Description: Massive digitization drive across public and private sectors has led organizations and their people to possess vast amounts of data, both qualitative and quantitative, often complex, unstructured, and varied. This huge data proliferation has also been accompanied with advances and rapid developments in data analytics by a corresponding surge in the creation of powerful tools. The exponential growth in both data and analytical capabilities, including artificial intelligence, is creating opportunities and challenges for managing knowledge. By integrating data analytics and knowledge management individuals and organizations can gain and share powerful insights, test strategies, improve transparency, increase value and improve the impact. If you have witnessed a knowledge gap in your organization and want to learn about developing strategies on leveraging data to bridge this gap this is the course for you. Alternatively, if you seek to build a culture in your organization that capitalizes on data-driven knowledge to develop impactful policies, programmes and projects and streamline work processes, this certification programme will guide you in doing so. Or, if you are interested in learning how data analytics can improve your own performance and, if you are curious about the latest trends and the future foresights towards data analytics and knowledge management, this course is the right place to be! Welcome to the certification course on "Data Analytics and Knowledge Management for Development".
Target Audience: Programme and project managers, knowledge management officers, monitoring and evaluation officers, technical specialists, project professionals, professionals from private enterprises, academicians and researchers involved in the identification, design, implementation and evaluation of development policies, programmes and projects.
Description: This is a comprehensive training course that covers application of Excel in Data Management and Analysis in socio-economic fields. The course aims at equipping participants with skills and knowledge in design data capture, data entry, management, analysis and interpretation.
Target Audience: Targeted participants for this course include but not limited to: Statisticians, Officials working in policy making, Project planning, monitoring and evaluation in various capacities in the Government and Private sector.
This series of inspiration workshops, organized by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) under the Data for Now initiative, seeks to inspire countries on the various ways to leverage innovative approaches for improved data-driven decision-making. The series, which consists of three sessions, will showcase examples of how both participating and non-participating countries have been working on the core ideas of the initiative to achieve their national objectives. These include prioritization based on countries' needs in consultations with national partners and users, the use of innovative data sources, methods, tools, and partnerships, and the improvement of IT infrastructure to facilitate the integration of innovative approaches to fill data gaps.
Description: This is a comprehensive training course that covers application of Excel in Data Management and Analysis in socio-economic fields. The course aims at equipping participants with skills and knowledge in design data capture, data entry, management, analysis and interpretation.
Target Audience: Targeted participants for this course include but not limited to: Statisticians, Officials working in policy making, Project planning, monitoring and evaluation in various capacities in the Government and Private sector.
Description: Planning and budgeting are among the most critical components of any institution, as they strategically address the pathways for achieving the institution’s vision as well as objectives for its establishment. As such, on-the-job training for planners and budget officers in areas of statistics is crucial for them to correctly plan with figures. This is, therefore, a comprehensive training course that covers the application of statistics, notably, forecasting techniques in Planning and Budgeting. This course focuses on the most popular business forecasting methods including regression forecasting, exponential smoothing, and ARIMA models.
Target Audience: People working in Public Institutions as Planners, Budget Officers, Statisticians, Economist, and Monitoring and Evaluation Officers and the Academia.
Description: Planning and budgeting are among the most critical components of any institution, as they strategically address the pathways for achieving the institution’s vision as well as objectives for its establishment. As such, on-the-job training for planners and budget officers in areas of statistics is crucial for them to correctly plan with figures. This is, therefore, a comprehensive training course that covers the application of statistics, notably, forecasting techniques in Planning and Budgeting. This course focuses on the most popular business forecasting methods including regression forecasting, exponential smoothing, and ARIMA models.
Target Audience: People working in Public Institutions as Planners, Budget Officers, Statisticians, Economist, and Monitoring and Evaluation Officers and the Academia.
Description: The 13th PSMB meeting provide oversight and guidance on the statistical meethods, systems and procedures used by Pacific Island Countries and Territories and ensuring these are inline with internal best practises while at the same time relevant to the local context.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This e-learning course aims to build capacity in national statistical systems for the development and implementation of Reproducible Analytical Pipelines (RAPs) for Official Statistics.What is a Reproducible Analytical Pipeline?Simply putreproducible analytical pipelines (RAPs) are automated statistical processes (data processing and analysis) that codify to the greatest extent possible the production of official statistics. Common tools that are used to develop RAP include software such as R or Pythonand version control management tools such as Git.Reproducibility is at the heart of the approach. It implies that the outputs can be generated again with any new or revised input datasets using the RAP developed. This also implies drafting documents explaining the RAP that make it possible to build institutional knowledge and use the RAP in the future by new staff.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 07 Mar 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: This course shall democratize the understanding and use of blockchain technology, showcasing how decentralized, asynchronous data economies leveraging micro-data, official statistics, verifiable credentials and the European blockchain, change the way we live and work – blockchains have so much more to offer than just cryptocurrencies. Understand the cryptographic principles behind blockchains Understand the components of blockchains Get to know impactful use cases of diverse blockchains Get to know the ecosystems of available blockchains and tools Develop an application and its smart contracts on the blockchain for Official Statistics
Target Audience: Official statisticians/data scientists/IT experts
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: The objectives of this course are: * This course shall democratize the use of blockchain technology; * Understand the cryptographic principles behind blockchains; * Understand the components of blockchains; * Get to know impactful use cases of diverse blockchains; * Get to know the ecosystems of available blockchains and tools; * Develop an application on the Ethereum blockchain for Official Statistics.
