Demographic and Social Statistics

World Population and Housing Census Programme   Impact of COVID-19

Responses to the 1st UNSD survey on the impact of COVID-19

Country or area Census Reference Date Main Census Method Impact of COVID-19 on the Census Information as of
Greenland January 1, 2020 2 Fully register based census Almost all statistical information from Statistics Greenland are based on content in administrative registers. The registers are vital to public administration.
COVID-19 is not expected to impact our data collecting plan. Population statistics are published on
March 25, 2020
Zambia January 1, 2020 1 Traditional census Unfortunately, Zambia has not been spared from the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. As such our 2020 Census schedule has been affected and we plan to re-schedule a number of activities. We should have been concluding our mapping and listing exercise in May 2020. However, this exercise has been suspended until the situation normalizes. We have very limited options in terms of field operations, it is not easy to substitute field operations including training with virtual operations. This is because of high illiteracy levels and limited internet access. The only feasible option is face-to-face interviews. The re-scheduled dates for census activities are not in place, we shall keep updating you as and when the situation improves. April 1, 2020
Mongolia January 9, 2020 4 Combined census -- Registers and sample survey 1. We conducted our Population and Housing census in 9th to 15th of January 2020. So before the COVID-19 spread to our country we finished the data collecting of PHC in Mongolia.
2. And right now we are doing data typing and processing thing. In spite of COVID-19 pandemic our PHC going our plan accordingly.
3. As a result of quarantine in our country data typing and processing period might be longer than we plan. However we working on that problem and planning to disseminate PHC result early in June 2020 as much as possible.
March 25, 2020
Mexico March 1, 2020 1 Traditional census Census Enumeration Completed in March 2020. Enumeration completed, amidst great budget cuts (16 surveys cancelled in 2019). Census was considered by the government as essential activity. Social distancing was implemented during fieldwork (180.000 enumeration interviewers). Census desk staff are working from home. Online and phone questionnaire encouraged. Fever tests during operation and washing hands campaign were implemented. Coverage is estimated at similar levels of 2010 census. Verification activities postponed. PES cancelled (too far away from census day).
Source: Medidas adoptadas en los censos de poblacion y vivienda para enfrentar los efectos de la pandemia COVID-19. Statistical Conference of the Americas/CELADE-CEPAL, April 15, 2020. Platform: Webex
April 15, 2020
Thailand March 1, 2020 1 Traditional census Thailand's 2020 Population and Housing census will be postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Implementing social distancing measure, the Thai NSO cannot conduct the traditional census in communities at the risk of transmission. Currently, Thai NSO will partially mobilize our financial resources and manpower to the development of the register-base census system in Thailand. We will continue to work with the relevant authorities to ensure that the census will be resumed at the earliest opportunity. May 7, 2020
Côte d'Ivoire March 9, 2020 1 Traditional census Yes, the COVID 19 pandemic is impacting the conduct of general population and housing census in our country. The pandemic will have several impacts, among other things the following:
– Delay in tablet delivery schedule, waiting for march 10 their delivery was postponed to March 20, and up to now we have so far received nothing due to the COVID 19. Without these tablets, enumerators cannot be trained.
– General reorganization of activities, opting for agent rotation programs.
– Working time reduction (8h AM to 2h PM instead of 8h AM to 5h PM).
– The need to increase the number of training rooms and therefore trainers as a result of the social distance measure (training session need to have least than 50 persons).
– Additional costs associated with the purchase of disinfectants and masks for enumerators (training, data collecting) and this new activities planification If containment measures become increasingly drastic, consideration should be given to postponing the general population and housing census.
– Postpone the date of training for training assistants and enumerators.
– Postpone the date of the census to a more suitable period, say November 2020.
– Increase the training rooms with staffing levels of 40 officers per room.
– Mobilize financial resources to protect agents and teams with the purchase of masks and disinfectants.
March 31, 2020
Bahrain March 17, 2020 2 Fully register based census Yes. In Bahrain the census is being conducted based on the registers maintained by various ministries/departments. Preparation of documents to suit the requirements of population census is delayed due to restricted movement of officials for regular meetings.
Preparation of Statistical registers suitable abstraction of information as desired by census and preparation of tables. Bahrain does not propose to have census by traditional method of field enumeration. Nor it plans to conduct a sample survey to supplement the census for indicators, which are not available in the registers.
In order to streamline the preparation of registers by collating data with all departments may postpone the census operations by three months as per the situation existing today.
March 25, 2020
Qatar March 17, 2020 3 Combined census -- Registers and full field enumeration Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the conduct of the population and housing census. As a consequence, the phase of collecting information on households and individuals has been suspended. Other possible actions that may be undertaken include rescheduling the remaining phases of the census. In Qatar, all stages of the census that are prior to the last stage were completed, where all concepts and definitions for the census, forms, classifications, programs, and systems were completed, as well as the stages of data collection of buildings, housing units, establishments and the addressing phase for households. Currently, we are re-testing technical and statistical systems and programs and conducting more electronic and field experiments to ensure the full readiness of the last stage. April 2, 2020
Saudi Arabia March 17, 2020 3 Combined census -- Registers and full field enumeration    
Kyrgyzstan March 23, 2020 1 Traditional census Census carried out on March 23. March 25, 2020
American Samoa April 1, 2020 3 Combined census -- Registers and full field enumeration All of our in-person field operations have been suspended. We closely follow the guidance/restrictions issued by the Office of the Governor and will resume operations once the local government deems safe/appropriate to resume operations. April 15, 2020
Northern Mariana Islands April 1, 2020 1 Traditional census All of our in-person field operations have been suspended. We closely follow the guidance/restrictions issued by the Office of the Governor and will resume operations once the local government deems safe/appropriate to resume operations. April 15, 2020
United States of America April 1, 2020 3 Combined census -- Registers and full field enumeration - The 2020 Census is underway — over 70 million households have responded to date (13 April 2020), 48% of the total number of households.
- 2020 Census field collection activities suspended in March 2020 — reactivation is expected beginning 1 June 2020.
- In-person activities, including all interaction with the pubic, enumeration, office work and processing activities will incorporate the most recent guidance to promote the health and safety of staff and public — including recommended personal protective equipment and social distancing practices.
- To ensure the completeness and accuracy of the 2020 Census, the Census Bureau is seeking statutory relief from Congress of 120 additional calendar days to deliver final apportionment counts.
- Consequently, the Census Bureau would extend the window for field data collection and self-response to 21 October 2020.

Source: US Census Bureau Press Release number CB20-RTQ.16 of 13 April 2020.
April 13, 2020
Field operations suspended for two weeks. March 18, 2020
Marshall Islands April 10, 2020 1 Traditional census Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of the population and housing census?
Yes, there are impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic already taking place here in the RMI for the up-coming Census on Population and Housing. While there is no case of the virus on island, the government has taken preventive steps for avoiding the virus from entering the country which will impact the conduct of the Census. Currently we are doing the HIES which has also been delayed due to the dengue outbreak and the government had imposed flight restrictions to the outer islands preventing us from doing field works. From this delay on the HIES, it causes us to push back the starting date for the Census perhaps for another 3 months. I anticipate further delays in conducting the Census if the virus ever enters the country.
What are the possible actions that will be undertaken as a result of these adverse impacts?
Because of travel restrictions outside of the country, we will be doing the Census training on line with our technical partners and we may have to further reschedule our starting date indefinitely. We may start the Census in July 10, 2020 right after the HIES project.
April 1, 2020
Barbados May 1, 2020 1 Traditional census    
Philippines May 1, 2020 1 Traditional census Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of the population and housing census in your country?
If yes, what are the most recent impacts and consequences to the census?
Suspension of preparatory activities like recruitment and hiring, training of trainers/supervisors/enumerators and delivery of questionnaires for PAPI, in response to government's directive on enhanced community quarantine which started March 15 and will end on April 14.
What are the possible actions that will be undertaken as a result of these adverse impacts?
Re-scheduling of the conduct of the enumeration by about two weeks, from the official schedule of May 4 to June 1, to May 18 until June 15.
Any other relevant comment?
The PSA will abide and comply with government's directives and
relevant guidelines and protocols on preventive measures from national and local authorities should field operations resume after the enhanced community quarantine period.
We would like to request you to share with us the compilation of
information from other countries as currently we are also looking at the delays in the census in other parts of the world as a result of the
Covid-19 pandemic. We will update you if there are new developments in the census vis-a-vis the current condition we are all in.
