Description: This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, gives government officials a rigorous foundation in the estimation of macro-econometric models and their application for nowcasting, forecasting, and policy analysis in central banks, ministries, and public research institutions. The course examines univariate and multivariate econometric time series models, state-space models, and nowcasting techniques as Factor, BRIDGE, and MIDAS models. Each topic includes a lecture that discusses the underlying theory and a workshop with applications using EViews. Participants work in groups on hands-on estimation and forecasting exercises.
Description: This course shall present theoretical and practical issues related to the compilation of the sequence of accounts of the SNA (current and capital accounts, financial accounts, other changes in volume of assets accounts, and revaluation accounts) and balance sheets according to institutional sectors. The course is based on the conceptual framework of the System of National Accounts, 2008 (2008 SNA). The aim of the course is to provide participants with the necessary skills to compile the sectoral accounts and the balance sheets. The course consists of lectures covering conceptual and methodological issues as well as exercises that require the application of these concepts and that highlight practical compilation issues.
Target Audience: The workshop is intended for officials employed in national statistical agencies and central banks, who are integrally involved in the compilation of national accounts and financial accounts statistics.
Description: This course, presented by Statistics Department, is based on the conceptual framework of the 2008 System of National Accounts (2008 SNA). It covers advanced methodological and practical issues related to the compilation of the sequence of accounts of the SNA (current and capital accounts, financial accounts, other changes in volume of assets accounts, revaluation accounts, and balance sheets) by institutional sectors. The course also examines the linkages between institutional sectors as a basis for establishing from-whom-to-whom accounts. The aim of the course is to provide participants with the necessary skills to compile—or further enhance—their country’s institutional sector accounts and the balance sheets. The course consists of lectures covering conceptual and methodological issues, workshops sessions on practical compilation issues, discussions on emerging financial issues such as fintech and crypto assets. It reviews case studies involving new applications of ISA such as household distributions to examine income, consumption and wealth accumulation by various cohorts and intergenerational transfers and pensions. The myriad ways in which the ISA supports economic policy is also examined. The lectures provide a thorough review of the methodological framework, concepts, and definitions relating to sectoral institutional sector accounts and balance sheets, examine potential data sources for the compilation of annual and quarterly ISA, and illustrate possible compilation techniques and procedures. The course also provides a forum for participants to share country practices and experiences relating to the compilation of sectoral institutional accounts and balance sheets.
Target Audience: Officials whose main responsibility is compiling national accounts, including financial accounts statistics and balance of payments statistics (specifically responsible for the sectoral accounts, household distribution accounts and accounts on a from-whom-to-whom basis), who are employed by national statistical agencies and central banks.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.
Target Audience: Officials who compile macroeconomic and financial statistics in national statistical organizations, ministries of finance, economy, or planning, or in central banks.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 27 Nov 2024 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP ESCAP
Description: The United Nations System of National Accounts (2008 SNA) manual represents the flagship of international economic accounting standards across all macroeconomic statistics disciplines. In factthe Macroeconomic statistics are expressed in terms of a set of conceptsdefinitionsclassificationsand accounting rules that comprise the internationally agreed-upon standard for measuring different areas of economic statistics.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 25 Jan 2024 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat
Description: Are you interested in macroeconomic statistics and want to learn more about national accounts and balance of payments? During this webinar, you will get valuable insight into the main concepts of macroeconomic statistics. The webinar will focus in particular on the innovations that will be introduced in the macroeconomic measurements frameworks - the system of national accounts and the balance of payments manual - to keep them abreast of the changes in the global economic environment.
