Global Consultation 2024 on draft guidance on quality assurance when using administrative and other data sources and on a maturity model for quality culture

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) launches a Global Consultations on two draft guidance documents on quality assurance prepared under the auspices of the Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks (EG-NQAF):

  • • A draft Module for quality assurance when using administrative and other data sources to produce official statistics
  • • A draft Maturity Model on Quality Culture in Official Statistics

Invitation letter:

Please find enclosed the letter from the Director of the Statistics Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, inviting countries to participate in this Global Consultation by 4 June 2024.

UNSD letter on Global Consultation

Join the global consultation:

Please provide your feedback in the following Google forms:

We would appreciate if your responses were provided in the above google form, but you can also use the below WORD version by responding to the questions at the end of the document. Both draft guidance documents are also available as unofficial translations into French and Spanish. Please submit your responses to Mr. Yuxi Zhang (

  • • Draft Module for Quality Assurance when using Administrative and Other Data Sources to produce Official Statistics:
    English (WORD), French (WORD), Spanish (WORD)
  • • Draft Maturity Model on Quality Culture in Official Statistics:
    English (WORD), French (WORD), Spanish (WORD)

Introductory webinar to the two draft guidelines:

To facilitate the Global Consultation, UNSD organized two introductory webinars on the draft guidelines. Please view the recordings below:


According to its terms of reference, the United Nations Expert Group on National Quality Assurance Frameworks (EG-NQAF) supports countries in the implementation of national quality assurance frameworks throughout national statistical systems. To fulfill this mission, the EG-NQAF established two subgroups:

  1. 1. An EG-NQAF Subgroup on administrative and other data sources to provide practical and concise guidance and best practices for statistical agencies in assuring the quality of official statistics when administrative data sources, ‘other’ data sources or multiple data sources are used for the production of official statistics. The terms of reference and information about the membership of the Subgroup are available here:

  2. 2. An EG-NQAF Subgroup on quality culture to develop practical and concise guidance, suggest a maturity model, and provide best practices, as applicable and feasible, on how a quality culture in official statistics can support the implementation of the national quality assurance framework at the NSO and throughout the national statistical system. The terms of reference and information about the membership of the Subgroup are available here: