Demographic and Social Statistics

World Population and Housing Census Programme   Impact of COVID-19

Additional measures

Country name Other measures
Please describe any other measures/actions you plan to undertake to minimize the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?
American Samoa Continued to pay downtime salaries of field staff.
Antigua and Barbuda Request additional budget for PPEs and providing to field staff. Coordination with the health authorities to enhance safety protocols to mitigate against the spread of COVID-19.
Argentina Any other measures: online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff, minimize contact between field-workers and household members.
Armenia Online trainings, publicity campaign
Aruba We shortened the Census questionnaire to minimize the face-to-face contact between enumerators and the public. We provided field staff with masks and hand sanitizers.
Bahamas Additional funding needed for Electronic Listing and Establishment of a Census Register of Households; Establishment of Help Desk and Call Center; Purchase of face masks and shields; Online training of field staff; additional publicity campaign.
Bangladesh Main census is rescheduled from 2-8 January 2021 to 25-31 October 2021. System household listing activities has been modified, two zonal operations have been rescheduled from year 2020 to year 2021. Pre-test of census questionnaire has been done in 2-11 October 2020 instead of 15-20 May 2020. All of these are due to the effect of Covid-19.
Barbados 1) Liaising with health officials obtain protocols as it relates to conducting field work. 2) Securing adequate amounts of PPE. 3) Modifying the budget to accommodate the cost of PPE. 4) Modifying the publicity campaign to educate the population on the new mode of data collection, and to reassure householders of the safety of Census 2021.
Belize 1. Will need to provide PPEs for census staff
2. Increased publicity campaign
3. Increased number of reserve field staff
Botswana 1. Online Training of field staff
2. Provision of Personal Protective Equipment
3. Publicity Campaign
Brazil Online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff.
British Virgin Islands
Bulgaria Postpone the census date
Providing personnel protective equipment for field staff
Publicity campaign to assure public
Cayman Islands The Census was postponed to October 2021.
Chad D'accord nous vous remercions d'avoir organisé cette enquê te pour savoir nos difficultés dans le cadre de la réalisation des opérations du recensement, nous avons plusieurs problèmes entres autres: problème de financement, COVID et un retard sur les préparatifs des différentes phases du recensement.
China We have released more online training courses and undertaken online test instead of face-to-face teaching to ensure training effect.
Costa Rica Online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment for field staff, minimize contact between filed workers and household members, strengthen comunication (publicity campaign.
Côte d’Ivoire Request additional budget for acquisition of health equipment.
Curaçao To shorten the census questionnaire
Create focal points to support households who are unable to fill in the questionnaire online.
Czechia Increased communication of online enumeration phase (which preceeds the fieldwork phase directed on dwellings not enumerated on-line), targeted communication of online enumeration in the context of the epidemilogical situation.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Renforcer la campagne de sensibilisation des agents de terrain et de la population; Mettre l'accent sur le respect des gestes barrières.
Dominica Need additional budget to assist in procurement of PPE, increased transportation cost resulting from minimizing contact among field workers. Increased cost in census advocacy.
Dominican Republic
Ecuador Online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff, and implementing publicity campaign to assure the public.
Germany Request additional Budget, online training for employees.
Greece Among the foreseen actions are included: (a) online training of field staff (b) providing personal protective equipment (face masks) for field staff (c) minimize contact between enumerators and household members (d) publicity campaign to inform and assure public.
Grenada Exploring possibility of Concessional credit financing, use of PPE, Use of Internet as last resort option, Use of telephone interviewing.
Iceland NONE
Indonesia 1. Reduce face-to-face interaction
2. Conduct online training
3. Adjust data collection mode
4. Adjust field enumeration work
5. Provide field enumerators with PPE
6. Develop special area procedures for lock-down or red zone areas
7. Etc.
Israel Designated budget to encourage the population to answer online and improved training of enumerators recruited by CATI suppliers (outsourced). Both in order to minimize face to face interaction.
Legal measures to ascertain the availability of the data collection suppliers in a wide time span.
Italy Istat together with municipalities has carried out a revision of enumeration areas in order to improve the quality of territorial basis for 2021 census round.
Jamaica Inclusion of virtual training, provision of personal protective equipment.
