Capacity Development

Global Network   Usage Policy

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Usage Policy

Like any other professional network and to make and keep the whole community productive, the Global Network of Data Officers and Statisticians has a usage policy for all members, which ensures that the user experience is pleasant and enriching.

Keep the content brief and engaging

We encourage you to use this Global Network to share what you are working on, ask and answer questions, and provide any suggestions or feedback to others. However, please keep messages brief and to the point and always maintain a positive and constructive tone.

Be respectful of other people's opinion

While we encourage discussions, please respect other ideas, suggestions, and perspectives.

Be professional

We kindly ask our users to behave professionally by not posting dishonest, offensive, or inappropriate content in our community. Besides, this Global Network should not be used to make political statements.

Prohibited use

It is prohibited to use this Global Network for any purpose that may be illegal or unethical. Furthermore, this Network may not be used to promote for-profit goods or services.

No confidential information

Members in this Network should ensure that no confidential information/embargoed document that has come to them through their work is posted here.

Groups in this Global Network may have their own additional rules. Please make sure to follow those as well. Users who violate these rules will be sent a warning message by Network Admins identifying the issue at stake. Users who repeatedly violate the rules after receiving warning(s) will be banned from this Network.

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