Demographic and Social Statistics

World Population and Housing Census Programme   Impact of COVID-19

Overall impact

Country name Census reference date (as scheduled before impact of COVID-19) Overall impact
Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of the population and housing census?  If response is "No":
What is the reason the conduct of the population and housing census is not adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? If you selected response option "other", please specify what the “other” reason is:
Albania Yes
Algeria 11/15/2020 Yes
American Samoa 4/1/2020 Yes
Anguilla 8/1/2020 Yes
Antigua and Barbuda 5/25/2021 Yes
Argentina 10/28/2020 Yes
Armenia 10/18/2020 Yes
Aruba 10/1/2020 Yes
Austria 10/31/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Bahamas Yes
Bahrain 3/17/2020 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Bangladesh 1/2/2021 Yes
Barbados 5/1/2020 Yes
Belgium 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Belize 5/12/2020 Yes
Botswana 8/10/2021 Yes
Brazil 7/31/2020 Yes
British Virgin Islands 6/15/2020 Yes
Bulgaria 1/22/2021 Yes
Cameroon No Other La conduite du recensement de la population et de l'habitat au Cameroun est perturbée par deux problèmes majeurs; 1) Le problème de bouclage du financement et 2) celui de l'insécurité dans les deux régions anglophones.
Cayman Islands 10/11/2020 Yes
Chad 5/1/2019 Yes
China 1/11/2020 Yes
Costa Rica 6/9/2021 Yes
Côte d’Ivoire 4/20/2020 Yes
Croatia Yes
Curaçao 4/18/2020 Yes
Cyprus 10/1/2021 No Other At present we cannot state whether or not the population and housing census will be adversely impacted by the pandemic. It will all depend on how long the pandemic will last and whether certain aspects of the census preparation will be affected/postponed.
Czechia 3/26/2021 Yes
Democratic Republic of the Congo Yes
Denmark 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Djibouti 12/31/2020 Yes
Dominica 5/15/2021 Yes
Dominican Republic Yes
Ecuador 11/29/2020 Yes
Estonia 12/31/2021 No Other As the census is currently in the preparatory phase, it is not possible to determine whether and how COVID-19 pandemic affects the census in Estonia.
Finland 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Germany 5/16/2021 Yes
Greece 5/16/2021 Yes
Greenland 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Grenada 5/12/2021 Yes
Guam 4/1/2020 Yes
Hungary 5/1/2021 Yes
Iceland 1/1/2021 Yes
India 3/1/2021 Yes
Indonesia 9/15/2020 Yes
Israel 5/1/2021 Yes
Italy 10/3/2021 Yes
Jamaica 4/5/2021 Yes
Japan 10/1/2020 Yes
Kazakhstan 10/1/2020 Yes
Kyrgyzstan 3/23/2020 Yes
Latvia 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Liberia 3/3/2021 Yes
Liechtenstein 12/31/2020 Yes
Lithuania 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Luxembourg 1/2/2021 Yes
Malaysia 7/7/2020 Yes
Malta 10/10/2021 Yes
Marshall Islands 7/7/2021 No Other The conduct of the population and housing census is not adversely impacted by COVID 19 because RMI is COVID free and we are planning to conduct the RMI Census in July 7,2021.
Mauritius Yes
Mexico 3/15/2020 Yes
Micronesia (Federated States of) 4/5/2020 Yes
Mongolia 1/9/2020 No Field work completed before the arrival of COVID-19
Montenegro Other Census Law is not adopted, we still don't have the exact reference date.
Montserrat 5/12/2021 Yes
Namibia 8/29/2021 Yes
Nepal 6/22/2021 No Other Covid effects are decreasing and Preventive measures are adopted during the census period.
Netherlands 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Nicaragua No Other Económico
Niger 12/20/2021 Yes
North Macedonia No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Northern Mariana Islands 4/1/2020 Yes
Norway 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Oman 12/12/2020 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Panama 5/24/2020 Yes
Philippines 5/1/2020 Yes
Poland 3/31/2021 Yes
Portugal 3/24/2021 Yes
Puerto Rico 4/1/2020 Yes
Qatar 3/17/2020 Yes
Republic of Korea 11/1/2020 Yes
Romania Yes
Russian Federation 4/1/2021 Yes
Saint Kitts and Nevis 9/16/2021 Yes
Saint Lucia 5/12/2020 Yes
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6/15/2021 Yes
San Marino No Other We did not have planned a population or housing census in the year 2020, so we have not been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic on this. Here in San Marino we rely heavily on administrative registers and census are carried out at irregular intervals.
Saudi Arabia 3/17/2020 Yes
Serbia 3/31/2021 Yes
Seychelles Yes
Singapore 6/30/2020 Yes
Slovakia Yes
South Africa 10/28/2021 Yes
Spain 1/1/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Sri Lanka 11/22/2021 Yes
Sudan No Other Population census will conduct next year
Sweden 12/31/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Switzerland 12/31/2021 No Other Combined approach of using register data and sample survey data (paper and online forms); the Swiss Census is carried out YEARLY since 2010; thus we are no longer in a project mode
Tajikistan 10/1/2020 No Other Due to the stable situation with the pandemic in Tajikistan, we carried out census as scheduled. During the census, all enumerators were provided with disposable masks, antiseptics, disposable gloves and other means to prevent the spread of viral infection.
Thailand 7/1/2020 Yes
Togo 11/9/2021 Yes
Turkey 12/31/2021 No Using administrative registers as source of census data
Ukraine 10/30/2020 Yes
United Arab Emirates 12/13/2020 Yes
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 3/21/2021 Yes
United States of America 4/1/2020 Yes
United States Virgin Islands 4/1/2020 Yes
Uruguay No Other CENSUS is planned for 2023
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 9/1/2020 Yes
Zambia 8/18/2020 Yes