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Description: Objectives: * To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality on GFS and EDP-statistics; * To examine the theoretical basis and structure of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) based GFS and EDP-data.
Target Audience: Participants from National Statistical Institutes, National Central Banks and Ministries of Finance working on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP).
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: Objectives: * To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality on GFS and EDP-statistics; * To examine the theoretical basis and structure of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) based GFS and EDP-data.
Target Audience: Participants from National Statistical Institutes, National Central Banks and Ministries of Finance working on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP).
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Target Audience: Official statisticians working on big data methodology, data science and in employment and education statistics, as well as other statistical domains which can profit from this data source.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The aim of the course is: * To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality ESA 2010 national accounts; * To achieve an understanding of the theoretical basis and structure of ESA 2010 national accounts, together with sources and methodology; * To provide a general overview and an understanding of the links of the different areas of the system of NA.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
Government Finance Statistics and Excessive Deficit Procedure – Part I
11 Dec 2023 – 15 Dec 2023
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 01 Nov 2022 )
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Description: The objective of this course is to introduce participants to the practice of output checking for confidentiality risks. The course focuses on output that is generated by researchers from official microdata. In most cases researchers will have had access to microdata through the Research Data Centre of the data producer to produce the output. The participants will be invited to bring their own case studies for discussion in the training.
Target Audience: Staff members dealing with statistical confidentiality, especially staff in Research Data Centres or Safe Centres. The course is intended for staff checking output that was created by external researchers or output from varying statistical analyses created by colleagues in statistical offices.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
Government Finance Statistics and Excessive Deficit Procedure – Part I
05 Jun 2023 – 09 Jun 2023
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 01 Nov 2022 )
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Description: The aim of the course is: To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality ESA 2010 national accounts; To achieve an understanding of the theoretical basis and structure of ESA 2010 national accounts, together with sources and methodology; To provide a general overview and an understanding of the links of the different areas of the system of NA.
Target Audience: Staff working in National Statistical Institutes and Competent National Authorities (CNA) on the compilation of National Accounts (NA). The course is targeted at junior statisticians with at least one year’s experience in NA through to staff with several years' experience.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The objective of this course is to provide the participants with an overview of Statistical disclosure theory and methods related to tabular data protection and microdata protection, as well as the respective software. Participants will be asked to bring case studies that will be discussed in the training.
Target Audience: Staff dealing with statistical confidentiality.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The course aims at enhancing participants' theoretical and practical knowledge of statistical business registers and their use in statistical production. They will become familiar with the European statistical business registers and its implementation at national level, both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. The course aims also to provide an overview of the importance of statistical business registers, as authoritative source for deriving high quality and harmonised statistical business register populations, for the production of European statistics and its use in the statistical production.
Target Audience: National Statistical Business Register (NSBR) staff. Statisticians working on production of business statistics making use of SBR (SBS, Business Demography, Entrepreneurship, STS, Trade by enterprise characteristics, etc.). Statisticians working on production of statistics related to globalisation (FATS, FDI, GNI, etc.) in NSIs and/or Central Banks.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: To enable participants to understand the scope, architecture, and features of SDMX, in particular those features that support more efficient processes for reporting, exchanging and disseminating statistical data and metadata, so that they can: * Assess how to take advantage of SDMX in their day-to-day work; * Understand what a DSD and MSD are and how they reflect requirements for data and metadata exchange; * Work together (statisticians and IT specialists) in the organization in planning for SDMX in their domain; * Understand the relationship between SDMX and the process of the production of statistics; * Understand the different roles of the organizations in the collection and production of statistics and the relationship with SDMX; * Understand (in broad terms) the different tools that Eurostat can provide, and the architecture that can be developed. * Understand that SDMX enables automated validation services.
Target Audience: Statisticians and IT professionals working in a statistical domain without SDMX knowledge.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: To provide the participants with a basic understanding of the main concepts of seasonal and calendar adjustment, trend cycle, irregular components and related time-series issues To introduce the participants to the use of software JDEMETRA+ via the graphical interface and R.
