Health and disability
The United Nations Statistics Division collects, compiles and disseminates official national statistics on births, deaths and life expectancy through the Demographic Yearbook data collection system. The Demographic Yearbook vital statistics questionnaire is used to collect these data. A more detailed description of these statistics can be found on the natality and mortality web sites.
The United Nations Statistics Division is also actively engaged in the area of human functioning and disability statistics.
The World Health Organization (WHO) collects statistics on abroad range of topics including: diseases and conditions, health personnel, immunization, reproductive health, etc. WHO collects data on deaths by cause, which are shared with the United Nations Statistics Division and disseminated through the Demographic Yearbook. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS, collects data on the prevalence and incidence of HIV/AIDS. Please visit the web sites of these organizations to receive more detailed information on the data they collect.
Official statistics provided by national statistical authorities:
- Population and Vital Statistics Report
- Demographic Yearbook
- Demographic Yearbook Special Topics
Additional information from a wide range of national and international sources:
- Social indicators
- Statistics and indicators on women and men
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
Source: Population and Vital Statistics Report
Table 3: Live births, deaths, and infant deaths, latest available year
Source: Demographic Yearbook 2002
Table 12: Late foetal deaths and late foetal death ratios, by urban/rural residence; 1998 - 2002
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Table 13: Legally induced abortions: 1993 - 2002
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Table 14: Legally induced abortions by age and number of previous live births of women: latest available year
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Table 15: Infant deaths and infant mortality rates, by urban/rural residence: 1998 - 2002
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Table 16: Infant deaths and infant mortality rates by age and sex: latest available year
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Table 17: Maternal deaths and maternal death rates: 1992 - 2002
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Table 18: Deaths and crude death rates, by urban/rural residence: 1998 - 2002
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Table 19: Deaths by age, sex and urban/rural residence: latest available year
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Table 20: Death rates specific for age, sex and urban/rural residence: latest available year
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Table 21: Deaths by month of occurence: latest available year
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Table 22:Expectation of life at specified ages for each sex: latest available year
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Source: Demographic Yearbook 1999 - Natality statistics
Table 15: Late foetal deaths and late foetal death ratios, by urban/rural residence: 1990-1998
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Table 16: Late foetal deaths by age of mother: 1990 - 1998
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Table 17: Late foetal death ratios specific for age of mother: 1990 - 1998
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Table 18: Late foetal deaths by age of mother and total-birth order: 1990 - 1998
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Table 19: Late foetal death ratios specific for age of mother and total-birth order: 1990 - 1998
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Table 20: Foetal deaths and foetal deaths ratios, by gestational age: 1990 - 1998
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Source: Demographic Yearbook 1997 - Historical Supplement
Table 9a: Expectation of life at specified ages for each sex: 1948-1997
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Table 9b: Expectation of life at specified ages (complete) for each sex: 1948-1997
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Table 10: Deaths by age, sex and urban/rural residence: 1948-1997
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Table 11: Death rates specific for age, sex and urban/rural residence: 1948-1997
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Table 12: Population by marital status, age, sex, and urban/rural residence, each census: 1948-1997
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Source: Social indicators - Latest available data
- Health - html
Source: Statistics and indicators on women and men - Latest available data
The United Nations Statistics Division issues standards and methods approved by the Statistical Commission to assist national statistical authorities and other producers of statistics in the collection, compilation and dissemination of data.
Standards and methods
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, (ICF) Custodian: WHO
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, (ICD-10) Custodian: WHO