Economic Statistics

FOCG on Economic Statistics

Fourth Meeting of the Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics

  • Virtual Meeting
  • 29 - 30 June 2020

The Friends of the Chair group on economic statistics was created by the Statistical Commission during its fiftieth session to undertake an assessment of the efficiency, effectiveness and responsiveness of the current system of economic statistics.

The fourth (virtual) meeting of the Friends of the Chair Group on Economic Statistics will discuss how the economic statistics system of the national statistical system should adapt to cater to changing user needs and demands in the light of COVID-19, affirm the objectives of the Group in the light of COVID-19 and the workplan of the Group for the year 2020.

Monday, 29 June 2020, 6:00 - 8:30am

6:00 - 6:10am
Session 1: Welcome remarks (10 minutes)

Mr. Anil Arora, Chair of the Friends of Chair Group and Chief Statistician of Canada
Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the United Nations Statistics Division, DESA

6:10 - 7:10am
Session 2: Ensuring a user-centered focus (60 minutes)
2.1 Integrated approach to sustainable development linking economic, social, and environmental development – user demand related to economic policy making for sustainable development
  • Mr. Elliott Harris, Assistant Secretary General and Chief Economist, Department of Economic and Social Affairs
  • Mr. Serge Dupont, Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones and former Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council and Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs
2.2 COVID as a case study on how an NSO had to rapidly adjust to new user requirements
  • Mr. David Gruen, Australian Statistician
2.3 Reflections on ensuring a user-centered focus
  • All members – Question- How well does the existing system capture user requirements?
Documentation for Session 2:
7:10 - 8:30am
Session 3: Affirmation of Friends of Chair Group’s objectives following COVID19

3.1 Reflections on initiatives of the FOC Group members following the COVID-19 outbreak and their expected pivot post-COVID.

  • All members – Question – how resilient is the statistical system and what are the expected changes for the statistical system in the post-COVID stage?

3.2 Affirmation of the objectives and the expected outcomes of the FOC Group by 52nd Session of the Statistical Commission in 2021

  • All members – Question – can we confirm the objectives of the FOC Group and how do we realize the expected outcomes?

Objectives as determined by 2nd Meeting of the FOC Group:

  • Challenging the system with concept cases (e.g. an after-action report on COVID-19 reflecting on the integrated approach to economic statistics, passive vs. active statistics, networking of national and global statistical community, etc.)
  • Streamlining and documenting working methods for the economic statistics system
  • Sustained networking among statisticians on cross domain topics
  • Enabling sustained user consultation

Documentation for Session 3:

Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 6:00 - 8:00am

6:00 - 6:20am
Session 4: Summary and review of Day 1

Mr. Anil Arora, Chair and Chief Statistician of Canada
All members – Question – is the summary and review of day 1 confirmed?

6:20 - 7:30am
Session 5: Work plan for remainder of year 2

Mr. Greg Peterson: Assistant Chief Statistician of Statistics Canada
All members - Question - do we agree with the proposed work plan for the remainder of year 2 and what are the FOC group members able to contribute to the workplan?

Documentation Session 5:
7:30 - 7:50am
Session 6: Next steps

Mr. Anil Arora: Chair and Chief Statistician of Statistics Canada
All members - Question – are we willing to meet every six to eight weeks to increase the communication in our informal network on our initiative post-COVID and what can the FOC Group members contribute in August and in October 2020 for the 5th and 6th meeting of the FOC Group?

7:50 - 8:00am
Session 7: Closing remarks

Mr. Anil Arora, Chair of the Friends of Chair Group and Chief Statistician of Canada
Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director of the United Nations Statistics Division, DESA