March 25, 2020
Haiti May 15, 2020 1 Traditional census    
Saint Lucia May 15, 2020 1 Traditional census I wish to inform you that a decision was reached following consultations with the relevant officials, to include the Chief Medical Officer to postpone the 2020 for at least six (6) months. This decision was made on the heels of the completion of the Training-of-Trainers activity. Thereafter, plans were advancing for the Training of Enumerators and Supervisors activity, but these plans had to be suspended (in keeping with the decision to postpone the census). A decision regarding a new Census Day will be made at an appropriate moment once the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic runs its course. April 1, 2020
Panama May 24, 2020 1 Traditional census Panama's 2020 census is impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The implementation of the census has been affected by challenges to organize public events. We are working on the adjustment of the census project. We are reviewing the entire recruitment process for census-takers and supervisors and updating the risk matrix associated with the census. We will have to carry out a comprehensive review on the areas that must be updated again in the field (pre-census) and analyze the new costs associated with a new census date. We also intend to consult on the need to include new information needs in the census questionnaire. In addition, it is necessary to rethink the training processes, considering that many people should not be crowded together in one place. Great challenges must be overcome from now on, and surely in the coming months we would have to decide on the need to set a new census date, especially since the country's national budget would be greatly affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. April 1, 2020
Congo June 8, 2020 1 Traditional census The Congo Population Census is currently in the data collection phase of the census mapping (cartographic work) which started on March 2, 2020 and supposed to be ended on June 10, 2020 according to the schedule. To combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Congo has taken a series of barrier measures, including the confinement at home for 30 days of the entire population, except for those working in the provision of essential goods and services. This confinement is accompanied by a curfew from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. In addition, the public health emergency has been declared.
The likely impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is the delay in the implementation of census activities, which could negatively affect the quality of the data, in particular due to the confinement, and the probable extension of equipment acquisition times (tablets and other IT equipment).
Our Senior Technical Advisor of the Census provided by UNFPA recommended to the Government to:
- continue data collection phase of the census mapping only if it is certain that the general enumeration will not be postponed within a period exceeding 3 months after the census mapping in accordance with international quality norms and standards. In this alternative, it is important that all the measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 enacted by Government and WHO be strictly observed. In addition, all the necessary resources should be mobilized so that the following stages of the census are carried out on scheduled time in accordance with international quality norms and standards, in particular the general enumeration and the post-enumeration survey.
- suspend data collection phase of the census mapping and postpone it to a later date on which the COVID19 pandemic will be under control, if the general enumeration planned for August 2020 is likely to be postponed because of this pandemic. Because it is necessary that the enumeration be done within 3 months after the census mapping in accordance with international quality norms and standards. In this alternative, the preparatory work for the subsequent stages of the census should continue, in particular in the technical and logistical aspects to allow their immediate deployment as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic is under control in the country.
The Government has expressed its willingness to continue the implementation of the census, including the data collection of the cartographic work by mobilizing the necessary resources. The Government is taking adequate measures for that purpose.
April 9, 2020
British Virgin Islands June 15, 2020 1 Traditional census    
Ghana June 28, 2020 1 Traditional census Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of the population and housing census?
If yes, what are the most recent consequences to the census?
In an effort to contain the spread of the pandemic the government has issued a two-week partial lockdown order that has banned in-flights (except for essential cargo), restricted public movement and congregation, ordered the public to stay home, and enforced social distancing. These new public health and safety measures have acted to disrupt census planning and management meetings and training sessions for field personnel which ordinarily involve large congregations and significant movement of personnel within and across regions. The disruption to international manufacturing and supplies logistics chain has also affected the procurement of up to 75,000 tablets and accessories needed to conduct the Census in June 2020.
What are the possible actions that will be undertaken as a result of these adverse impacts?
The GSS has consulted with other key stakeholders and drawn up a business continuity plan (BCP) which was presented to and approved by the National Census Steering Committee (NSC) on 20th March 2020. In this plan GSS undertakes to Continue with census preparations as an essential national development programme, observe a two-week suspension of all gatherings and, where face-to-face meeting is necessary, use smaller classes (not exceeding 25), shorten the duration by complementing the face-to-face meetings with virtual/online meetings, ensure fumigation of the meeting facilities, collaborate with MoH/GHS to pre-screen and ensure daily screening of participants, observe basic hygiene requirements and sufficiently sensitize staff to strictly observe and adhere to safety procedures in order to protect themselves and the entire public.
Going forward the GSS is proceeding with the Ghana 2020 Census implementation as follows:
A. Agrees with the recent UNFPA guidelines that countries should rather push for postponement, not cancellation. Fortunately for GSS, the government and key stakeholders are eager to have the Census conducted-this year.
B. Maintains the 28th June 2020 Census date, while acknowledging that a delay of a couple of months may be prudent (at least to allow sufficient lead-time to procure the tablets and a return normalcy following the containment of COVID-19 pandemic.
