Economic Statistics

FOCG on Economic Statistics

Fifth Meeting of the Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics

  • Virtual Meeting
  • 3 November 2020

The Friends of the Chair group on economic statistics (FOC Group) was created by the Statistical Commission at its fiftieth session to undertake an assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness and responsiveness of the current system of economic statistics.

The fifth meeting will discuss the updated Draft Framework of Better Outcomes and Recommendations for Action for the System of Economic Statistics of the Friends of the Chair Group, which is expected to be a major element of the final report of the FOC Group on Economic Statistics to the upcoming session of the Statistical Commission in March 2021.

Tuesday, 3 November 2020, 7:00 - 9:30am New York time

7:00 - 7:10am
Session 1: Welcome remarks (10 minutes)

Mr. Anil Arora, Chair of the Friends of Chair Group on Economic Statistics and Chief Statistician of Canada
Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of United Nations Statistics Division

7:10 - 9:10am
Session 2: Draft recommendations of the Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics (120 minutes)

Mr. Greg Peterson: Assistant Chief Statistician of Statistics Canada
Towards a Final Report Read

  • 2.1 Networking: Collaboration and user consultation
  • 2.2 Transforming and challenging: Statistical infrastructure and operations, and data solutions
  • 2.3 Enabling: Institutional arrangements and governance
  • 2.4 Experimenting, integrating and documenting: Statistical framework and methods

Documentation for Session 2:

9:10 - 9:20am
Session 3: Next steps (10 minutes)
9:20am- 9:30am
Session 4: Closing remarks (10 minutes)

Mr. Anil Arora, Chair of the Friends of Chair Group on Economic Statistics and Chief Statistician of Canada
Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of United Nations Statistics Division