiative, organized a high-level seminar to discuss and establish a mutual understanding of how to better collaborate and make increased use of administrative data sources for statistics production. The event was followed by a practical workshop which provided an opportunity to jointly engage on technical level, ensuring that administrative data sources can be used for official statistics production.
Sierra Leone has identified, among others, two priority areas and respective SDG indicators that can be calculated using administrative data sources, environment and climate (SDG 13.1.1, 14.4.1 and 14.7.1) and crime and justice (SDG 16.1.1), that feeds into the National Mid Term Development Plan (NMTDP) and other policy documents.
The events were attended by high-level representatives and technical staff of the national statistical office and line ministries and agencies across sectors, including the National Disaster Management Agency, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and the Justice Sector Coordination Office. The high-level seminar focused on the importance of data sharing within government and with the public for more informed decision-making, while the training covered different components, from mapping to quality management of administrative data sources, from metadata to data-sharing, interoperability and security.
Before and after the events, several meetings took place both online and in person, including a knowledge exchange with Dominican Republic and Cameroon, facilitated by UNSD.
Participants jointly developed a roadmap for sharing administrative data between institutions in which collaboration and capacity building has been recognized as key-drivers of change.
Description: 16 April 2024 we had a meeting were we discussed the ongoing development of the Guide on the Use of Administrative Data for Statistics on Non-Discrimination and Equality. The Guide aims to enhance the collection of high-quality administrative data for improved production of statistics on non-discrimination and equality, thereby supporting better informed policies in this area. Ms. Shadia Rask delivered a presentation covering the Guide's objectives, the feedback received so far, as well as proposed ways for the Task Team members to contribute to the Guide.
Description: The Expert Group Meeting on the Synergies between Census, CRVS Systems and Administrative Records: Implications for the 4th revision to the UN Principles and Recommendations on Population and Housing Censuses is co-organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The meeting is to be held in New York from 11 to 12 December 2023. The expert group meeting will bring together experts from National Statistics Offices, CRVS Systems, and international organizations to review insights, experiences and lessons from recent census rounds and ongoing efforts to strengthen CRVS systems. The objective of the expert group meeting is to synthesize lessons and insights from recent census and CRVS efforts to guide the updating of the UN Principles and Recommendations on Population and Housing Censuses (Revision 4) in the following areas: i) the assessment of the completeness and quality of vital event registration data and identity management system data using census data; ii) the leveraging of administrative records from CRVS systems and related administrative registers for the production of census operations and census data; and, iii) the use of censuses to measure human mobility including international migration, internal displacement and refugee stocks and flows.
Description: The side-event was organized by UNODC. UNSD was asked to present on Modalities of data sharing arrangements around use of administrative data. The side event discussed how to harness administrative data for crime and criminal justice statistics. Law enforcement, courts, prosecution offices, prison administrations, customs authorities and other actors involved in the criminal justice sector all collect, or have the opportunity to collect, large swaths of administrative data that can assist in improving our understanding of the dynamics of (transnational) crime and the effectiveness of operations. For this administrative data to be suitable for statistical purposes, however, it is vital that statistical concepts and methodologies are applied consistently to ensure data comparability. The webinar also included presentations from countries on their experience in using administrative data for crime and criminal justice statistics as well as presentation from international agencies on some tools at the disposal of countries to facilitate its work. UNSD has added the webinar to the pages of the Collaborative on administrative data here.
Title in Spanish: Taller técnico del Proyecto Sistema Registros Estadísticos para la explotación de datos administrativos en los institutos nacionales de estadística (INE) de Bolivia, Chile, Colombia y Perú
Organizer(s): ECLAC DANE Colombia INE Bolivia INE Chile INEI Peru
Description: La agenda prevista para este taller aborda en primer lugar la socialización de los resultados obtenidos de la consultoría para la construcción metodológica de cada indicador de los ODS priorizado por los INE.