Target Audience: Staff of national statistical institutes (including newcomers) involved in the production process who want to acquire a good understanding of Seasonal Adjustment (SA) methods and practices.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The objective of this course is to facilitate the application of methods and tools recommended for census 2021 protection.
Target Audience: Statisticians working on census 2021 statistical disclosure control (SDC) implementation.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The objective of this course is to introduce participants to the practice of output checking for confidentiality risks. The course focuses on output that is generated by researchers from official microdata. In most cases researchers will have had access to microdata through the Research Data Centre of the data producer to produce the output. The participants will be invited to bring their own case studies for discussion in the training.
Target Audience: Staff members dealing with statistical confidentiality, especially staff in Research Data Centres or Safe Centres. The course is intended for staff checking output that was created by external researchers or output from varying statistical analyses created by colleagues in statistical offices. Please note: All ESTP Courses are exclusively available to staff members of a European Statistical System (ESS) institution.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The course will introduce the theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as the methodological guidelines for the use of the Energy Balance Builder and SHARES tools in relation to the statistics collected within the European Union legal framework (Annex B of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics and Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources). The main focus will be on methodology, concepts and definitions, calculation principles, data validation and discussions on these tools. Practical examples of the use of these tools will be also covered during the training. This course will also cover indicators built from energy balances and the methodological and conceptual problems that could arise from these indicators.
Target Audience: Statisticians dealing with the compilation of energy balances, the calculation of the share of energy from renewable sources as well as the analysis of energy data, wishing to understand better the system and overall framework of the energy statistics tools used for these purposes. Please note: All ESTP Courses are exclusively available to staff members of a European Statistical System (ESS) institution.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The aim of the course is: * To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality ESA 2010 national accounts; * To achieve an understanding of the theoretical basis and structure of ESA 2010 national accounts, together with sources and methodology; * To provide a general overview and an understanding of the links of the different areas of the system of NA.
Target Audience: Staff working in National Statistical Institutes and Competent National Authorities on the compilation of National Accounts (NA). The course is targeted at junior statisticians with at least one year's experience in NA through to staff with several years' experience. Please note: All ESTP Courses are exclusively available to staff members of a European Statistical System (ESS) institution.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The course aims at enhancing participants' theoretical and practical knowledge of National Accounts. They should become familiar with the system framework, the integration and balancing of source data and the presentation of national accounts data.
Target Audience: Junior statisticians of National Accounts (NA) departments or statisticians of other statistical departments dealing with NA statistics.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: Drawing from work done in the past few years in the context of Large Case Units and European Profiling, and to support the ongoing move to a more systematic and coordinated approach to globalisation-related activities in the ESS, this course should support managers/statisticians involved in business/macroeconomic and globalisation statistics growing need to understand well and interact successfully with multinational enterprise groups (MNEs) operating in Europe. The course will aim at providing the participants with an improved statistical skillset to tackle Multinational Enterprise Groups issues, including: * A better understanding of the MNEs structure, organization and activities; * A better understanding MNEs accounting and reporting concepts and standards; * Searching and using financial information on MNEs; * Role of profiling and practical implementation.
Target Audience: Managers and statisticians fully or partially involved in the domain of business statistics, macroeconomics and globalisation statistics.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: The objective of this course is to facilitate the application of methods and tools recommended for census 2021 protection.
Target Audience: Statisticians working on census 2021 statistical disclosure control (SDC) implementation. Please note: All ESTP Courses are exclusively available to staff members of a European Statistical System (ESS) institution.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: Objectives: * To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality on GFS and EDP-statistics; * To examine the theoretical basis and structure of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) based GFS and EDP-data.
Target Audience: Participants from National Statistical Institutes, National Central Banks and Ministries of Finance working on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
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Description: Objectives: * To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality on GFS and EDP-statistics; * To examine the theoretical basis and structure of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) based GFS and EDP-data.