C. Sets clear work plans and responsibilities given to core Census officials to continue to work from home.
D. GSS management and Census Coordination Team (CCT) to conduct virtual meetings with all work streams regularly to take stock of progress and make key decisions. By the same token members of the various work streams are encouraged to organize virtual meetings individually or as a group in the spirit of continuing team consultation and integration.
E. Continues preparations for virtual training of the top-tier trainers (62 Master Trainers) and other key functionaries e.g. data quality monitors, IT support officers, and senior field supervisors.
F. Continues preparations to commence virtual sensitization of key stakeholders and the public.
G. GSS will review the COVID-19 pandemic situation in mid-April 2020. A Census date postponement, probably to March 2021, will be possible if the situation in Ghana will be deemed critical then.
April 1, 2020
Singapore June 30, 2020 4 Combined census -- Registers and sample survey Statistics Singapore will be extending the suspension period for field operations of Singapore Census of Population 2020 by another month till 1 June 2020. April 22, 2020
The Singapore Department of Statistics has officially launched the Census of Population 2020 on 4 February 2020. The sample enumeration for Census 2020 is planned to be conducted over a period of about 6 to 9 months. In view of the current COVID-19 situation in Singapore and additional government measures on safe distancing to minimise the spread of COVID-19, the Census field operations had been scaled down significantly and will be suspended for the period of 7 April to 4 May 2020. Households are encouraged to submit their returns via the Internet or by phone. We will continue to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on our Census operations and make adjustments to our data collection strategy, enumeration and dissemination schedule (if needed). April 5, 2020
Malaysia July 7, 2020 3 Combined census -- Registers and full field enumeration 1. Impact on the conduct of Population and Housing Census
The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) has undertaken extensive preparation towards Population and Housing Census of Malaysia 2020 (MyCensus 2020) since 2017. In the first quarter of 2019, all efforts were focused more on the execution particularly on the MyCensus 2020 system, documentations, manuals, logistics matters and training programmes. Operational or field works at special areas were also scheduled to be kicked off in March 2020, mainly at remote areas and selected enumeration blocks of the aborigines. The COVID-19 pandemic was first identified to have spread to Malaysia on 25 January 2020, whereby reported cases remained relatively low until a large spike in cases detected in March 2020. With the spread of the virus to all of the states in Malaysia and federal territories, on 16 March, 2020 the Malaysian government announced the implementation of ""Movement Control Order (MCO)"" from 18 March to 31 March, 2020 to curb the further increase of positive cases in the country through social distancing. However, on 25 March 2020 the government has announced that the MCO will be extended until 14 April 2020, from two weeks partial lockdown to four weeks.
2. Rescheduling and suspending the enumeration phase
With the rapid rise in the number of COVID-19 cases and the implementation of MCO by the authorities, there is an impact to the implementation of MyCensus 2020 planning, preparations and timeline. The following are the most recent and significant impacts encountered by Malaysia:
i. Suspension of field work operations in remote areas and selected enumeration blocks of the aborigines. Field work in remote areas which consists of phase 1 and 2 were completed in November 2019, while phase 3 was scheduled on 18 March until 8 May, 2020. The phase 3 covers 351 enumeration block (EB) located in the state of Sabah and Sarawak. In accordance with the preventive and precautionary measures taken by the government to limit the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) and for the sake of the safety of families, individuals and field enumerators, the Chief Statistician decided to suspend the field work in the remote areas. The announcement was made on 15 March 2020, a day earlier than the announcement on MCO made by the government. Subsequently, the Chief Statistician also announced to delay the enumeration block of the aborigines encompassing field operation that covers 224 EBs and scheduled to start on 20 March 2020. This also affected the training schedule that was tentatively to be held on 17 March 2020. During the announcement on 15 March 2020, the Chief Statistician decided that the field work operations for both remote and aboriginal people areas will take place during the Census Day from 7 until 20 July 2020. The decision was made prior to the MCO nationwide live telecast on 16 March 2020.
ii. Postponement of e-Census (online census) for Civil Servants In line with the modernisation and the high usage of information technology that has been planned for MyCensus 2020, the Chief Secretary to the Government has urged the civil servants to actively participate and support the MyCensus 2020 by filling up the questionnaire through online or also known as e-Census. In ensuring all civil servants response to MyCensus 2020, early online census was scheduled to commence on 15 April to 31 May, 2020. There are an estimated of 1.2 million civil servants to be involved in e-Census. Prior to the online census, centralised briefing session was scheduled for government agencies representatives/focal persons on 30 March 2020. Nevertheless, the briefing session was postponed as public mass gathering is prohibited due to COVID-19 and implementation of MCO.