Description: Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise a Training Course on 'Usage of Administrative Registries in Producing Economic Statistics' for the benefit of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of OIC countries on 26-28 September 2022 through an online video conferencing platform. Experts of Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) responsible for the Energy, Transport, Science and Technology Statistics as well as Statistical Business Registers and National Accounts will jointly conduct the course and cover the following topics: Energy Statistics Physical Energy Flow Accounts Usage of administrative data in compiling energy accounts Transport Statistics Compiling vehicle-kilometre statistics using odometer readings Usage of administrative data in compiling vehicle-kilometre statistics Role of vehicle-kilometre data in road transport module of PEFA Science and Technology Statistics Central Government Budget Appropriations and Outlays on R&D Statistical Business Registers Use of Administrative Sources in Statistical Business Registers Turkish Statistical Business Registers Experience National Accounts Use of administrative records in the national accounts system Difficulties encountered during the use of administrative records in the statistical production process (Examples from experience) The SESRIC StatCaB Programme was initiated in early 2007. It is the flagship capacity development programme of SESRIC. Within the framework of StatCaB Programme, the Centre collects information from the NSOs of OIC member countries through the biennial StatCaB Questionnaire, assesses their statistical training needs and capacities, matches these needs and capacities, and organizes statistical capacity development activities between the beneficiary and provider countries. For more information on SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit:
Description: Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise a Training Course on ‘Conducting a Census Based on Administrative Records’ for the benefit of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of OIC countries on 4-5 July 2022 through an online video conferencing platform. Mr. Alper ACAR, Mr. Mehmet Doğu KARAKAYA, and Mr. Mehmet Şaban UCARI, Experts at Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) Demographic Statistics Department, Population and Migration Characteristics Group will conduct the course and cover the following topics: Population Statistics and Censuses of Türkiye History of Population Censuses in Türkiye Data Sources for Population Statistics Address Based Population Registration System Population Characteristics Database and its Integration with other National Databases The SESRIC StatCaB Programme was initiated in early 2007. It is the flagship capacity development programme of SESRIC. Within the framework of StatCaB Programme, the Centre collects information from the NSOs of OIC member countries through the biennial StatCaB Questionnaire, assesses their statistical training needs and capacities, matches these needs and capacities, and organizes statistical capacity development activities between the beneficiary and provider countries. For more information on SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit:
Description: You are cordially invited to participate in the webinar on “Experience sharing on the modernization and use of administrative data and records for statistical purposes” taking place on 28 and 29 June 2022 at 3:00-5:30 pm EAT (GMT+3). The webinar will provide a platform to share experiences and best practices in the modernization and use of administrative data and records for statistical purposes from national statistical offices in Africa and beyond. It will also highlight the challenges countries that successfully use this source of data faced during the modernization process and how they were addressed. The webinar will also serve as a forum for African countries to share information on the kind of support they need from partners to implement a roadmap to modernize their administrative data and registers for statistical purposes. It will also help to share information on available tools, materials, and programmes supporting this. The webinar is organized by the Economic Commission for Africa, in partnership with UN-Women; the African Union Commission; the National Institutes of Statistics of Burundi, Cameroon, Niger and Sierra Leone; and the Office of National Statistics of the United Kingdom’s. The conversations will take place in both English and French, with simultaneous translation. Please register by clicking on the following link:
Description: Administrative data provides valuable information about national and sub-national responses to Violence Against Women (VAW). UNSD organized a Global Network Webinar on the collection and use of VAW administrative data. During this Webinar, three speakers, Dr. Tamil Kendall from the UN Women, Ms. Carol Watson Williams from rethink Social Development and Ms. Celia Santos Sanchez from Ministry of Equality in Spain, presented of the Global Technical Guidance (forthcoming) and share their experience of the collection and use of VAW administrative data. Dr. Tamil outlined the process included in the Global Technical Guidance with eight steps, highlighting the recommended minimum data set, which includes three types of violence, physical, sexual and psychological. Ms. Carol and Ms. Celia discussed and shared country experience in Jamaica and Spain. During the presentation, they shared their challenges, lesson learned and good practices for collaboration between national statistical system and VAW administrative data producer to improve the collection and use of VAW administrative data. Following the presentations, participants asked questions about the alignments of core indicators to the SDG indicators, different methods to address data gaps, and some key resources on applying different approaches for reliable data collection. In addition, the webinar discussed the custodianship of the prevalence survey and the development of the administrative data system.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 May 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Make the participants aware of what is involved in the acquisition of PHD for use in official statistics, including the European legal and policy background and what is needed for developing partnerships. The course should enable the participants to apply the acquired knowledge in roles such as developing policies concerning the acquisition and use of PHD and developing partnerships.
Target Audience: Staff from NSIs who are involved or wish to become involved in the acquisition of privately held data (PHD) as a source for official statistics. This engagement may come in different shapes, such as involvement at a legal or policy level, in negotiations with holders of PHD or stakeholders engagement. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Organizer(s): UNSD Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Description: During this Global Network Webinar Vibeke Oestreich Nielsen (UNSD), Karen Bett (Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data), Omurbek Ibraev (National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic), and Federico Segui (National Statistical Institute of Uruguay) presented on the Collaborative on Use of Administrative Data for Statistics: a group focused on practical experience sharing and learning. Administrative data collected by governments and service providers in the course of their day-to-day business is an increasingly important source for the production of official statistics. There is an urgent need to strengthen the capacity of national statistical systems to leverage the use of administrative data for statistical purposes, in order to fill gaps in the data available to policy and decision makers to monitor progress and implement the 2030 Agenda, and to address to emerging challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Responding to this challenge, the United Nations Statistics Division and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data have jointly convened a multi-stakeholder collaborative of countries and regional and international agencies, aimed to strengthen the capacity of countries to use administrative data sources for statistical purposes.
