Description: 16 April 2024 we had a meeting were we discussed the ongoing development of the Guide on the Use of Administrative Data for Statistics on Non-Discrimination and Equality. The Guide aims to enhance the collection of high-quality administrative data for improved production of statistics on non-discrimination and equality, thereby supporting better informed policies in this area. Ms. Shadia Rask delivered a presentation covering the Guide's objectives, the feedback received so far, as well as proposed ways for the Task Team members to contribute to the Guide.
Description: At this meeting, statisticians from Colombia, Cabo Verde, Ireland, Madagascar, Peru and Vietnam shared overall impressions and key results from cognitive testing of the draft questionnaire in their respective national context and national languages. The key focus for 2024 will be on field-testing (piloting) the revised questionnaire on larger samples (100-300 respondents). To save on costs, this can be done as part of an ongoing survey, to which the NSO can attach a short (“core”) module on the topic. NSOs from all regions and all development contexts were invited to take part in this critical step towards the finalization of the questionnaire.
Description: The draft version of the questionnaire is now ready for cognitive testing in multiple countries (and multiple languages). This is a vital step in ensuring that the questions are valid and reliable across different contexts. At this meeting, the Co-Chairs presented two possible methods – namely, semi-structured qualitative interviews and standardized protocol-based verbal probing – for NSOs interested in participating in the cognitive testing to choose from. The Co-Chairs also presented the support available to NSOs interested in applying either one of these two methods in their national setting, including virtual training sessions and on-demand support from the core team.
Praia Group Task Team on Non-Discrimination and Equality, 8th meeting: Review of the consolidated harmonized survey module & plans for cognitive testing