Target Audience: Participants from National Statistical Institutes, National Central Banks and Ministries of Finance working on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Event URL: Event Page
National Accounts in Practice - Advanced course
15 Sep 2020 – 24 Sep 2020
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 17 Nov 2020 )
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Description: The course will cover in depth the conceptual framework used to compile the national accounts in the European context. The focus will be on concepts, definitions and classifications of the Systems of National Accounts (ESA2010, SNA 2008). This will include the sector accounts and Supply and Use Tables – their compilation and their role in balancing the accounts. It will provide a practical approach to the implementation of the international standards by providing exercise at regular intervals throughout the course to ensure learning through doing. The learning will be reinforced by group discussion and presentations. The course will also introduce the quarterly national accounts, satellite accounts and regional accounts. The course will describe current activities in a European context to go “beyond GDP” and examine how other measurement systems can use the national accounts framework to bring an accounting structure to areas outside the domain of national accounts.
Target Audience: Statisticians of National Accounts compilation units, with more than one year’s experience in the field of national accounts or related economic statistics, wishing to understand in some depth the concepts, sources and methods used to compile the national accounts. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The course will introduce the conceptual framework used to compile the national accounts in the European context. The main focus will be on concepts, definitions and classifications of the Systems of National Accounts (ESA2010, SNA 2008). It will provide a practical approach to the implementation of the international standards by providing exercise at regular intervals throughout the course to ensure learning through doing. The learning will be reinforced by group discussion and presentation. The course will also introduce quarterly national accounts, supply-use tables and associated satellite accounts as well as regional accounts. The course will describe current activities in a European context to go “beyond GDP” and examine how other measurement systems can use the national accounts framework to bring an accounting structure to areas outside the domain of national accounts.
Target Audience: Junior statisticians of National Accounts compilation units, or statisticians of other units which either supply data or use the end-products of the national accounts, with an interest in understanding the concepts, sources and methods used to compile the national accounts. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Introduction to Seasonal Adjustment and JDEMETRA+
28 Jan 2020 – 30 Jan 2020
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 25 Nov 2019 )
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Description: Objectives of the course: (a) to provide the participants with a basic understanding of the main concepts of seasonal and calendar adjustment, trend cycle, irregular components and related time-series issues; (b) to introduce the participants to the use of software JDEMETRA+.
Target Audience: Staff of national statistical institutes (including newcomers) involved in the production process who want to acquire a good understanding of Seasonal Adjustment (SA) methods and practices. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: Introducing to the theory and practice of temporal disaggregation, balancing and statistical reconciliation of systems of time series.
Target Audience: Statistical officers in charge to regular production of National Accounts quarterly series. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The training course will introduce the theoretical and practical know-how of TSA compilation and will position TSA vis-à-vis primary tourism statistics. The main compilation challenges for each TSA table (with a focus on core tables 1 to 6) will be discussed, with the aim of improving the international comparability through maximising the use of existing harmonised European statistics. The final goal of the course is to prepare participants to embark on the production of TSA at national level or to improve the existing TSA and to better align national TSA to the international recommendations.
Target Audience: Staff of national statistical authorities involved in the production process of tourism statistics, national accounts or (tourism) satellite accounts, who want to acquire a good understanding of the macro-economic measurement of the tourism sector, in particular the tourism satellite accounting framework (TSA), with the objective to develop or improve TSA in their country. The training is targeted at experienced as well as novice or future TSA compilers with the aim of spreading/exchanging the know-how and best practices within and between the different levels of expertise. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Government Finance Statistics and Excessive Deficit Procedure Part II
25 Nov 2019 – 29 Nov 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: Objectives of the course: (a) To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality on GFS and EDP-statistics; (b) To examine the theoretical basis and structure of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) based GFS and EDP-data.
Target Audience: Participants from National Statistical Institutes, National Central Banks and Ministries of Finance working on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The course will provide participants with a better understanding of the ESS Validation policy and best practices in performing data validation. The course will also make participants aware of the resources available to improve validation processes both at ESS and national levels. This includes VTL, the standard Validation and Transformation Language.
Target Audience: Staff involved in the validation of data transmitted to Eurostat (either from the business, methodological or IT side) at national level. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
SDMX Standard for Data and Metadata Exchange, IT tools course
12 Nov 2019 – 14 Nov 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: To enable participants to understand and to use the Eurostat tools which are available to support more efficient processes for reporting, exchanging and disseminating statistical data and metadata. Furthermore, to enable participants to understand the scope, architecture, and features of SDMX, in particular those features that support more efficient processes for reporting, exchanging and disseminating statistical data and metadata.