Japan 1 Request additional budget
2 Change in release schedule
3 Active utilization of internet response is promoted. When it is difficult to make responses via the internet, ask for sending the questionnaire sheet by post through public reations activities to avoid contact with enumerators.
Kazakhstan Online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff, minimize contact between field-workers and household members.
Kyrgyzstan 1. Preparation of video clips according to the content of the Instructions for interviewers.
2. Inclusion in the Census Questionnaire of questions about the disease in the population of Cavid-19 in order to study its spread.
Liberia 1. Request additional budget
2. Providing personal protective equipment (PPE)
3. Minimizing contact between fiel-workers and household members
4. Wearing of face masks during field work
Luxembourg Online training
We plan perhaps to distribute question by postal services and not by census enumerators. But it is not yet decided.
Malaysia 1. Need to request for additional budget
2. Online training of field staff
3. Need to provide face masks and sanitizers to field staff
4. Minimize contact between enumerators and household members
5. Need to increase public campaign to increase awareness and safety
Marshall Islands
Mexico Elaboration of guidelines to prevent and mitigate COVID-19 during field operations. Re-scheduling of following stages, trying to reduce de delay for results publication. Results publication in two phases, first one in January (short form), second one in March (long form).
Micronesia (Federated States of) Online training of key trainers, provide PPE, publicity campaign to assure public cooperation.
Namibia NSA have to provide PPE to all field staff which is burden on an already strained budget.
NSA may be forced to use online training for certain cadars such as Master and TOT trainers.
NSA is planning to recruit and trained field staff at constituency level meaning less people in training venues, more training venues, more trainers and hence introduce more budget pressure.
Publicity complain our reach need to change from face to face to other modes.
Niger Take COVID-19 into account in the preparation of the Census budget, in particular the implementation of a covid 19 system at all stages of implementation of activities related to the Census: wearing of masks, respect of physical distance, hand washing with soap or the use of hydroalcoholic gel.
North Macedonia
Northern Mariana Islands
Panama Se planea hacer parte de la capacitación en modo virtual. También se contempla en el presupuesto proporcionar el equipo de protección al personal de campo. Además, se plantea una campaña publicitaria de sensibilización respecto al desarrollo de la actividad censal, con el nuevo cambio de metodología y considerando los factores de bioseguridad.
Philippines The following were done by PSA: Re-aligned budget to procure alcohol, masks, face shields, alcohol for all field census workers; Allowed online submission of docs and interview during recruitment; Use of online training for areas where large gatherings were not allowed; Made use of PATI (Paper-Assisted Telephone Interview) described above; Extended use of CAWI to public instead of targetted respondents only; Additional coordination meetings of PSA Field Offices were made with local govt units re local health and safety regulations including support for free covid swab tests, among others; Tweaked social media campaign to add focus on safety protocols of census fieldworkers and posting of endorsements of local chief executives, national and local officials and artists/influencers in social media; Provided incentive to census fieldworkers for the weekly best photo during fieldwork (to minimize back outs) as part of publicity/campaign efforts.
Poland Taking into account that - the Covid pandemic made it necessary to adapt the already established organization of the census and the mode of work to the conditions of a total reduction of face to face contacts, it was necessary to adapt the census systems to work remotely, employees had to learn a new way of working. We have changed the legal acts about the National Census because we knew that the Covid19 will influence for the collecting data and for example we did:
• the training of enumerators to work via Internet without direct meetings,
• the enumerators can collect data in both methods CAPI and CATI,
• the enumerators become universal enumerators,
• adaptation of mobile devices to work in both CAPI and CATI mode,
• creating Census "on demand" - the respondent calls the hotline and during this call is written down by the enumerator using the telephone interview method - CATI.
The census enumerator who decides to interview the respondent directly will be equipped with personal protective equipment and will have to use them. The census enumerator must provide the respondent with personal protective equipment, such as a mask, if the respondent does not have them.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, advanced work is underway on changes to the census schedule in 2021, including changes to the law again, to extend the time during which the respondent can take a census, but in communication and information activities we will suggest that the self-enumeration via the Internet is the safest way to participate in the census.
answer to the question:
Which of the following changes / adaptations have you made or are considering making to replace/reduce face-to-face based data collection?