3. Modifying procedures and administration for enumeration of population
i. Printing of questionnaire and documents
For MyCensus 2020, there are five approaches of collection methods and one of it is Paper and Pen Interview (PAPI) using paper questionnaire. Printing of questionnaires which is tentatively to be completed by end of March 2020 and subsequently to be distributed nationwide by mid-April 2020 is halted due to the MCO effective on 18 March 2020. The printing company also has to abide to the MCO and thus, cannot operate during the MCO period. As a result, the printing and distribution of supporting documents such as training manuals and accompanying letters also need to be pushed back.
ii. Delayed in recruitment of census officers and enumerators
A number of census officers and enumerators are tentatively to be recruited in March 2020, particularly for pre-census operations such as logistics and other supporting matters. The recruitment is suspended until further notice.
iii. Delayed in training schedule
A number of training sessions were planned ahead of the COVID-19 outbreak, particularly on the use of Malaysia Integrated Population Census System (MyIPCS). Centralised Train the Trainers (TTT) was scheduled on 30 March 2020 has to be cancelled. Other subsequent trainings are also suspended.
iv. Adjustment in enumeration mode
In view of the COVID-19 outbreak, DOSM is considering to modify the mode of enumeration by strengthening the usage of e-Census as the main mode of response. Initially, the target for e-Census response is 30 per cent and this target may be reviewed upward so that Face-to-face interview will be at a minimum.
v. Delayed in administrative and financial matters
There were also delays in financial administrative matters of the census such as budget approval of procurement of Census material following the MCO.
4. Modifying time table for enumeration phases
DOSM has reviewed the MyCensus 2020 operation timeline with the following objectives:
i. Protect the health and safety of DOSM employees and the Malaysian public.
ii. Follow the health and safety guidelines outlined by federal government, state and local health authorities.
iii. Ensure a complete and accurate count of the population and housing.
5. Possible actions that will be Undertaken
In view of the current scenario, DOSM will propose to the government on the postponement of MyCensus 2020 as a counter-measure against the wider spread of COVID-19. There will be three options, whereby two of the options suggest that MyCensus will take place towards the end of year 2020 with adjustments in the operation approach. The other option is to conduct MyCensus in year 2021. This proposal is subject to the approval of the Government of Malaysia. During the suspension period, DOSM will continue to improve technical and statistical infrastructure as well as compiling administrative data, in cooperation with the relevant authorities.
April 1, 2020
Papua New Guinea July 12, 2020      
Indonesia July 31, 2020 3 Combined census -- Registers and full field enumeration There are two major adjustments made by BPS in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, namely:
1. A recent adjustment already implemented is the extention of the Online Census period until 29 May 2020. During the online census period of 15 February to 31 March 2020, there are 32.4 million Indonesians that already participated in the Online Census, comprising around 12 percent of the total population.
2. The postponement of face-to-face enumeration, intially planned at 1-31 July 2020, until 1-30 September 2020.
April 2, 2020
Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of Indonesian population and housing census 2020.
The most recent consequences to our census is that we are unable to conduct some pre-field activities including evaluation of Online census, ground check of temporer housing for disaster affected refugees, etc.
Some scenarios has been developed, including extending the period of online census, modifiying enumerator training models, as well as modifiying time table for field phases, which will affecting data processing time table.
March 25, 2020
Japan October 1, 2020   The current plan is that the population census will be conducted in October as originally planned.
We will take appropriate steps while considering domestic infection status.
March 27, 2020
Kazakhstan October 1, 2020 1 Traditional census 1. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, a state of emergency was declared in the Republic of Kazakhstan until April 15 of this year. The announcement of the emergency regime undoubtedly affected the preparation for the national population census of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the population census).
2. In this regard, at the moment, we cannot provide information on the postponement of the population census. Information will be provided after lifting the state of emergency in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. At the moment, only a decision has been made to postpone the compilation of lists of census objects from June to July 2020.
April 1, 2020
Russian Federation October 1, 2020 1 Traditional census 1. The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting to conduct the All-Russian population census 2020.
2. The only impact for the present is the rescheduling of the enumeration phase for the some settlements where we planned to collect the data in the April-June 2020 - earlier than in the main territory of Russia (this is about so-called ""hard to reach territories"" where it is very difficult to conduct the census in October due to weather and logistic reasons, for instance the Tundra). The period of the data collection in these settlements has been postponed to the second half of the year.
