Statistics Poland and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) are jointly organizing a four-day Technical Workshop on International Migration and Temporary Mobility Statistics in Warsaw, Poland. The event will take place on 16-19 July 2024.
The workshop aims to address the gaps in the availability of reliable and timely migration data, crucial for designing effective operational and policy responses in alignment with the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The objectives of the workshop include to: 1) facilitate knowledge exchange, 2) discuss implementation issues and 3) build statistical capacity in the production and use of relevant, high quality and disaggregated statistics on international migration.
Organizer(s): UNSD FCSC United Arab Emirates Road & Transport Authority United Arab Emirates
Description: Integrating data science into the production of official statistics to inform and enhance efficacy of policy decisions, with a special focus on the transport sector. Get practical insights into human-centric transformation of transport information systems and see how modern transportation information systems play a pivotal role in designing and implementing sustainable transportation policies utilizing new data sources and technologies. The second sprint of the Data Science Leaders Network will focus on developing a detailed outline of a playbook to integrate data science into National Statistical Offices. The International seminar will also feature a workshops on Mobile Phone Data in transport statistics and hands-on GIS training for SDGs.
Description: The International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC), in partnership with UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight (Innocenti) and UNICEF Division of Data, Analytics, Planning and Monitoring (DAPM), facilitated a global collaboration around the theme of improving data on climate-related child and family mobility. The workshop will convene a core group of cross-sectoral data and thematic experts working on issues relevant to mobility, climate, and child rights, protection and well-being. The objectives of the workshop will be to take stock of, and improve, data for informing solutions to the needs of children and their families engaged in contexts of climate-related migration and displacement, in order to set a shared research agenda, identifying common gaps, priorities, and opportunities for knowledge-sharing and collaboration.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 25 Jan 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Do you want to find out more about the wide range of transport statistics available at Eurostat? This webinar gives you valuable insight into European statistics on the transport of goods and passengers, accidents in transport, data on vehicle registrations and rail infrastructure as well as statistics at regional level. The transport statistics team of Eurostat presents interesting indicators on selected transport statistics, covering aviation, maritime, inland waterways, road and rail transport. Indicators on the share of each mode of transport in the total transport performance are also presented.
Description: Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise a Training Course on ‘Transport Statistics’ for the benefit of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of OIC countries on 3-4 May 2023 through an online video conferencing platform. Ms. Rini Kusumastuti and Ms. Lia Ermayati, Statisticians at the from BPS-Statistics Indonesia, will conduct the course and cover the following topics: Introduction and Methodology Transport Statistics by Mode Quarterly Survey of Transport Business Data Dissemination Challenges and Future Enhancement The SESRIC StatCaB Programme was initiated in early 2007. It is the flagship capacity development programme of SESRIC. Within the framework of StatCaB Programme, the Centre collects information from the NSOs of OIC member countries through the biennial StatCaB Questionnaire, assesses their statistical training needs and capacities, matches these needs and capacities, and organizes statistical capacity development activities between the beneficiary and provider countries. For more information on SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit:
Description: Objectives of Event The side event will explore the policy tools available for countries to overcome barriers to fast electrification. Understanding the problems across countries require good-quality official statistics. Existing efforts to collect charging infrastructure statistics at the country and international levels will be shared. The need for harmonized connector design and communication protocols globally to ensure seamless and flawless EV recharge all over the world will be assessed. The importance of harmonized regulation to achieve safe and fast charging, enable grid balancing and appropriate grid and recharging capacity, as well as minimize the carbon footprint of EV recharge will be explored. Speakers Moderated by Ms Els de Wit, Chair, UNECE Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics; Programme Coordinator, Smart and Sustainable Mobility, Ministry of Water Management and Infrastructure, Netherlands. John Wilkins, Chair, UNECE Working Party on Transport Statistics; Deputy Director, Travel and Environment Data and Statistics; Department for Transport, United Kingdom. Philippe Vangeel, Secretary-General, AVERE. Alex Schroeder, Chief Technology Officer, Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, United States Jacques Warichet, Power systems transformation analyst, International Energy Agency. Saki Gerassis, Policy and Data Officer; DG MOVE, European Commission. Duncan Kay, Vice-Chair, UNECE Working Party on Pollution and Energy; Head of Vehicle Engineering; Department for Transport, United Kingdom. Potential Outcomes As part of the Inland Transport Committee Strategy to 2030, the ITC is uniquely placed to enable to develop globally harmonized regulatory provision that would apply all over the world, and will make sure EV use is safe, environmentally-friendly, interoperable, increasing their potential to decarbonise transport. The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations is uniquely placed to develop such technical regulatory provisions and have them adopted globally by United Nations member States. The Working Party on Transport Statistics is in the process of assessing data availability for electric vehicle infrastructure and may initiate data collection in the near future, with any discussions during this event guiding work on this. The Working Party on Transport Trends decided at its 2022 session to establish a steady workflow on general trends and developments surrounding passenger EV and its charging infrastructure including aspects of accessibility to and affordability of charging at public EV charging equipment and its integration in the electricity grid. Discussions like this side event can guide WP.5’s workflow on this and promote dialogue on the best solutions.
Description: This webinar will focus on traditional and emerging sources of data for transportation analysis. These include Household Travel Survey, Time Use Survey, Stated Preference Methods, and Bigdata from probe vehicle and GPS trajectories. The main transportation system performance indicators will be introduced and methods for large scale transportation models briefly described. A Statewide microsimulation model that combines land use, transportation choices, and agent-based transport simulation will be illustrated. Finally, these tools will be demonstrated in the context of transportation and equity, the case study evaluates the effects of complete streets on the willingness to walk and bike under different levels of traffic stress.
