Description: The ITCILO and ILO's Employment Department, Skills and Employability Branch join forces to bring learners a course on "Tracer Studies" to measure impact of vocational training. Tracer studies or graduate surveys are standardised surveys of graduates from education institutions, which take place some time after graduation or at the end of a training. Tracer studies commonly s topics include questions on study progress, the transition to work, work entrance, job career, use of learned competencies, current occupation and bonds to the education institution (school, centre, university). Tracer studies are common in higher education, but are becoming more and more popular in technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Reforms and programmes seeking improvement of TVET systems (you can check our website for the upcoming course on Skills anticipation and matching) try to respond to labour market needs and contribute to overcoming skills mismatch, and support the transition from school to work; to achieve these objectives, TVET institutions need data from tracer studies to measure their effectiveness and the impact they have generated.
Target Audience: Statisticians from national statistical offices; Ministries of labour and other institutions involved in production of work, social, and gender statistics; - Governmental agencies responsible for developing and implementing policies addressing unpaid care work/volunteer work, labour-market data analysis and national SDG reporting; ILO Social Partners (employers' and workers' organizations); research and academic institutions; international organizations; development agencies; non-governmental organizations. - Employment and development policy analysts from National Statistical Offices, Research and Academic institutions, International organizations and Donor organizations.
Source: IOM GMDAC (Data extracted on: 17 Apr 2023 )
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Organizer(s): IOM GMDAC African Union Statistics Sweden
Description: This African Migration Data Network (AMDN) school on migration statistics is the third of its kind after the success of the first two sessions organized in 2020 and 2021. It is a joint initiative between the African Union, IOM and Statistics Sweden. As migration data are essential to inform policymaking and programming on migration, development and protection at the national, regional, and international levels, the African Schools on Migration Statistics aim at strengthening national capacities for the collection, production, and dissemination of migration data in African countries. This third edition focuses on diaspora data in particular. Diasporas provide diverse contributions to sustainable development. They often support countries of origin through financial, social, and cultural transfers, and through demographic, labour, and fiscal contributions. Diaspora contributions are receiving increasing attention. They have been recognized at a global level, by Objective 19 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) and Agenda 2030 in particular, and at the continental level, in documents such as the revised Migration Policy Framework for Africa and AU/ILO/IOM/UNECA Joint Labour Migration Porgramme (JLMP). In addition, countries of origin are increasingly adopting strategies to engage with their diasporas and facilitate their contributions to national development and to other domestic objectives. In order to be effective, such policies and programmes need to be informed by evidence. However, availability of diaspora data remains scarce and unequal across regions, due to inherent challenges. For instance, many African countries are not able to provide data for their nationals abroad as well as account for the source of remittances by country of origin and other characteristics. Consequently, member states lack information on the distribution of diaspora members and on their characteristics and needs as well as the concrete contributions they make. In turn, such data gaps hinder the identification of tailored and effective diaspora engagement efforts. Adopted in April 2022, the Dublin Declaration calls to improve data on diasporas in line with SDG target 17.18 and GCM Objective 1. In response to these important needs identified by member states, IOM has recently developed tools in terms of diaspora data such as a Diaspora Mapping Toolkit (2021) and the guide Contributions and Counting: Guidance on Measuring the Economic Impact of your Diaspora beyond Remittances (2020). Disseminating these tools and implementing related training activities is essential to develop member states´ capacities to know their diasporas. Due to its transnational and country-led nature, the Africa Migration Data Network is in a unique position to contribute to improving data and evidence on diaspora communities and their contributions to development, through this school on migration statistics, which is led by the African Union, IOM and Statistics Sweden.
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 May 2021 )
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Organizer(s): Eurostat Icon-Institut
Description: Definitions, concepts and classifications used in UOE data collection (students enrolled, entrants, graduates, personnel, foreign language learning, leraning mobility and education expenditure) in order to respect the European legal framework for education statistics General issues of the financial data such as concepts, scope and types of transactions including improving education expenditure data and reconciliation exercise with national accounts.
Target Audience: Statisticians who will work (or are working) on education statistics in UOE data collection. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Description: This expert group meeting discusses the ECLAC study 'Education during the COVID-19 pandemic: access, inclusion, and psychosocial support'.