Target Audience: The course is aimed at IT involved in the reporting, exchange, and dissemination of data and metadata. The principal target audience is IT specialists or statisticians with a very good level of IT knowledge, involved in implementations (reporting, production, exchange, and dissemination). ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The course will further explore and in deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge of BOP approaches. The main focus will be on concepts and definitions of BoP, discussions of the financial accounts and the International Investment Position. The course will explore the European perspective and a view on harmonisation efforts within Europe.
Target Audience: Staff members in the field of National Accounts (NA) and Balance of Payment (BoP) departments in National Statistical Offices and National Banks. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The course aims at enhancing participants' theoretical and practical knowledge of Quality reporting. Using the "ESS Handbook for Quality Reports (2014 edition)" as a reference, participants will develop understanding and will become acquainted with the practices of how to prepare detailed ESS quality reports for the different types of statistical processes. In addition, they will develop knowledge of and will receive an insight into the standard reporting structures (Single Integrated Metadata Structure and its ESMS and ESQRS components) and their metadata environment ESS Metadata Handler.
Target Audience: Staff of National Statistical Institutes (including newcomers) involved in the statistical production process who want to acquire in-depth understanding of Quality reporting. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The course will provide participants with training on the compilation of SEEA-CF monetary environmental accounts as requested by Regulation 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts (amended by Regulation 538/2014). Both a brief, overall introduction to the different accounts, including relevant definitions, classifications, and approaches to compilation will be covered. Introductions to each of the 3 main accounts, Environmental Taxes, EGSS, EPEA, plus some relevant extensions such as environmental subsidies will be in focus. The course will make emphasis in putting together the practical difficulties that participants have in their offices to produce the monetary environmental accounts and discussing solutions and best practices.
Target Audience: 1. Statisticians of environmental statistics or environmental accounts departments involved in compiling data on Environmental Goods and Services Sector (EGSS) Accounts, Environmental protection expenditure accounts (EPEA), environmental taxes or environmental subsidies and other transfers. 2. Specialists in one of the areas listed above who need to improve their knowledge of the other areas listed above 3. Managers with responsibility on several or all the areas listed above. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The objective of this course is to introduce participants to the practice of output checking. The course focuses on output that is generated starting from official microdata by researchers. In most cases researchers will have had access to microdata through the Research Data Centre of the data producer to produce the output. Case studies from Member States (MS) will be discussed.
Target Audience: Staff members dealing with statistical confidentiality, especially staff in Research Data Centres or Safe Centres. The course is intended for staff checking output that was created by external researchers or output from varying statistical analyses created by colleagues in statistical offices. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
National Accounts in Practice - Advanced course
07 Oct 2019 – 16 Oct 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: The course will broaden and in-deep the theoretical and practical knowledge of National Accounts approaches. The main focus will be on concepts and definitions of NA and discussions on General features of the System of National Accounts (SNA, ESA), basic concepts, supply and Use Tables, non-financial sector accounts and financial sector accounts. The course will further develop Quarterly national accounts, Satellite Accounts as well as Regional Accounts.
Target Audience: Statisticians of National Accounts departments, with more than one year’s experience in the statistical field, wishing to understand better the overall system of National Accounts and its critical issues. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Large Cases Units – National approaches and best practice
16 Sep 2019 – 17 Sep 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: Good understanding of the functioning of and knowledge of existing practices of large case units (LCUs; special units that deal with the consistency issues and large and complex enterprises in National Statistical Institutes).
Target Audience: Management and statisticians fully or partially involved in the domain of business statistics, globalisation statistics and/or national accounts. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: Objectives of the course: (a) To provide participants with a specific knowledge of the features recently included within JDEMETRA+ and run the tool within the R environment; (b) to train the participants to use JDEMETRA+ for purposes different from seasonal adjustment, such as estimation of missing values temporal disaggregation, benchmarking, forecasting and analysis of revisions; (c) to prepare and to motivate the participants to become integral part of the extended network in charge of testing (software releases), maintaining (fixing bugs) and extending (new plug-ins) the tool.