Description: This course, presented by the IMF Statistics Department, is based on the conceptual framework of the 2008 System of National Accounts (2008 SNA). It covers advanced methodological and practical issues related to the compilation of the sequence of accounts of the SNA (current and capital accounts, financial accounts, other changes in volume of assets accounts, revaluation accounts, and balance sheets) byinstitutional sectors. The course will also examine the linkages between institutional sectors as a basis for establishing from-whom-to-whom accounts. The aim of the course is to provide participants with the necessary skills to compile-or further enhance-their country's institutional sector accounts and the balance sheets. The course consists of lectures covering conceptual and methodological issues, workshops sessions on practical compilation issues, discussions on emerging financial issues such as fintech and crypto assets. It will review case studies involving new applications of ISA such as household distributions to examine income, consumption and wealth accumulation by various cohorts and intergenerational transfers and pensions. The myriad ways in which the ISA supports economic policy will also be examined. The lectures will provide a thorough review of the methodological framework, concepts, and definitions relating to sectoral institutional sector accounts and balance sheets, examine potential data sources for the compilation of annual and quarterly ISA, and illustrate possible compilation techniques and procedures. The course also provides a forum for participants to share country practices and experiences relating to the compilation of sectoral institutional accounts and balance sheets.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.
Target Audience: Officials who compile macroeconomic and financial statistics in national statistical organizations, ministries of finance, economy, or planning, or in central banks.
Description: The Global conference, which will take place at the Palais d'Egmont in Brussels, is jointly organized by the United Nations Statistics Division and Eurostat with the aim to discuss the ongoing update of the 2008 SNA and BPM6, and its implementation in 2025. Priority areas of discussion will be: Sustainability and Beyond GDP, Digitalisation, Globalisation and Communication. The conference is expected to bring together around 250 high-profile participants from all the regions of the world, including politicians, public officials working in policy development, national accounts compilers and academics.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Title in French: Appui à la mise en œuvre de la comptabilité en droits constatés et patrimoniale
Organizer(s): IMF AI Generated
Description: Les resultats attendus: • L'état d’avancement de la mise en œuvre des recommandations des précédentes missions est effectué ; • Un plan d’action pour la mise en place du dispositif de CIC est élaboré ; • Les capacités des cadres de la DGTCP sont renforcées sur la mise en place du CIC. A l'issue de la mission, les services de la DGTCP disposeront d'un plan d’action pour la mise en place du dispositif de CIC. Cette mission permettra également de renforcer les capacités des cadres de la DGTCP sur la méthodologie de mise en œuvre du CIC.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.
Description: This course deals with identification and assessment of elementary indicators and techniques for combining them into a single index of economic activity to track national trends. Flash estimates or indexes of economic activity bring together a range of elementary indicators to give timely general measures of economic activity. These measures give policy makers useful information that complements annual and quarterly GDP estimates, which are more comprehensive but usually only available after substantial lags, and provide a more comprehensive picture than individual monthly and quarterly indicators, which are up-to-the-minute but reflect just a portion of the total economy). This course is for actual or potential compilers of short-term indicators in central banks and statistical offices and for those who collect data for monthly indicators. Participants are expected to work with their own monthly and quarterly time series during the course. These indicators will be used in the practical session as the basis for experimental estimates.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.
Source: IMF Metac (Data extracted on: 16 Nov 2020 )
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Description: Policy makers require timely information on changes in economic activity. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has made the need for a monthly indicator of economic growth (MIEG) even more evident. Annual and quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) programs will often capture these changes with a significant time lag. As a complement to traditional national accounts products, many statistical offices and central banks compile and publish a MIEG (also known as Monthly GDP in some countries) using a collection of high-frequency indicators (HFIs). A webinar was organized by METAC on July 20 to introduce the topic of the MIEG, illustrate the HFIs needed to compile such an index, and explain the broad steps to compile a timely MIEG.
Description: This online course, presented by the Statistics Department, reviews the basic skills, concepts, and principles required to compile and disseminate macroeconomic and financial statistics. The course covers topics such as residence, institutional units, institutional sectors, accounting rules, financial instruments, stocks and flows, the IMF’s Data Standards Initiatives, and presents the basic macroeconomic linkages among these statistics.