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PSA Philippines
PSRTI Philippines
Description: Background and rationale National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and other entities comprising national statistical systems in the Asia-Pacific region are facing ever-increasing demand for statistical products that are timely, frequent, granular, and accurate. The continuous improvement of statistical business processes, including through standardization and automation, is imperative to keep up with this demand while assuring that quality standards are being met. This requires the deployment of IT tools that can be used for a wide range of these processes, are cost effective, and are widely accepted and supported. In R, NSOs in many countries are converging on a programming language and software environment that meets these criteria. Designed for statistical analysis, reporting and visualization, R is a powerful tool for data analysis. R and specific packages developed for it cover many of the processes schematized in the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM).1, 2 R is open-source, which not only makes it free, but also makes it a solution that facilitates sharing and collaboration. And R is used by a worldwide community of an ever-increasing number of users, not only in official statistics, but also in academia, business, and other branches of government. Programme Concept note Objective The objective of the workshop was to strengthen and/or build (whatever the case may be) the capacity of participants in applying R and the packages developed for statistical business processes at their organizations. Specifically, the participants were expected to: Use R and RStudio and gain a sound foundation from which they can continue to learn within their organizations Learn about some commonly used R packages Explore examples of how R can be applied to official statistics Gain an understanding of how business processes for the production and dissemination of statistics can be structured, as reflected in the GSBPM
Event URL: Event Page
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PSA Philippines
Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UNSIAP), in collaboration with the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) are organizing a Regional Training Workshop on the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) for the Asia Pacific region. The workshop will be held in Manila, Philippines from 5 to 8 June 2023 and will be conducted in English. The workshop is an opportunity for participants to increase their technical knowledge of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) through exercises, country examples and discussions focusing on ecosystem extent, condition, and services accounts. Participants will learn about the policy relevance of ecosystem accounts and how SEEA EA can support measuring progress towards achieving the targets of national policies and international agreements including the Sustainable Development Goals, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement. Institutional mechanisms, data sources and modelling tools will also be introduced. For additional information on the workshop, please see the concept note and provisional agenda.
Event URL: Event Page
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Department of Tourism Philippines
Description: Measuring the sustainability of tourism (MST) aims to bring to all countries in the world a common framework to measure the impacts and dependencies of tourism on the economy, society and the environment. This is essential to better understand the role of tourism in sustainable development and to pragmatically monitor progress, especially in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. With new situations emerging from the unprecedented covid-19 pandemic, tourism restarts with sustainability as the new normal. Being able to properly measure the sustainability of the tourism sector for monitoring relevant policies has become crucial. In the meantime, the tourism industry have shown an increased commitment to implementing sustainability concepts and measures in recent years. These underline the need for the development of the MST. Therefore, UNWTO jointly organizes the UNWTO Asia-Pacific Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism with the Department of Tourism of the Philippines. This event is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea.
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The UNSD in collaboration with ADB, ASEAN, and EU-ASEAN ARISE project will conduct a Regional Training Workshop on Economic Statistics SDMX targeting 10 Southeast Asia countries. The workshop will bring together the subject matter and IT experts from institutions responsible in the compilation of SNA and IMTS in Southeast Asia region. Interested regional organizations in Asia will be also attending. The main objectives of the workshop are as follows: - Train subject matter experts: IT, National Accounts and Trade statisticians, on specific global SDMX Data Structure Definitions of SNA and IMTS; - Teach IT experts on various SDMX tools; - Assist statisticians/experts in implementing SDMX by conducting mapping exercises between a national database and SDMX code lists for specific domain.
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), is organizing a regional thematic conference on “Managing a statistical organization in times of change”. The conference is scheduled to take place from 12 to 14 February 2020 in Manila, Philippines. This Asian Conference is part of a series of regional conferences to understand and prioritise the recent institutional, organizational and technical developments for the production of official statistics and indicators for the monitoring of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related regional and national development plans.
Event URL: Event Page
2020 International Comparison Program for Asia and the Pacific Inception Meeting for Heads of National Implementing Agencies
11 Feb 2020 – 11 Feb 2020
Manila, Philippines
Source: ADB (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2021 )
2017 International Comparison Program for Asia and the Pacific: 2nd Meeting of NIA Heads on the Presentation of the 2017 ICP Regional Results
10 Feb 2020 – 11 Feb 2020
Manila, Philippines
Source: ADB (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2021 )
3rd Meeting of the 2017 International Comparison Program Asia Pacific Regional Advisory Board
10 Feb 2020 – 10 Feb 2020
Manila, Philippines
Source: ADB (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2021 )
Introduction to Data Analytics Co-organized with DAP
25 Sep 2019 – 25 Sep 2019
Manila, Philippines
Source: ADB (Data extracted on: 18 Feb 2021 )