Description: The XXXII meeting of directors of international cooperation agencies of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean is organised by the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) jointly with the Government of the Republic of Peru, through the Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru and the support of the Perez-Guerrero Trust Fund (PGTF) of the Group of 77. It is held in Lima, Peru, from 27 to 28 November 2024.The event aims at deepening the actions undertaken by SELA to support South-South and Triangular Cooperation by strengthening regional institutions with competence in this area, systematize the experiences of Latin American and Caribbean countries in the process of sharing and standardizing methodologies to measure cooperation at the regional level, and increase knowledge about the approaches formulated to learn about the progress made and the methods applied by the countries.The objective is to contribute to the development of systems that are as homogeneous as possible to ascertain the real scope of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC), as a contribution to the promotion of mechanisms to systematise information on SSTC by fostering the use and application of technological platforms for the exchange of information.UNCTAD will share information on measuring South-South cooperation within the UN system and its reporting on SDG indicator 17.3.1, and presents the “Manual for the Framework to measure South-South Cooperation”, a country led-process lead by pioneering countries and supported by UNCTAD. The Manual is a step by step guidance for countries part of the UN DA15 ongoing project on quantifying SSC to mobilize funds for the Sustainable Development Goals, and any other interested countries who wish to measure SSC.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This webinar will provide the participants with a clear understanding of the importance of measuring digital tradeand the conceptual framework for measuring digital trade whilst focusing on the fundamental concepts and statistical definitions. A variety of examples and practical applications will be shared by country representatives. The webinar will also emphasize the importance of digital trade statistics in evidence-based policy making.
Description: What is digital trade? And what action can countries take to measure, monitor, and respond to the challenges of digital trade? Digital technologies have made it increasingly feasible for buyers and sellers to place and receive orders globally. They also enable the remote delivery of services directly into businesses and homes. Digitalization is changing how products are purchased and delivered. Yet, it remains largely invisible in macroeconomic statistics. This side-event to the 55th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission introduces the newly released IMF-OECD-UNCTAD-WTO Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade and showcases several key measurement approaches. Its goal is to help statistical compilers across the world to address policymakers’ demands for better statistics on digital trade, and to ensure that developing economies are not left behind. Focusing on two key criteria – digital ordering and digital delivery across borders – the Handbook clarifies the definition of digital trade, reviews best data sources, and presents advances by countries in the measurement of digital trade. The Handbook thereby establishes a valuable shared foundation for understanding and measuring digital trade in a way that is consistent with the broader macroeconomic statistics and internationally comparable. Furthermore, it provides a crucial resource for an active programme of technical assistance and statistical capacity-building, through which the four co-authoring partner organizations can support statistical compilers as they seek to measure, monitor and respond to the challenges of digital trade. Side-events are open to all registered delegates to the 55th session of the UNSC. Speakers Mr. Bert Kroese, Chief Statistician, Data officer, and Director of Statistics, IMF. Ms. Anu Peltola, Acting Director of Statistics, UNCTAD. Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, Chief Statistician, Malaysia. Mr. Paul Schreyer, Chief Statistician and Director of Statistics and Data, OECD. Mr. Vipin Arora, Director, Bureau of Economic Analysis, United States.