Target Audience: Official statisticians/data scientists working on methodology.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Feb 2023 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: This course shall democratize the understanding and use of blockchain technology, showcasing how decentralized, asynchronous data economies leveraging micro-data, official statistics, verifiable credentials and the European blockchain, change the way we live and work – blockchains have so much more to offer than just cryptocurrencies. Understand the cryptographic principles behind blockchains. Understand the components of blockchains. Get to know impactful use cases of diverse blockchains. Get to know the ecosystems of available blockchains and tools. Develop an application and its smart contracts on the blockchain for Official Statistics.
Target Audience: Official statisticians/data scientists working on methodology.
Target Audience: Administrative officers; Assistant record management officers; Record management officers and Implementers at all levels of record management.
Target Audience: Administrative officers; Assistant record management officers; Record management officers and Implementers at all levels of record management.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 08 Aug 2022 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: This course shall democratize the use of blockchain technology. Understand the cryptographic principles behind blockchains. Understand the components of blockchains. Get to know impactful use cases of diverse blockchains. Get to know the ecosystems of available blockchains and tools. Develop an application on the Ethereum blockchain for Official Statistics.
Target Audience: National Statistical Business Register (NSBR) staff. Please note: All ESTP Courses are exclusively available to staff members of a European Statistical System (ESS) institution.
Title in Arabic: المراقبة الفنية للأعمال الميدانية: التعداد الالكتروني نموذجا
Organizer(s): AITRS
Description: تهدف عملية المراقبة الميدانية والمكتبية للعمل الإحصائي عند استعمال التقنيات الجديدة في جمع البيانات إلى التأكد من قيام جميع العاملين بدورهم بدقة بخصوص اتباع كافة القواعد والتعليمات المتعلقة بالعمل الميداني، إضافة إلى تجاوز الإشكاليات الممكن مواجهتها اثناء العمل الميداني، والتأكد من صحة استيفاء البيانات وتحقيق مقابلة المستجيب. وتكتسي المراقبة الاعمال الميدانية عند استعمال التقنيات الجديدة أهمية بالغة في المساعدة على اكتشاف ما يمكن أن يقع فيه الباحثون في العمل الميداني من أخطاء، وتناقل البيانات من الميدان الى المركز بصورة امنة تحفظ البيانات وتضمن شموليتها وجودتها. كما أن تكثيف المراجعة الميدانية لاسيما في الأيام الأولى للعمل من قبل جميع العاملين في الميدان يساهم بشكل كبير في معالجة الأخطاء في وقت مبكر وتلافيها لاحقا. وبقدر أخذ الاحتياطات اللازمة في مرحلة البرمجة الإعلامية والتدريب على استعمال التجهيزات يمكن تلافي نسبة كبيرة من الأخطاء التي ربما ستحتاج إلى وقت وجهد كبيرين لو لم يتم وتصحيحها وتصويبها في الحين.
Source: World Bank (Data extracted on: 18 Apr 2022 )
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Organizer(s): World Bank Center for Effective Global Action, United States
Description: It is nearly impossible to participate in the modern economy without mobile devices. Over 6 billion people now have access to smartphones, and the use of sensors to measure things like power quality, cookstove use, and air pollution are becoming more common. The expansion of mobile banking, online social networks, and the sharing economy have made mobile devices essential parts of every day social and economic activity. As a result of their ubiquity, mobile measurement tools and mobile data offer an attractive resource for researchers interested in addressing complex challenges like poverty, climate change, and public health crises around the world. At Measuring Development 2022: The Role of Mobile Data in Global Development Research, we’ll take a look at how researchers and policymakers are using mobile data to conduct innovative research to solve global challenges. MeasureDev will feature a series of presentations, panel discussions, and lightning talks on novel applications of mobile technology and mobile data for research. Participants will learn about the frontiers of measurement using mobile devices, and gain perspectives from leading academic and industry pioneers. Researchers, graduate students, practitioners, policymakers, and industry partners are all welcome to submit to our call for speakers using the form above.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 13 Apr 2022 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Objectives: * This course shall democratize the use of blockchain technology; * Understand the cryptographic principles behind blockchains; * Understand the components of blockchains; * Get to know impactful use cases of blockchain; * Get to know the ecosystems of available blockchains and tools; * Develop an application on the Ethereum blockchain.
