Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, deals with identification and assessment of elementary indicators and techniques for combining them into a single index of economic activity to track national trends. Flash estimates or indexes of economic activity bring together a range of elementary indicators to give timely general measures of economic activity. These measures give policy makers useful information that complements annual and quarterly GDP estimates, which are more comprehensive but usually only available after substantial lags, and provide a more comprehensive picture than individual monthly and quarterly indicators, which are up-to-the-minute but reflect just a portion of the total economy).This course is for actual or potential compilers of short-term indicators in central banks and statistical offices and for those who collect data for monthly indicators. Participants are expected to work with their own monthly and quarterly time series during the course. These indicators will be used in the practical session as the basis for experimental estimates.
Target Audience: Officials responsible for compiling short-term or monthly economic indicators in central banks and statistical offices.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, teaches you how to compile timely and high-quality Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) and High-Frequency Indicators of Economic Activity (HFIEAs). The course presents the concepts, data sources, and compilation techniques needed for producing QNA and HFIEAs, covering both theoretical and practical compilation issues. It introduces participants to benchmarking, seasonal adjustment techniques, as well as volume estimates; and explains the application of these techniques to time series data. The course also discussed how to identify and assess available data sources, use real-time series databases to assess the quality, and implement a suitable revisions policy for compiling QNA and HFIEAs.
Target Audience: This introductory online course is designed for anyone interested in learning how to compile and disseminate Quarterly National Accounts and High-Frequency Indicators of Economic Activity, according to the recommendations of the System of National Accounts, and using them to better understand the role of high-frequency data in analyzing current economic developments.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, teaches you how to compile timely and high-quality Quarterly National Accounts (QNA) and High-Frequency Indicators of Economic Activity (HFIEAs). The course presents the concepts, data sources, and compilation techniques needed for producing QNA and HFIEAs, covering both theoretical and practical compilation issues. It introduces participants to benchmarking, seasonal adjustment techniques, as well as volume estimates; and explains the application of these techniques to time series data. The course also discussed how to identify and assess available data sources, use real-time series databases to assess the quality, and implement a suitable revisions policy for compiling QNA and HFIEAs.
Target Audience: This introductory online course is designed for anyone interested in learning how to compile and disseminate Quarterly National Accounts and High-Frequency Indicators of Economic Activity, according to the recommendations of the System of National Accounts, and using them to better understand the role of high-frequency data in analyzing current economic developments.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, prepares participants to compile QNA and/or HFIEA by providing them with a thorough understanding of the concepts, source data, and compilation techniques used for producing these datasets. The course covers both theoretical and practical compilation issues. It introduces participants to benchmarking, seasonal adjustment techniques, as well as volume estimates; and explains the application of these techniques to time series data. Participants will learn how to identify and assess available data sources for compiling QNA and HFIEAs; use related real-time series databases to assess the quality of QNA and HFIEAs; and implement a suitable revisions policy.
Target Audience: This online course is designed for officials worldwide who are responsible for compiling quarterly national accounts (QNA) and/or high frequency indicators of economic activity (HFIEA).
Description: The mission of the Voorburg Group on Services Statistics is to establish and maintain an internationally comparable methodology for measuring output and producer price indexes for the service industries. We focus on the development of concepts and methods, the sharing of best practices, and identification of classification needs. The Voorburg Group has contributed over the years to building up and sharing a considerable and growing body of knowledge of Service Sector Statistics. It has prompted international cooperation in the development of standards and has assisted in resolving statistical and measurement challenges in the Service Sector.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, deals with identification and assessment of elementary indicators and techniques for combining them into a single index of economic activity to track national trends. Flash estimates or indexes of economic activity bring together a range of elementary indicators to give timely general measures of economic activity. These measures give policy makers useful information that complements annual and quarterly GDP estimates, which are more comprehensive but usually only available after substantial lags, and provide a more comprehensive picture than individual monthly and quarterly indicators, which are up-to-the-minute but reflect just a portion of the total economy).This course is for actual or potential compilers of short-term indicators in central banks and statistical offices and for those who collect data for monthly indicators. Participants are expected to work with their own monthly and quarterly time series during the course. These indicators will be used in the practical session as the basis for experimental estimates.
Target Audience: Officials responsible for compiling short-term or monthly economic indicators in central banks and statistical offices.
Description: This course, presented by the IMF Statistics Department, deals with identification and assessment of elementary indicators and techniques for combining them into a single index of economic activity to track national trends. Flash estimates or indexes of economic activity bring together a range of elementary indicators to give timely general measures of economic activity. These measures give policy makers useful information that complements annual and quarterly GDP estimates, which are more comprehensive but usually only available after substantial lags, and provide a more comprehensive picture than individual monthly and quarterly indicators, which are up-to-the-minute but reflect just a portion of the total economy).This course is for actual or potential compilers of short-term indicators in central banks and statistical offices and for those who collect data for monthly indicators. Participants are expected to work with their own monthly and quarterly time series during the course. These indicators will be used in the practical session as the basis for experimental estimates.
Description: This course, presented by the IMF's Statistics Department, will discuss identification and assessment of indicators and techniques for combining indicators into a single overall index of economic activity to track trends in the economy. Flash estimates or indexes of economic activity bring together a range of specific economic indicators to give timely overall measures of economic trends. Such measures give useful additional information to policy makers beyond annual and quarterly GDP estimates (which are more comprehensive but usually only available after substantial lags) and partial monthly and quarterly indicators (which are up-to-the-minute but reflect just a portion of the total economy). This course is oriented toward actual or potential compilers of short-term indicators in central banks and statistical offices as well as those involved in data collection of monthly indicators. Participants are expected to prepare a list of available monthly and quarterly indicators for their country and assemble data. These indicators will be used in the workshop part of the course to develop experimental estimates.Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to: - Explain the nature and potential uses of high frequency statistic on economic activity as well as their relation and consistency within the system of national accounts.- Develop a simple framework to compile an index of economic activity, from collection of source data to implementation of simple statistical methods and index compilation techniques.- Exploit useful short term information contained in the IEA by applying some analytical tools, deriving tables, and statistical procedures.