• Use administrative data
• Internet (CAWI) data collection
• Telephone (CATI) data collection
• Self-enumeration with paper questionnaire (mail-out/mail-back, drop-off/pick-up)
• Other changes/adaptations
What is that “other” changes/adaptations specifically?
The National Census will be fully implemented using an interactive census form available electronically on the Statistics Poland website. When a person covered by the census cannot fulfill the obligation by self-enumeration via the Internet, data are collected using the following methods: CATI - computer assisted telephone interview conducted by the census enumerator, CAPI - computer assisted personal interview conducted by the census enumerator using a mobile device equipped with a software dedicated to the census. The National Census will be carried out only using electronic applications, without a paper form.
Portugal Due to the COVID-19 a Contingency Plan has been drawn up to carry out the Census 2021, including
among other measures:
- Implementation of a Public Health Security Protocol to protect the health and safety of all population, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff,
- A strategy that reinforces the option for collecting information over the internet (and supporting the
population through a telephone helpline);
- Introduction the possibility of answer Census 2021 by phone for special groups of the population (additional budget)
- Using administrative data to reinforce fieldwork control mechanisms, data validation and imputation
- Publicity campaign adaptations.
Puerto Rico Moved our training online, distributed PPE to all staff, changed plans to minimize in person contact, redesigned marketing materials, extended data collection period.
Qatar Conduct online training for the census staff.
Provide field workers with personal protection equipment.
Conduct publicity campaign to invite households to complete the online census form.
Republic of Korea Online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff, minimize contact between field-workers and household members, publicity campaign to assure public and internet (pc,mobile) data collection, telephone data collection, self-enumeration with paper questionaire(drop-off/pick-up).
Romania More stronger publicity campaign for self-registration (this will minimize contact between enumerators and population in the field);
providing personal protective equipment.
Russian Federation Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff.
Saint Kitts and Nevis Several measures are adopted in the workplan including but not limited to: (i) request for support from development partners to defray costs, (ii) smaller in-person group training sessions, (iii) public awareness efforts of the importance of the information, provision of PPE, (iv) training on the effective use of PPE and related covid-19 protocols, and (v) use of wifi-cellular activated tablets for data collection, that reduces the frequency of direct contact between field and office workers.
Saint Lucia Request additional budget from Donor Partners, increase sensitization campaign, etc.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Provide PPE for field staff
San Marino
Saudi Arabia Online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff, minimize contact between field-workers and household members.
Serbia Request additional budged, procurement of protective equipment for field staff, training of additional reserve of field staff, extension of media campaign, creation of special procedures for enumeration in institutional households, etc.
Seychelles Budget for PPE,
Singapore Field staff were provided with surgical face masks for their face-to-face visits with survey respondents. Face-to-face visits were only arranged upon request from mid February to early March 2020, and such visits were only carried out after the health and travel declarations were obtained from those households which had requested for face-to-face interviews. To encourage online self-enumeration, respondents who did not complete and submit their survey returns by the deadline would receive up to 3 reminder letters, one more compared to the 2 reminder letters that were sent in the 2010 Census of Population.
South Africa There a need to request additional budget, adoption of online training of field staff, adoption of CAWI and CATI as the main data collection modes, developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for CAPI enumeration to guide fieldwork processes for CAPI collection, provide PPEs (masks and sanitizers) for field staff and intensify publicity campaigns to mobilise communities to participate in the census.
Sri Lanka Provide personal protection equipment to field staff, such as face masks, face shields, sanitizers etc.
Togo Il est prévu la prise en compte des mesures barrières dans la nouvelle budgétisation.
Ukraine Request additional budget, online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff, minimize contact between field-workers and household members, publicity campaign to assure public.
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ensuring we can we keep everyone, our people and public, safe? PPE etc
Can we finish the remaining development and testing internally and with suppliers as well as the recruitment of field staff?
Invoke contingencies around the use of admin data sooner than anticipated.
United States of America Moved our training online, distributed PPE to all staff, changed plans to minimize in person contact, redesigned marketing materials, extended data collection period.
United States Virgin Islands
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Online training of field staff, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for field staff, minimize contact between field-workers and household members, publicity campaign to assure public and adapt the mobility questions to work or study considering the conditions of the quarantine policies applied by the state.
Zambia Currently working on the online training module for census officials, procurement of Personal Protective Equipment, Changing the campaign strategy to assure the public of their safety.