Quality Assurance Meetings and Events
The Workshop aims at training participants from national statistical offices of the Eastern-Europe/Central-Asia region on quality assurance and the development of a national quality assurance framework and its implementation throughout the national statistical system, with special focus on quality assurance of data from new sources, new providers and SDG indicator data and statistics. The Workshop will first provide an overview of the contents of the new United Nations National Quality Assurance Frameworks Manual for Official Statistics (UN NQAF Manual) and will subsequently focus on specific topics and tools geared towards the needs of participating countries.
For details regarding the meeting venue please contact NQAF Expert Group Secretariat (UNSD).
Meeting report
- Final meeting report (as of 6 January 2020)
- Concept note and tentative agenda (as of 6 December 2019)
- Hotel Information
- Administrative Instructions
Background Documents
- Session 1.1: Activities and perspectives of UNSD, UNECE, Eurostat
- Session 1.2: Implementation of quality assurance in countries - group discussion of national practices: group 1, group 2, group 3
Session 1: Overview of the implementation of national quality assurance frameworks in participating countries
- Session 2.1: Introduction to the UN NQAF Manual and its core recommendations (see Manual, Chapters 1 and 2) and Overview of UN NQAF principles, requirements and elements to be assured (see Manual, Chapter 3 and Annex)
- Session 2.2: Introduction of ESS QAF
- Session 2.3: Review of selected principles and identification of challenges in their implementation - group discussion based on the self-assessment checklists: group 1, group 2, group 3
Session 2: Review of principles and their requirements (indicators)
- Session 3.1: Development and implementation of a NQAF at the NSO (see Manual, Chapter 5) - introduction, country examples ( Montenegro, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, North Macedonia) and discussion
- Session 3.2: Quality assurance across different statistical domains - use of GSBPM and other relevant practices - introduction, country examples (Armenia (pdf, excel), Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Turkey, Russian Federation) and discussion
Session 3: Implementation of quality assurance at the national statistical office
- Session 4.1: Review of UN core recommendations and relevant principles
- Session 4.2: Implementation of a NQAF throughout the national statistical system (see Manual, Chapters 5, 6 and 7) - introduction, country examples (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Uzbekistan) and discussion
Session 4: Implementation of quality assurance throughout the national statistical system
- Session 5.1: Challenges of the new data ecosystem and responses - introduction and round-table discussion
- Session 5.2: Dealing with different (and new) data sources (see Manual, Chapter 8) - introduction, country examples (Albania, Georgia, North Macedonia, Norway, Turkey) and group discussion, group 1, group 2, group 3
- Session 5.3: Certification of statistical outputs and data providers - introduction, country examples (Norway, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan) and group discussion, group 1, group 2, group 3
Session 5: Dealing with new data sources and data providers
- Session 6.1: International and regional activities UNECE
- Session 6.2: Plans and next steps of countries