Target Audience: Advanced users of seasonal adjustment methods involved in regular/massive data production and/or developers involved in the integration of SA methods in their IT environment wishing to enhance their knowledge of the JDEMETRA+ tool and/or using or potentially developing relative plug-ins. Ideal participants are either young statisticians with some interest in IT or young IT specialist with some interest in statistics. People currently using TRAMO/SEATS and/or X12 family product and/or old version of DEMETRA/JDEMETRA+ family products aiming at implementing the latest JDEMETRA+ version. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Government Finance Statistics and Excessive Deficit Procedure Part I
01 Jul 2019 – 05 Jul 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: Objectives of the course: (a) To improve the capacity of national statistical services to produce high quality on GFS and EDP-statistics; (b) To examine the theoretical basis and structure of the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) based GFS and EDP-data.
Target Audience: Participants from National Statistical Institutes, National Central Banks and Ministries of Finance working on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Energy statistics - Balance builder and SHARES tool
21 Jun 2019 – 21 Jun 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: The course will introduce the theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as the methodological guidelines for the use of the Energy Balance Builder and SHARES tools in relation to the statistics collected within the European Union legal framework (Annex B of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics and Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources). The main focus will be on methodology, concepts and definitions, calculations and discussions on these tools. Practical examples of the use of these tools will be also covered during the training.
Target Audience: Statisticians dealing with compilation of annual energy balances and the calculation of the share of energy from renewable sources wishing to understand better the system and overall framework of the energy statistics tools used for these purposes. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The course will introduce the theoretical and practical knowledge of energy statistics in relation to the European Union legal framework (Annex B of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics). The main focus will be on concepts and definitions of energy statistics, discussions on annual questionnaires. The course will explore the European perspective within the international methodology concepts of energy statistics.
Target Audience: Statisticians dealing with compilation of annual energy statistics and wishing to understand better the system and overall framework of energy statistics. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Digital dissemination of statistics: Focus on data visualisation
11 Jun 2019 – 12 Jun 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: Objectives of the course: * Introduce the craft of data visualisation in the context of statistics. (b) Introduce the psychological foundations of data visualisation. (c) Provide a list of practical guidelines to evaluate data visualisations. * Demonstrate a range of existing tools to create data visualisations and show their strengths and limitations. * Discuss how to tailor statistics based data stories and visualisations to different audiences (journalists and media in particular) and different publication channels. * Show the key features of static, responsive, interactive and animated data visualisations. * Inspire participants by showing numerous examples of data visualisations.
Target Audience: ESS staff with some basic knowledge of data visualisation. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The goal of this activity is to provide participants with basic knowledge about the syntax and basis of the R programming language and to provide an overview of the main packages which are important for the statistical production process. The activity will pay special attention to these packages devoted to management of large databases and the analysis of complex surveys.
Target Audience: Statistical production units and methodologist of NSIs. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: To provide the participants with advanced knowledge of the EGR 2.0 system and its applications. To present the EGR 2.0 business process, the functionalities of the applications, the links to the national SBR, EGR's role and integration into the production of business statistics.
Target Audience: National Statistical Business Register (SBR) staff. Statisticians working on production of statistics related to globalisation (FATS, FDI, GNI, etc.) in NSIs and/or Central Banks. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
SDMX Standard for Data and Metadata Exchange IT tools course
14 May 2019 – 16 May 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: To enable participants to understand and to use the Eurostat tools which are available to support more efficient processes for reporting, exchanging and disseminating statistical data and metadata. Furthermore, to enable participants to understand the scope, architecture, and features of SDMX, in particular those features that support more efficient processes for reporting, exchanging and disseminating statistical data and metadata.
Target Audience: The course is aimed at IT involved in the reporting, exchange, and dissemination of data and metadata. The principal target audience is IT specialists or statisticians with a very good level of IT knowledge, involved in implementations (reporting, production, exchange, and dissemination). ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The objective of this course is to provide the participants with an overview of Statistical disclosure theory and methods related to tabular data protection and microdata protection, as well as the respective software. Case studies from Member States (MS) will be discussed.