Title in Arabic: استخدام السجلات الادارية كمصادر للبيانات الخاصة بالقطاع الزراعي
Organizer(s): AITRS
Description: تعتبر السجلات الإدارية أحد مصادر البيانات المعتمدة في التعداد الزراعي او المسوح الزراعية إذا كانت ذات جودة عالية ومكتملة من ناحية التغطية والشمول على مستوى المنطقة الجغرافية او على مستوى المحاصيل والحيازة. ويذهب كثير من الاحصائيين الى ان السجلات الإدارية غير مناسبة في حالات كثيرة بسبب كونها غير مهيأة للاحتياجات الإحصائية حيث من المحتمل ان تكون المعطيات المتوفرة لا يمكن استخدامها احصائيا. وفي حال اتخاذ القرار باستخدام المصادر الإدارية عند تنفيذ الانشطة الإحصائية الزراعية يجب اولا تقييم جودتها من حيث الملائمة والدقة والموثوقية ومستوى الاكتمال والاتساق وقابلية المقارنة والتوقيت المناسب والاتاحة. يطرح استخدام السجلات الإدارية كمصدر للبيانات الزراعية بعض الإشكاليات الفنية المرتبطة أساسا بالجودة والموثوقية باعتبار ان المعلومات لا تجمع لغايات إحصائية في الأساس وتستهدف جمهورا محدداً قصد استغلالها في اعداد تقارير النشاط او متابعة كيفية إنجازه. الا ان استعمال المصادر الإدارية في العمل الاحصائي قد تطور بشكل سريع في اتجاه تحسين جودتها واستجابتها للمعايير الإحصائية المتعارف عليها خاصة مع تطور ادماج وسائل الاتصال الحديثة في كامل سلسلة العمل الاحصائي. لذا، يعقد المعهد العربي للتدريب والبحوث الإحصائية والمنظمة العربية للتنمية الزراعية هذه الورشة للتعرف على الإشكاليات المطروحة من خلال استخدام السجلات الإدارية في الإحصاءات الزراعية، ومناقشة أسس وطبيعة هذه السجلات المستخدمة في المؤسسات المعنية بهدف حسن تطبيقها.
Title in Spanish: Integración de registros administrativos e información censal: Experiencias en la región
Organizer(s): IDB
Description: Moving towards the use of register based statistics as a main source of data implies the need to validate and cross reference the data. For that some countries in LAC have included the national ID number on the census questionnaire to combine the census data with administrative data. This event will present some lessons learned and plans for the region.
Target Audience: National statistical offices, government officials that deal with official statistics production and/or dissemination, policy makers, employees from International Organizations that deal with statistical capacity building, researchers
Description: A session for the Data Integration Community of Practice to present the potential use of administrative data to enhance the compilation of labor and employment statistics.
Description: About the Café Administrative data are underutilized in official statistics. Challenges abound. The Café discussed how Bhutan, Cambodia, and Myanmar make use of this powerful data source and how others may replicate their experiences. Sharing their experiences and perspectives, the session explored questions such as: What can and what cannot be measured with administrative data? Should added use of admin data be part of a strategy to minimize surveys and censuses? Advancing the use of administrative data for official statistics: What is the recipe for success? This is the third Stats Café showcasing outcomes from the Regional Programme for Economic Statistics (RPES). The programme supported the use of administrative data for more relevant price statistics in Bhutan, more comprehensive national accounts in Cambodia, and to establish a statistical business register in Myanmar. Insights from each country highlighted challenges and mechanisms required to effectively produce quality and reliable official statistics using administrative data. Speaking: Mr. Penjor Gyeltshen, Deputy Chief Statistical Officer, National Statistics Bureau, Bhutan Mr. Thy Veun, Deputy Director, National General, National Institute, Cambodia Mr. U San Myint, Director General, Central Statistics Organisation, Myanmar Discussant: Ms. Vibeke O. Nielsen, Inter-regional adviser, UNSD Moderator: Ms. Rikke Munk Hansen, Section Chief, Statistics Division, UNESCAP Background documents: Report on RPES Replication Studies Report: Producing Import and Export Price Indices (XMPI) in Bhutan |English| Report: Developing a Statistical Business Register (SBR) in Myanmar |English|Burmese| --------------------- >> See others Asia-Pacific Stats Café series
Description: SESRIC will organise a Statistics Course on ‘Labour Market Statistics: Harmonization and Analysis of Administrative Data Sources’ on 14-16 October 2019 at the Department of Statistics (DoS) of Malaysia within the framework of OIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme. Mr Huseyin Tancan Kale, Head of Labour Input Indicators Group of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), will conduct the course with the participation of relevant officials of the DoS of Malaysia. The Course will include discussion activities with a focus on the following topics: Labour Market Theories and Statistics; Administrative Data Sources for Labour Market Indicators; Data Acquisition and Validation; Data Management and Cleansing; Data Integration and Calibration; Descriptive Analysis of Labour Market Statistics using Statistical Software (i.e., SPPS or E-views) Production of Labour Input Indices; 8. Production of Labour Cost Indices; and 9. Data Analysis and Dissemination For more information on OIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme and its activities, please visit:
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Expertise France
Description: The course aims at giving the participants an overview of possibilities and risks when moving from traditional to combined and register-based censuses. Participants will learn: challenges in the moving from the traditional census to the combined/traditional census, how to solve the faced problems when moving to the register-based census, and the achievement with the use of registers for the census. For each title of theoretical background, practical examples based on country experiences (NL, DE, PL, FI) and exercises are provided.
Target Audience: Statisticians and project managers of statistical offices involved in conducting future censuses. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.