2020 Round of Censuses - Francophone Africa

14-04-2020  – 17-04-2020 Brazzaville

The workshop will be conducted for French-speaking African countries to introduce two latest revisions of UNSD's international guidelines for population and housing censuses — the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 3 and the Handbook on the Management of Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2 – recently translated into French with the support of the United Nations Population Fund. The workshop will also introduce the Handbook on Population and Housing Census Editing Revision 2 and Guidelines on the Use of Electronic Data Collection Technologies in Population and Housing Censuses. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the international standards, concepts and methods used in conducting the census with a view to facilitating the planning and preparation of the 2020 round of population and housing census activities in the Francophone African countries. The workshop will also provide an opportunity to review national plans for the 2020 round of censuses in terms of methodology, use of technology and operations management and lessons learned from 2010 round censuses.


Workshop on integrating a gender perspective in the production of statistics

01-12-2014  – 04-12-2014 Amman

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) and the Jordan Department of Statistics, is organizing a workshop on Integrating a Gender Perspective in the Production of statistics, in Amman, Jordan, from 1 to 4 December 2014.

The workshop aims to train national statisticians on: (1) producing gender statistics from available data sources; (2) using data from population censuses for gender analysis; and (3) ways to produce, disseminate and communicate gender statistics to properly inform policies.

The workshop will also foster exchange of national experiences among participating countries.

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Workshop on strengthening the collection and use of international migration data for development

18-11-2014  – 21-11-2014 Addis Ababa

The Population Division and the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, are organizing a regional workshop for countries in Sub-Saharan Africa on the collection and use of international migration data for development. The workshop will take place at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 18 to 21 November 2014. The workshop will bring together experts from national statistical offices in charge of producing official statistics on international migration as well as experts from relevant ministries or agencies in charge of compiling and analysing migration data for policy purposes. Experts from international organizations will participate as resource persons.

United Nations workshop for South Asian countries on collection and dissemination of socio-economic data from population and housing censuses

28-05-2012  – 31-05-2012 New Delhi

The United Nations Statistics Division is organizing a Workshop for South Asian countries on Collection and Dissemination of Socio-economic Data from Population and Housing Censuses. The workshop will take place in New Delhi, India from 28 to 31 May 2012. The purpose of the workshop is to present international standards and country practices for conducting population and housing censuses with a focus on recommended core topics and tabulations as identified in the United Nations Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Revision 2. The workshop will also offer an opportunity to discuss the use of technological tools and of GIS web-based mapping and spatial analysis in the dissemination of census data as well as of the CensusInfo software as a tool for data dissemination. Lastly, the workshop will also provide a forum for sharing of national practices and experiences regarding determination of census topics and tabulations and also strategies for dissemination of census data.

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Regional workshop on the 2010 World programme on population and housing censuses: international standards, contemporary technologies for census mapping and data processing

08-12-2008  – 12-12-2008 Minsk

The purpose of the Workshop is to present international standards for conducting population and housing censuses and to highlight the significant capabilities of contemporary technologies and their use in census mapping activities and data capture. More specifically, the Workshop will cover: (1) the revised international standards for conducting population and housing censuses, focusing on recommended core topics and tabulations as identified in the United Nations Principles and Recommendations Revision 2 and the Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing; (2) international recommendations on census planning and management; (3) new approaches in census geography, including the use of Geographical Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems in census mapping; data collection and dissemination; (4) technologies for census data capture, including the use of Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), Optical Character Recognition/Intelligent Character Recognition (OCR/ICR), Internet data collection, use of handheld devices for data collection; (5) discuss the process stages for data capture; and (6) present an overview of major commercial suppliers for data capture.

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  • Jean Michel Durr, Tel.: +1 917 367 9165, E-mail: durr@un.org

Meeting on a Core Set of Census Topics for ESCWA Countries

08-06-2002  – 12-06-2002 Cairo

The objectives of the meeting can be summarized as follows: - To agree on a basic core set of census topics to be used by the countries in the ESCWA region; - To harmonize concepts and definitions of the census topics and to develop a regional manual for field work; - To establish networks among the ESCWA countries so that common problems related to census taking could be solved within the region and in a better cost-effective way; and, - To encourage the exchange of experiences in census taking among the countries of the ESWCA region.

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Meeting on Disability Measurement for ESCWA Countries

01-06-2002  – 05-06-2002 Cairo

The objectives of the meeting were: • To agree on a regional common approach to collect data on disability from censuses • To initiate a dialogue in the region between census managers and users of disability statistics on how best a census can be utilized to collect data on persons with disabilities • To introduce countries to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and discuss its use as a conceptual framework for collecting census data on disability • To introduce the countries of the region to the work of the City Group on Disability Statistics.

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United Nations Workshop on Disability Statistics for Africa

10-09-2001  – 14-09-2001 Kampala

The overall objective of the Workshop was to strengthen national capabilities to produce, disseminate and use data on disability for policy development and implementation. To achieve this objective, the Workshop brought together producers and users of disability statistics to promote understanding of data collection issues and how to specify the required data for policy formulation. The specific objectives of the Workshop were to: 1. Initiate a dialogue between producers and users of disability statistics in the countries and the region; 2. Enable the exchange of information and experiences of the participating countries and/or organizations; 3. Review methodologies and instruments used in other countries to measure disability; 4. Discuss the use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as the conceptual framework for collecting and classifying data on disability; 5. Provide guidance on planning for the collection and utilization of policy relevant data on persons with disabilities.

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