3. The postponing of the main enumeration phase is under discussion. It will be decided depending on the situation progress. We will update the information to you as soon as it will be available.
4. We confirm the reference date of the census for today - October 1, 2020, the main census method is Traditional census - field enumeration and self-enumeration in the Internet.
April 1, 2020
Tajikistan October 1, 2020 1 Traditional census    
Cayman Islands October 11, 2020 1 Traditional census Yes, the COVID-19 may impact the population and housing census. Despite the uncertainty, we are continuing with the planning of census 2020 in case we return to normalcy. The government (Cabinet) have not made a decision as to the conduct of the census later this year, but if the uncertainly continues, it is likely to be rescheduled. March 24, 2020
Armenia October 18, 2020 4 Combined census -- Registers and sample survey Yes, unfortunately, as worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting on ARMSTAT's activities, as well and the declared emergency situation in the country has significantly reduced the likelihood of normal census preparations. While the pandemic processes are unpredictable and the post-pandemic processes unmanageable, ARMSTAT applied to the government of RA to agree on extending the Population and housing census by one year, which was set to be implemented in 18-27 October 2020 (Government Decree № 1115-Ն, October 2018). Based on the situation in the country, and of course according to the respective decision RA Government, Armstat will modify the timetable for enumeration phases in that respect. April 1, 2020
Argentina October 28, 2020 1 Traditional census Pilot census not completed (at 70%), postponed to end Sep 2020. Census postponed until 2021, no confirmed date.
Source: Medidas adoptadas en los censos de poblacion y vivienda para enfrentar los efectos de la pandemia COVID-19. Statistical Conference of the Americas/CELADE-CEPAL, April 15, 2020. Platform: Webex
April 15, 2020
We are all working at home. Field operations are suspended until new evaluation. The population is in compulsory social isolation. So, at this moment, the reference date of the census is beeing evaluated. We are analysing the possibility of carrying out the census in 2021. April 1, 2020
China November 1, 2020 1 Traditional census    
Korea, Republic of November 1, 2020 4 Combined census -- Registers and sample survey Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of the population and housing census?
The COVID-19 pandemic does not cause a significant impact on our population and housing census, while an adjustment of timeline for specific tasks associated with the census has been being made.
If yes, what are the most recent consequences to the census?
Most recently, a consultation meeting with local municipalities, scheduled in March for census enumeration planning, has been cancelled because of the exacerbation of situation concerning the COVID-19 pandemic.
What are the possible actions that will be undertaken as a result of these adverse impacts?
KOSTAT is considering to resume the consultation meeting the census enumeration planning with local municipalities in May, provided the situation will be stabilized by then.
Any other relevant comment.
KOSTAT will keep monitoring the development of situations related to COVID-19 while having considered alternative ways of survey taking that are to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. We will make the final decision by September determining whether to implement the potential changes* in survey modes for our population and hosing census.
* Maximize the use of internet and telephone survey, while replacing the tablet-based face-to-face interviews with the self-administration of paper questionnaires for which paper questionnaires will be delivered to and from respondents’ place of residence without a direct human contact.
March 27, 2020
Ukraine November 10, 2020 1 Traditional census According to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the census is planned to be conducted in 2020. It is envisaged that the Ukrainian census will take place according to the traditional method with the use of innovation technologies. The final date, forms and methods of conducting the population census across Ukraine will be determined by an appropriate decision of the Government of Ukraine. Due to limited funding and quarantine introduced to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Ukraine, the preparatory work for the census has been suspended. Currently, only digital maps are being updated (remotely) according to data from local authority and local government bodies.
The Draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the State Statistical Activities" is being worked out with the interested bodies of executive power. This Draft Law is offered for amending the Law of Ukraine "On Ukraine-Wide Population Census", particularly in the part regarding the possibility to obtain data necessary for the conduct of population census with the use of modern methods. The methods are the following:
- the completion of census documentation by the respondents who use special software in the public information system (Internet);
- the use of national information resources (systems) in compliance with the laws of Ukraine on protection of information as well as the establishment of frequency for the conduct of the Ukrainian census at least once every ten years.
The date and period of the census will be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
April 21, 2020
Togo November 23, 2020 1 Traditional census Indeed, according to the programming, Togo intends to carry out its 5th general census of population and housing during this year 2020. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are witnessing a slowdown in the process of implementing the census.