Description: About the session Data and information play an ever-increasing role in our lives. It is important for all the people to produce quality data as well as using quality data. The literacy of statistics needs to be advanced. In particular, role of universities is significant. Their educational curriculums should cover producing quality data. Official statistics are an input in evidence-based policies and crucial for SDG monitoring. Considering the advances in official statistics as well as more broadly the advances in data science in the government, private sector and academia, it is important for universities to design official statistics course that foster collaboration between government, international organizations and universities. Official statistics course could cover key aspects of official statistics will enhance students’ view on official statistics as well as prepare those who pursue a career in government. Often there is a gap between what staff of National Statistical System has learned in their studies and what is needed to perform well in the official statistics setting. Key Items In this regard, the Stats Café provided an opportunity to bridge the gap between official statistics and university curriculum by inviting lecturers on statistics to discuss this topic. How are official statistics taught in universities? What kinds of support from governments, international agencies and other stakeholders will be helpful for teaching data and official statistics in universities? What kinds of elements should be included in the curriculum to ensure that students are better prepared to work for official statistics? , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events
Source: IOM GMDAC (Data extracted on: 14 Feb 2021 )
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Organizer(s): IOM GMDAC STATAFRIC Statistics Sweden
Description: The African Union Institute for Statistics (STATAFRIC), Statistics Sweden and IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC)are pleased to invite you to their first "Online African School on Migration Statistics" that will be held online on 2—4 December 2020.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: This is a comprehensive training course that covers application of statistics in Education Management. The course aims at equipping participants with skills and knowledge in data collection, data entry, management, analysis, interpretation and reporting.
Target Audience: Education Managers, Administrators and Implementers at all levels of Education Management, Teachers at all levels, Education Officers, Education Managers and Administrators at District, Regional and National Levels, Education Researchers and Education Practitioners such as NGOs and Private Entities.
Title in Arabic: إحصاءات التعليم ضمن إطار أهداف التنمية المستدامة 2030
Organizer(s): AITRS UNESCO Arab Development Portal
Description: تهدف هذه الورشة إلى تعريف المشاركين بمؤشرات التعليم المدرجة ضمن أهداف التنمية المستدامة خاصة ما كان منها تحت الهدف 4: "ضمان التعليم الجيد المنصف والشامل للجميع وتعزيز فرص التعلم مدى الحياة للجميع"، وتعزيز معرفتهم بمفاهيمها وتعريفها وغاياتها. كما ستركز الورشة أيضاً على التحديات الرئيسية التي تواجه المكاتب الإحصائية في ضوء جائحة كوفيد-19 مع تقديم توصيات حول سبل التصدي لهذه التحديات. ستتضمن هذه الورشة أيضاً عروضاُ من قبل ممثلي المكاتب الإحصائية الوطنية لمشاركة تجاربهم في العمل على رصد مؤشرات التعليم التابعة لأهداف التنمية المستدامة، ومناقشة التحديات التي يواجهونها للإبلاغ عن هذه المؤشرات، بالإضافة إلى التحديات التي يواجهونها في توفير البيانات في ظل الأزمة الحالية.
Source: IOM GMDAC (Data extracted on: 17 Apr 2023 )
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Organizer(s): IOM GMDAC STATAFRIC Statistics Sweden
Description: The African Union Institute of Statistics (STATAFRIC), Statistics Sweden and IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) are pleased to invite you to the second edition of the Online African School on Migration Statistics that will be held on 8-10 June 2021. The first Online African School on Migration Statistics was held in December of last year. This joint initiative contributes to addressing the urgent need for timely and quality migration data, which are essential for informed policy-making and for the integration of migration in development and protection strategies at the national, regional, and global levels.
Description: This is a comprehensive training course that covers application of statistics in Education Management. The course aims at equipping participants with skills and knowledge in data collection, data entry, management, analysis, interpretation and reporting.
Target Audience: This short course is so important for education managers, administrators and implementers at all levels of education management. Specifically, the course can be taken by teachers at all levels, education officers, education managers and administrators at district, regional and national levels, education researchers and education practitioners such as NGOs and private entities
Description: In the Pacific region numerous administrative processes, censuses and household surveys collect education related data. These data largely remain underutilised. The long time series of underexploited education data sets presents an opportunity to fill gaps – where they exist – in education indicators while building the capacity of national statistical agencies in the Pacific region to analyse and disseminate education data. Similar to statistics on national income, human development and labour force, education statistics should be comparable across countries. The purpose of this workshop is to improve the harmonising of education data over time, both within and across the various sources of education data to minimise: Time and costs in developing data collections, Respondent burden, and Unnecessary duplication across sources. and to maximise the: Quality and value of information gained from any single source. Opportunities for the cross-analysis, exchange and re-use of data. Users’ understanding of statistical information and how it can be used to inform the development of more informed policy.