Description: Within the framework of its Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise a Training Course on ‘Transport Statistics’ for the benefit of National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of Arabic speaking OIC countries on 26-28 July 2022 through an online video conferencing platform. Mr. Mohammed Khier Alomoush, Head of Transport and Tourist Division of the Department of Statistics (DoS) of Jordan, will conduct the course and cover the following topics: Introduction to the transport statistics and its importance Classification of transport activities Importance of describing activity in transport sector surveys Objective of the transport sector surveys and survey coverage Transport survey in Jordan The SESRIC StatCaB Programme was initiated in early 2007. It is the flagship capacity development programme of SESRIC. Within the framework of StatCaB Programme, the Centre collects information from the NSOs of OIC member countries through the biennial StatCaB Questionnaire, assesses their statistical training needs and capacities, matches these needs and capacities, and organizes statistical capacity development activities between the beneficiary and provider countries. For more information on SESRIC Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, please visit:
Description: The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted global supply chains, leading to shipment delays and soaring shipping costs. We study the impact of shocks to global shipping costs—measured by the Baltic Dry Index (BDI)—on domestic prices for a large panel of countries during the period 1992-2021. We find that spikes in the BDI are followed by sizable and statistically significant increases in import prices, PPI, headline, and core inflation, as well as inflation expectations. The impact is similar in magnitude but more persistent than for shocks to global oil and food prices. The effects are more muted in countries where imports make up a smaller share of domestic consumption, and those with inflation targeting regimes and better anchored inflation expectations. The results are robust to several checks, including an instrumental variable approach in which we instrument changes in shipping costs with an indicator of closures of the Suez Canal.The speaker shares a recently published and featured Chart of The Week on IMF’s website (How Soaring Shipping Costs Raise Prices Around the World – IMF Blog) and the working paper of the webinar (Shipping Costs and Inflation ( webinar will be delivered in 30 minutes followed by a short Q&A.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 19 May 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Are you interested in transport statistics and want to learn more about the vital role transport plays in today’s mobile society? In this webinar, you get valuable insight into European statistics on transport, an important sector of the European Union (EU) economy. An efficient and well-functioning passenger and freight transport system is vital for EU enterprises and inhabitants. The transport policy of the EU aims to foster clean, safe and efficient transport, underpinning the internal market for goods and the right of citizens to travel freely throughout the EU.
Description: Within its recently initiated Webinar Series on Statistical Experience Sharing, SESRIC will organise a webinar on ‘Motor Vehicles, Traffic Volume and Road Traffic Accidents Statistics’ on 3 June 2021 in collaboration with the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) with the participation of official statisticians working in National Statistical Offices of the OIC countries. The webinar will be conducted through a video conferencing platform by following synchronous learning and instruction approaches designed in line with the virtual training solutions undertaken by SESRIC in order to better serve the Centre’s training activities and keep participants motivated and engaged during this time of global crisis due to COVID-19. For more information on the SESRIC Statistical Experience Sharing Webinar Series, please visit:
Title in Spanish: Taller técnico sobre la consulta al estudio "Encuestas de Origen-Destino (EOD) en América Latina"
Organizer(s): ECLAC France
Description: Este taller es organizado por la División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL con el apoyo de la Cooperación Francesa. Se lleva a cabo de forma virtual.
Description: The NCSI Oman has accomplished a major achievement by using mobile positioning data for official statistics and making it one of the important data sources for the measurement of tourism, population, and commuting in the Sultanate of Oman. The use of mobile positioning data allows to reduce the volume of field surveys, reduce frequent visits to families and companies to conduct field surveys, and increase the speed of response to the requirements of development plans. In addition, it can be used to cover new statistical areas that development plans may require. This achievement of using Big Data is a paradigm shift in the production processes of high-quality official indicators.
Description: The Task Team on AIS data will conduct webinars of selected AIS use cases and online support on the use of AIS data at the UN Global Platform from 9 to 13 March 2020. This AIS Data Week will guide users in getting the first indicators from the AIS data provided at the UN Global Platform. AIS data is data from the automatic identification system of vessels and can be used to get, among others, timely indicators about trade, fishing, and ships in distress. The AIS Task Team consisting of members around the world will be available during data week to present case studies, to run code and to answer the questions users have on connecting with the platform, getting the data and calculating indicators for their use.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Expertise France
Description: Objectives of the course: * Dealing with geospatial data; * Learning how to extract information from huge amounts of data; * Deeper understanding of a data generating process; * Deeper understanding of noise in data and how to deal with it; * Understanding the structure of AIS data; * Doing statistical analysis on big data.
Target Audience: Official statisticians working on big data methodology, data science and in production units in transport and environment statistics, as well as other statistical domains which can profit from this data source. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: The international meeting is built on three parts, namely (1) measuring human mobility using mobile phone data, (2) compiling migration and tourism statistics using traditional data sources, and (3) project implementation using the UN Global Planform. UNSD, ITU, national statistical offices, other national agencies and other international institutes will work together to develop and test methods to estimate migration and tourism statistics in Georgia with use of mobile phone data from Georgian mobile phone operators. Thereafter, other countries will test these new methods, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Oman, Italy, the Netherlands, Columbia and Egypt.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Provide statisticians with the competences required for the use of mobile network data as a source of geo-positioning data in the production of statistics.
Target Audience: Official statisticians working on big data methodology, data science and in production units in tourism, transport and population statistics, as well as other statistical domains which can profit from this data source. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.