Currently, the impact of my COVID-19 pandemic is twofold, notably on:
- the process of mobilizing financial and material resources;
- preparatory work such as census mapping and the pilot census.
Consequently, we are moving towards a shift in the dates for carrying out the census mapping, the pilot census and the actual count. However, in the event of a persistent epidemic and complete containment of the population, we will adopt new working methods such as telework when necessary.
April 8, 2020
Ecuador November 29, 2020 1 Traditional census The census was originally planned for Nov 2020 and has been postponed. Ongoing cartographic updating cancelled, postponed to June 2021.
Considering new methodologies, including:
- Cartographic updating (big data, satellite imagery)
- Population registers (administrative)
- Innovative technologies (online, cell phone self-enumeration)
- Rethinking questions for post covid-19 emergency (mortality, migration, economic crisis)
Source: Medidas adoptadas en los censos de poblacion y vivienda para enfrentar los efectos de la pandemia COVID-19. Statistical Conference of the Americas/CELADE-CEPAL, April 15, 2020. Platform: Webex
April 15, 2020
Liberia December 3, 2020 1 Traditional census Firstly, we want to thank you for the concern and the issues raised as regards as regards the world classed pandemic and the 2020 round ofPHC in Liberia. The enumeration phase for the enumeration phase for the National Population and Housing for Liberia is scheduled to be conducted from 8-18 March 2020. However, in response to your concerns/questions let me say this:
1. Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the conduct of the census in Liberia.
2. The most recent impact of the COVID-19 to the census is that we had just completed the training of mapping assistants to carry out the geographic planning beginning April 1, 2020. However, as it stands the attention of the Government of Liberia and the partners who are supporting the census has been drawn to putting in measures to combat the virus so that it does not escalate (up to the time of this email, Liberia has three confirmed cases of the virus in Monrovia, the capital city). Therefore, preparatory and logistical work for departure has been halted. We are hopeful that with the very low number of cases, we may be able to deploy the mappers in the 2nd or 3rd week of April 2020. LISGIS and UNFPA-Liberia have written the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) to develop a protocol to advise on these suggested dates.
3. We await response from health authorities regarding sending the mapping assistants in the field with extra caution and also supplying them with sanitizing materials and extra lectures on observing the COVID-19 protocols, especially social distancing. This delay may affect the date for the pilot census which should be exactly on year to the census enumeration. With this, we hope to adjust the census schedule.
March 26, 2020
United Arab Emirates December 8, 2020 2 Fully register based census Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of the population and housing census?
Yes. UAE will not be conducting a feild census this year and will be depending on register-based census.
If yes, what are the most recent consequences to the census?
Stopping all field work by government for any survey till Q3.
What are the possible actions that will be undertaken as a result of these adverse impacts?
UAE decided to conduct the population count through register-based.
March 28, 2020
Oman December 12, 2020   Oman Census 2020 is a register-based census. We are already in an advanced stage in building three main data hubs related to population, housing and establishments. These data hubs have integrated with more than 15 different national agencies which provide data in real time. We are close to 90% of completion. We believe we can meet the target date by 12 December 2020. April 2, 2020
Finland December 31, 2020 2 Fully register based census We are planning to conduct the population and household census in Finland as planned at the end of the year 2020. At the moment we do not have any specific actions going on to make any changes to the schedule. If there will be any change it has to be agreed on European level as we have decided to have a common census date in all the EU member countries as well as ETA-countries. Because we have a register-based census, the concerns are mainly on the efficiency of the society to recover from this situation in a long run. So it may affect the possibilities of the register keepers to retain satisfactory quality of their register. March 31, 2020
Liechtenstein December 31, 2020 3 Combined census -- Registers and full field enumeration For the time being, the preparations for the census in Liechtenstein, which is scheduled for Dec 31 (reference day), proceed as planned. Close physical contact between persons should in theory not be required for the census, which is partly register-based and partly relies on internet and mailed paper questionnaires. However, we are closely monitoring the developments and will adjust our planning if necessary. We experience, however, some changes while doing preparation work as a significant part of our staff are teleworking from home at the moment. March 25, 2020
Switzerland December 31, 2020 4 Combined census -- Registers and sample survey Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of the population and housing census in your country?
No. In Switzerland, the Census is carried out on an annual basis (register data, survey data). The Census is no longer in a project mode but in an annual operating mode for many years.
If yes, what are the most recent impacts and consequences to the census?
What are the possible actions that will be undertaken as a result of these adverse impacts?
At the Federal Statistical Office we currently work mostly in a home office mode. Our internal and external partners (Census Hotline, data editing etc.) also have the possibility to operate in a home office mode.
