Demographic and Social Statistics


United Nations Regional Meeting on
Disability Measurement and Statistics in support of the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the
2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme
  • Muscat, Oman
  • 14-16 March 2017

The meeting was organized by the UN Statistics Division, in collaboration with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), and the National Centre for Statistics and Information of Oman

The UN Statistics Division, in collaboration with the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), and the National Centre for Statistics and Information of Oman organized the meeting with the following objectives: (i) to review and discuss national experiences, including challenges faced and lessons learned, to measure the population with disabilities during censuses of the 2010 round; (ii) to provide an opportunity to discuss strategies for compilation of data on disability for the monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals; and (iii) to foster intra-regional cooperation aimed at enhancing national capacity in disability measurement and improving the quality of data for monitoring the SDGs.

14 March 2017

 9:00 – 9:30
Registration of participants
 9:30 –10:00
Session 1 ‐ Opening remarks
  • NCSI
  • UNSD
  • Introduction of participants and administrative matters
10:00 –11:00
Session 2 ‐ Disability-related SDG indicators for global monitoring

This session will provide some background information on the process for the development of SDGs, and on disability-related SDG indicators for monitoring progress towards inclusion of persons with disabilities in development programmes. It will also highlight some opportunities and challenges for countries to generate the required data for the SDG framework

  • Presentation by UNSD
  • Discussion
11:00 –11:30
11:30 –12:30
Session 3 ‐ Disability statistics and/or policies and programmes in the ESCWA region: An overview

A review of available statistics and/or policies and programmes on disability in the ESCWA region:

  • Presentation by ESCWA
  • Discussion
12:30 –13:30
13:30 –15:00
Session 4 ‐ Overview of ongoing international initiatives on standards for disability measurement

The session will introduce on-going work at international level related to:

  • WHO Model Disability Survey
  • Washington Group
  • UNSD disability statistics programme
  • Discussion
15:00 –15:30
15:30 –17:00
Session 5 ‐ Overview of questions used in 2010 census round to identify persons with disabilities

A presentation on disability questions used to measure disability during censuses of the 2010 round with emphasis on the ESCWA region:

  • Presentation by UNSD
  • Discussion

15 March 2017

 9:00 –10:30
Session 6 ‐ Approaches used to measure disability through censuses: National experiences

Presentations by countries on the questions used to measure disability, reasons for the choice of questions, testing of the questions, experience in how the questions worked in the field, use of proxy respondents, translation of questions, use of scaled response categories, and results obtained:

  • Country presentations: Jordan, Mauritania, United Arab Emirates, State of Palestine, Sudan, Oman, Morocco
  • Discussion
10:30 –11:00
 11:00 –12:30
Session 6 ‐ Approaches used to measure disability through censuses: National experiences (contd.)
  • Country presentations
  • Discussion
12:30 –13:30
13:30 –15:00
Session 7 ‐ Measurement of disability through sample surveys: National experiences

The session will cover the experiences of countries that have used sources other than the census to generate data on disability. It will cover topics on which data are available, sample size (if applicable), geographical level at which results are available, etc.

  • Country presentations: Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Syria
  • Discussion
15:00 –15:30
15:30 –17:00
Session 7 ‐ Measurement of disability through sample surveys: National experiences (contd.)
  • Country presentations
  • Discussion

16 March 2017

 9:00 –10:30
Session 8 ‐ Censuses, household sample surveys and administrative data as sources for generating data on disability for national needs and for SDG indicators:

Group discussions on opportunities and challenges that countries may experience in generating data on disability for national needs and for monitoring of SDG indicators. Type of support required to strengthen production, dissemination and utilization of data and statistics on persons with disabilities for national, regional and global monitoring.

  • Facilitators: UNSD and ESCWA
  • Group discussions
10:30 –11:00
 11:00 –12:30
Session 8 ‐ Censuses, household sample surveys and administrative data as sources for generating data on disability for national needs and for SDG indicators: (contd.)
  • Presentation of outcome of group discussions
  • Discussion
12:30 –13:30
13:30 –15:00
Session 9 ‐ Strategies for meeting data needs for disability-related SDG indicators

Session will cover steps to be taken to ensure generating reliable and quality data for on disability, including on how to address data gaps where they exist, further methodological development, if necessary, exploring ways to expand collection of statistical data and its dissemination, reaching out to users and stakeholders for political and financial support for statistical work, etc.

  • Facilitators: UNSD and ESCWA
  • Discussion
15:00 –15:30
15:30 –16:00
Session 10 ‐ Conclusions and way forward
  • Discussion
Closing session
  • NCSI
  • UNSD

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