Target Audience: Official statisticians/data scientists working on methodology.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Objectives: * Validation and reporting results of machine learning methods; * Mathematical concepts of supervised and unsupervised machine and deep learning models, like PCA, SVM, trees, ensembles and neural networks; * Use of scikit-learn, matplotlib, pandas, tensorflow, keras to design models and perform machine learning experiments; * Understanding of symbolic computation for backpropagation and gradient descent; * Model selection, Hyper-parameter tuning and practical considerations; * Understanding the lego bricks of neural networks (deep learning) and the numerical issues, in particular vanishing gradients; * Use pretrained models for text and vision applications with libraries like deeppavlov and detectron2.
Target Audience: Python programmers with ambitions to apply machine and deep learning in software engineering and research questions.
Description: The third meeting of the Organizational Sprint of the United Nations Network of Economic Statisticians (Network) aims to finalize the discussion on user consultations and identify the next steps, continue the discussion on the branding and communications strategy and develop a two-year rolling workplan for the Network to be considered in the fourth meeting of the Sprint.
Description: The UNSD-FCDO project on SDG monitoring was recently extended for one year, providing an opportunity to build upon and consolidate the successes of the last few years. The extension introduces a number of new areas of work, with a significant focus on further increasing the availability of disaggregated and inclusive SDG data and metadata, piloting new approaches and activities in a small set of countries, as part of a new initiative called Data For Now, which can then be hopefully rolled out more widely in future. This webinar introduced the Data For Now initiative to project countries, highlighting the achievements of some of the trailblazer countries.
Description: During this Global Network Webinar Gabriel Gamez, Inter-Regional Adviser at UNSD, presented an upcoming capacity development project to Improve the Resilience and Agility of National Statistical Systems to meet post-Covid-19 data needs to recover better. The project will span the years 2022-2025 and will be jointly implemented by the five UN Regional Commissions, UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and the UN Statistics Division. It aims to strengthen the institutional and organizational frameworks supporting efficient and effective governance and coordination mechanisms of National Statistical Systems as well as to enhance resilience and agility of statistical operations by taking advantage of innovative data collection methods, new data sources, and advanced technology. The presentation was followed by an open discussion that allowed participants from developing countries, the UN Resident Coordinator System, UN Country Teams, and development partners to express their needs and to comment on cooperation opportunities.
Organizer(s): ISI Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics
Description: The Summer School on Survey Statistics 2021 is fully virtual and offers educational sessions in English on Friday 3, 10, 17 and 24 September at 15-18 and sessions in Russian on Saturday 4, 11, 18 and 25 September (exact times TBA). Detailed information can be accessed here. The summer school is free of participation fee and is open for anyone interested. Registration required. Information on registration and contributed paper submission can be found on the event web site. The main aim of the summer school is to promote scientific and educational cooperation in survey and official statistics between statisticians interested in new trends in the area. Educational sessions include keynote lectures, invited lectures and contributed papers. Main topics are Data integration, Machine Learning and Small area estimation. Topics related to survey and official statistics are welcome in contributed papers. The summer school is organized by the Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian (BNU) Network on Survey Statistics. Today, the network involves partners from eight countries: Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Ukraine. The Summer School on Survey Statistics 2021 is the 24th of the scientific or educational events organized by the network since 1997. The event is sponsored by the International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS).
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 21 Dec 2020 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: This training introduces key analytical tools for the appraisal of projects, policies, programmes and regulations. Attention will be paid to the conceptual framework for appraisal with particular reference to methods used to value non-market impacts. Given that these tools are increasingly being used in actual policy formulation by, for example, national governments and international development agencies, a range of applications will be drawn upon.
Target Audience: Official statisticians (including managers and junior statisticians), needing basic knowledge on how data can inform policy design, analysis and evaluation. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: As with all activities, data collection by National Statistical Offices (NSO) was disrupted by the quarantine measures undertaken in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact was particularly felt in those activities that rely on face-to-face interviews, such as household surveys and censuses. The abruptness of the quarantine measures meant that changes in data collection efforts had to be done quickly and that new approaches and data sources had to be tried. This webinar presented the experience of NSOs in the use of new data collection methods and data sources to continue with their regular flows of statistics and to satisfy new demands for information.
Target Audience: National statistical offices, government officials that deal with official statistics production and/or dissemination, policy makers, employees from International Organizations that deal with statistical capacity building, researchers