March 25, 2020
Lithuania January 1, 2021 2 Fully register based census Population and housing census is scheduled to take place next year in Lithuania, but not this year. The reference day is 1 of January 2021.
Lithuanian census will be register-based and no field work is foreseen. That will significantly mitigate the impact of pandemic. A state of emergency introduced in the country are slowing down and complicating the processes but we do work in close cooperation with holders of administrative data to avoid any delays or to be informed on them as soon as possible.
Currently all activities are carried out on time and no delay is foreseen.
March 25, 2020
Aruba 2020      
Cabo Verde 2020   1. Yes, the population and housing census in Cape Verde is being greatly affected by the pandemic.
2. Considering that the main collection of the Census is scheduled from 16 to 30 June 2020 and, since the country has the State of Emergency decreed due to the Covid pandemic19, the main census activities that precede the referred collection will be paralyzed, namely training of trainers for replication in the various islands and municipalities, training of enumeration agents and strengthening the awareness of the population. If this situation remains and, failing to carry out these training sessions and raising awareness, the conditions for the census on that date in Cabo Verde will not be met. In this sense, the only solution is to postpone the census, as several countries have already announced. For when? In our case, the postponement constitutes a major problem for the Cabo Verde Census in that almost all funding was provided by development partners (United Nations agencies, in particular UNFPA, Luxembourg Cooperation, European Union and Spanish Cooperation ), through covenants, annual work plans and agreements signed by governments, based on a rigorous schedule and monitoring of activities, for their effective realization in 2020. Will there be a guarantee of funding in case of postponement? Will we have enough time to mobilize funds? What partners are available, after this situation of world crisis, with strong impacts on the countries' economy? How we stay?
3. Right now, we are preparing the report on the status of the work carried out to share with partners, as well as the proposal to reprogram the main Census activities in various scenarios for internal discussion and decision making. Next, we intend to discuss with the referred partners in order to know the availability of continuing to provide financial support to the Census, in case the date changes for this year and also for the next year.
4. If there is a change in the census date and, in addition to financial issues, there is a need for technical assistance in order to support the discussion and decision of some technical aspects, namely the question of comparability of data with previous censuses that have always been carried out on the same date, or that is, from 16 to 30 June. We recall that in Cabo Verde, the first cases have now emerged which means that we are still waiting for information from the national health authorities on the evolution of this pandemic in the country.
April 1, 2020
Democratic Republic of the Congo 2020      
Guam 2020   Pursuant to the directive from the Governor of Guam, data collection activities for the Census of Guam including in-person interviews has been suspended beginning March 16 and extending through April 13, 2020. March 30, 2020
Holy See 2020      
Kuwait 2020      
Mali 2020   Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting the conduct of the population and housing census?
Yes, the COVID19 Pandemic will have an impact on the realization of the Fifth General Population Census.
If yes, what are the most recent consequences to the census?
Currently, the Central Census Bureau has just completed the field work on digital mapping. Digitization work is in progress. They will be slowed down with the measures taken by the authorities to reduce the spread of the disease. They may be interrupted in the event of total containment. The training of field agents for mapping in insecure regions is completed on March 21 and field work is scheduled to begin on April 1. In the event of confinement, these activities will also be stopped. In the end, INSTAT had programmed the organization of the donors' round table to fill the funding gap of $10 million necessary for the training and support of the enumerators who is scheduled from November 15 to December 14, 2020. With the confinement of diplomatic representations and multilateral cooperation organizations, the process was interrupted.
What are the possible actions that will be undertaken as a result of these adverse impacts?
Given the impacts mentioned above, INSTAT is considering postponing the count to April 2021. The proposal will be submitted to the Government in the coming days. You will be informed of the decision as soon as possible.
Any other relevant comment?
For the moment, the Central Bureau of the Census continues its work with some measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus in accordance with the instructions of the authorities.
March 29, 2020
Nigeria 2020      
Puerto Rico 2020   All of our in-person field operations have been suspended. We closely follow the guidance/restrictions issued by the Office of the Governor and will resume operations once the local government deems safe/appropriate to resume operations. While all in-person field activities are suspended, the self-response options (online, phone, paper) are still available. April 15, 2020
San Marino 2020      
United States Virgin Islands 2020   All of our in-person field operations have been suspended. We closely follow the guidance/restrictions issued by the Office of the Governor and will resume operations once the local government deems safe/appropriate to resume operations. April 15, 2020
Vanuatu 2020