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Description: New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) is an international biennial scientific conference series, organized by Eurostat, on new techniques and methods for official statistics, and the impact of new technologies on statistical collection, production and dissemination systems. The purpose of the conference is both to allow the presentation of results from currently ongoing research and innovation projects in official statistics, and to stimulate and facilitate the preparation of new innovative projects with the aim of enhancing the quality and usefulness of official statistics. The NTTS conference series was initially triennial, and with the conference taking place in 1992 (Bonn), 1995 (Bonn), 1998 (Sorrento) and 2001 (Hersonissos, Crete). After a break of 8 years, the conference was re-launched on a biannual basis, and took place in Brussels in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 2017 and 2019. NTTS 2021 was fully virtual, whereas NTTS 2023 took place in Brussels. NTTS 2025 will be hosted again in Brussels in the Charlemagne Building
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) has the pleasure of organising The Global Conference on Measuring New Forms of Employment in Brussels on 4-5 July 2024. Rapid changes impact labour markets, emphasising the need to advance the measurement of emerging forms of employment. This conference will gather high-profile policy makers and statistical experts from across Europe and around the World, who will provide input in the future development of reliable statistical information on digital and innovative economy in the labour market domain. Throughout the course of the conference, we intend to tackle issues linked to data sources, definitions and measurement. We also intend to explore current experiences in measuring the phenomenon of forms of employment, both at national and international levels, and new or forthcoming international recommendations. The event will bring together labour statisticians, data scientists, researchers, labour force analysts, policy users and stakeholders for this opportunity to have rich exchanges on future labour statistical measurements in a global perspective. Conference highlights: * Speeches from leaders and experts in the field; * Sessions on a wide range of topics; * Expertise and knowledge sharing.
Event URL: Event Page
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UN-GGIM: Europe
Description: UNSD’s IRA for Global Geospatial Information Management attended the Tenth Plenary meeting of UN-GGIM: Europe, held at the European Commission in Brussels. 61 participants from 23 Member States and 17 international bodies and observer organizations, and Chairs of other UN-GGIM regional committees attended. UNSD was invited to provide welcome and congratulatory remarks on UN-GGIM: Europe reaching its milestone tenth regional session and for its inputs, support and leadership into the global geospatial agenda. UNSD then provided an overview of the key outcomes from the thirteenth session of UN-GIM,convened in August 2023, and to present and lead a discussion on ‘Enhancing the SDGs with authoritative and integrated geospatial data’, including considering the prospects of how geospatial information must be integral to the framework that will inform the post-2030 Development Agenda. UN-GGIM: Europe in implementing its Workplan 2022 – 2025, the blueprint for putting into practice the UN-GGIM Europe Strategy, confirmed their support to the broad programme of work being undertaken by the UN-GGIM Committee of Experts and in taking the guidance from the global level and applying regionally, and maximizing efforts, resources and outputs. With regard to the global agenda, UN-GGIM: Europe reiterated the importance of continued advocacy among Member States and their Permanent Missions in the negotiations for adequate and sustainable resources in the UN-GGIM Secretariat, and maintained its position that these dedicated resources must be realized and will be critical to continue to support and advance the work program and activities of the Committee of Experts. Noting that new and emerging technologies and the wider digital and data ecosystem are fast evolving, UN-GGIM: Europe explored two significant developments that provide a European perspective on digital transformation through geospatial information, national digital twins, and the importance of governance, funding and investment models. Noting that inclusivity and diversity should be included across the broad programme of work of the UN-GGIM Committee of Experts, the Plenary Meeting appreciated practical examples presented, showing how by focusing on strengths and talents of neurodivergent people ensures that they can contribute to the production of geospatial information. In closing, the UN-GGIM: Europe confirmed the nominations of Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia for further three-year terms on the Executive Committee of UN-GGIM: Europe and adopted a co-chair leadership model for the UN-GGIM: Europe Executive Committee moving forward, confirming Portugal as vice-Chair, and The Netherlands and United Kingdom as co-Chairs of UN-GGIM: Europe for the next three years.
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The use of innovative data sources in official statistics is a fact and has been well formulated in the foundations of Trusted Smart Statistics. One of the examples is to get information based on the content of the websites. Extracting data from enterprise websites to get characteristics is a part of the project currently done by the Web Intelligence Network. This Network consists of European countries with support from Eurostat. Everybody can join the Network by becoming a member of the WISER, which is a group. The course will cover a general overview of Web Intelligence Network and Web Intelligence Hub. Moreover, this course will demonstrate how the Web Intelligence Platform and Datalab can be used to acquire and process data from the web. All methodological issues of conducting surveys based on web data will be explained in dedicated sessions on data collection and data processing. From a practical point of view, the course will lead participants step by step on how to start the data acquisition with the Web Intelligence Platform and how to process them with the data lab. After completing this training course, participants should have basic knowledge of how to use Web Intelligence tools to conduct surveys on enterprise characteristics with respect to the methodological principles of the web-based survey. The detailed content of the course: * Introduction to Web Intelligence Hub and Web Intelligence Network; * Introduction to Online-Based Enterprise Characteristics; * The use of the Web Intelligence Platform; * Methodological aspects of web data collection for surveys on enterprise characteristics; * Web data processing step by step to get selected attributes of enterprises; * Discussion on challenges and country-related issues.
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) is an international biennial scientific conference series, organised by Eurostat, on new techniques and methods for official statistics and the impact of new technologies on statistical collection, production and dissemination systems. The NTTS 2023, the 12th edition, will be a hybrid conference and will take place in March 2023. The purpose of the conference is both to allow the presentation of results from currently ongoing research and innovation projects in official statistics, and to stimulate and facilitate the preparation of new innovative projects (by encouraging the exchange of views and co-operation between researchers - including the possible building of research consortia) with the aim of enhancing the quality and usefulness of official statistics.
Target Audience: The conference brings together academics, statisticians and users of data to discuss, network and exchange ideas.
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Global conference on Macroeconomic Statistics for the Future
10 Nov 2022 – 11 Nov 2022
Brussels, Belgium
Source: UNSD (Data extracted on: 01 Aug 2023 )
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Description: The Global conference, which will take place at the Palais d'Egmont in Brussels, is jointly organized by the United Nations Statistics Division and Eurostat with the aim to discuss the ongoing update of the 2008 SNA and BPM6, and its implementation in 2025. Priority areas of discussion will be: Sustainability and Beyond GDP, Digitalisation, Globalisation and Communication. The conference is expected to bring together around 250 high-profile participants from all the regions of the world, including politicians, public officials working in policy development, national accounts compilers and academics.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Event URL: Event Page
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World Bank
European Commission
Description: This workshop is part of a multi-year project to develop an evidence base on European public administration co-organized by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the Structural Reform Support Service, together with The Bureaucracy Lab of the World Bank. The goal of the workshop is to bring together a number of Member States interested in measuring public administration and corresponding public sector productivity and willing to share their experience in this field. The workshop will work with Member States to develop an impact evaluation that will act as the basis for a comprehensive diagnostic of public administration systems and an evaluation of critical reforms.
Event URL: Event Page