Target Audience: Staff dealing with statistical confidentiality. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Integration of statistics and geospatial information - from geocoding to statistical maps
26 Mar 2019 – 28 Mar 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: The course will introduce the theoretical and practical knowledge of geospatial information and its use for statistics, including for statistical maps. The main focus will be on integrating statistical and geospatial data for analysis and visualisation and to understand the potential of spatial analysis. Additionally, participants will learn the techniques and (online) tools for creating and publishing statistical maps and gain hands-on experience with GIS and map making.
Target Audience: Statisticians involved in the production and analysis of statistical data. Who want to learn how to geo-enable and present statistical maps. Who want to learn basic principles of spatial analysis using statistical data and an Open Source GIS software (QGIS). ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
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Description: The course will introduce the theoretical and practical knowledge of National Accounts approaches. The main focus will be on concepts and definitions of NA and discussions on General features of the System of National Accounts (SNA, ESA), basic concepts, supply and Use Tables, non-financial sector accounts and financial sector accounts. The course will introduce Quarterly national accounts, Satellite Accounts as well as Regional Accounts. The course will explore the European perspective and a view on harmonisation efforts within Europe.
Target Audience: Junior statisticians of National Accounts (NA) departments or statisticians of other statistical departments dealing with NA statistics and wishing to understand better the system and overall framework of NA. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
European Business Statistics and FRIBS with PRODCOM as example module
13 Mar 2019 – 14 Mar 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: Good understanding of the legal and methodological/metadata framework of European Business Statistics (EBS) in general and the PRODCOM statistics domain in particular.
Target Audience: Management and statisticians fully or partially involved in the domain of ProdCom statistics. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
SDMX Standard for Data and Metadata Exchange: Basics course
05 Mar 2019 – 07 Mar 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: To enable participants to understand the scope, architecture, and features of SDMX, in particular those features that support more efficient processes for reporting, exchanging and disseminating statistical data and metadata, so that they can: * Assess how to take advantage of SDMX in their day-to-day work; * Understand what a DSD and MSD are and how they reflect requirements for data and metadata exchange; * Work together (statisticians and IT specialists) in the organization in planning for SDMX in their domain; * Understand the relationship between SDMX and the process of the production of statistics; * Understand the different roles of the organizations in the collection and production of statistics and the relationship with SDMX; * Understand (in broad terms) the different tools that Eurostat can provide, and the architecture that can be developed; * Understand that SDMX enables automated validation services.
Target Audience: Statisticians and IT professionals working in a statistical domain without SDMX knowledge. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Mobile Network Data for tourism and human mobility statistics: source, tools and methodologies
19 Feb 2019 – 21 Feb 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: Provide statisticians with the competences required for the use of mobile network data as a source of geo-positioning data in the production of statistics.
Target Audience: Official statisticians working on big data methodology, data science and in production units in tourism, transport and population statistics, as well as other statistical domains which can profit from this data source. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
The European System of the interoperable Business Registers (ESBRs) and European Profiling
05 Feb 2019 – 07 Feb 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: Objectives of the course: * To outline the goals, the scope and the achievements of the ESBRs project * To illustrate the basics of the ESBRs Business Architecture * To explain the latest methodological developments in Profiling * To provide insight into the ESBRs interoperability pilots * To familiarize the participants with the Interactive Profiling Tool (IPT) for European Profiling
Target Audience: Statisticians working on national and European Profiling, National Statistical Business Register staff. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu
Introduction to Seasonal Adjustment and JDEMETRA+
29 Jan 2019 – 31 Jan 2019
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Source: Eurostat (Data extracted on: 03 Jun 2019 )
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Description: Objectives of the course: (a) to provide the participants with a basic understanding of the main concepts of seasonal and calendar adjustment, trend cycle, irregular components and related time-series issues; (b) to introduce the participants to the use of software JDEMETRA+.
Target Audience: Staff of national statistical institutes (including newcomers) involved in the production process who want to acquire a good understanding of Seasonal Adjustment (SA) methods and practices. ESTP Trainings are open to non-ESS members if capacity allows after ESS needs are fulfilled.
Contact: ESTAT-ESTP-CONTACTS@ec.europa.eu