Description: This course, conducted by the Statistics Department, presents a user-friendly tool developed by the department to automatically combine monetary, government, and international investment position data reported to the Statistics Department to create a distribution of claims and liabilities on a from-whom-to-whom basis—an extremely useful tool for macro-financial analysis. Once the matrix is generated, country officials should be able to use the Balance Sheet Approach (BSA) analysis to focus on overall balance sheet linkages and identify specific exposures and vulnerabilities, such as excessive reliance on external funding, leverage buildup in the corporate sector, and overreliance on the banking sector for sovereign debt placement.
Target Audience: Officials at central banks, ministries of finance and other agencies in charge of compiling monetary and financial statistics, government finance/debt statistics, and external sector statistics; and/or overseeing macro-financial analysis.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, covers both the conceptual and practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics focusing on other financial corporations (OFCs) as set out in the 2016 Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The main aim of this course is to foster a deeper understanding of the OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structures and how their financial data can be leveraged for compiling the broadest set of monetary statistics to understand liquidity and financing extended to the nonfinancial sectors and nonresidents by the financial corporations. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, of which the role of MFS in the balance sheet approach (BSA) for analyzing macro-financial vulnerabilities and how MFS fits into the IMF’s financial programming. The course integrates discussions on cutting-edge issues like Fintech, digital money and climate finance all related to MFS. Through a combination of lectures, countries’ presentations and case studies, the course familiarizes participants with practical aspects of compiling other financial corporations sector and the financial corporations survey. Emphasis is also placed on peer learning through sharing of country experiences among the participants.
Target Audience: Central bank officials and officials from regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics.
Description: This course, conducted by the Statistics Department, presents a user-friendly tool developed by the department to automatically combine monetary, government, and international investment position data reported to the Statistics Department to create a distribution of claims and liabilities on a from-whom-to-whom basis—an extremely useful tool for macro-financial analysis. Once the matrix is generated, country officials should be able to use the Balance Sheet Approach (BSA) analysis to focus on overall balance sheet linkages and identify specific exposures and vulnerabilities, such as excessive reliance on external funding, leverage buildup in the corporate sector, and overreliance on the banking sector for sovereign debt placement.
Target Audience: Officials at central banks, ministries of finance and other agencies in charge of compiling monetary and financial statistics, government finance/debt statistics, and external sector statistics; and/or overseeing macro-financial analysis.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, provides participants with an introduction to the compilation of monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB), other depository corporations (ODCs) and other financial corporations (OFCs) in accordance with international statistical standards. Course materials are based on the 2016 Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectoring of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants will also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. They will also gain a deeper understanding of the OFCs sector and their relevance for compiling a broader and often more reliable measure of the liquidity available in an economy and financing extended to the nonfinancial sectors and nonresidents by the financial corporations.
Target Audience: Central bank officials, officials from financial regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics as well as users interested in understanding key conceptual framework and compilation process.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, introduces the fundamentals of compiling monetary statistics, with special attention to other financial corporations (OFCs). It also gives an overview of financial statistics and national accounts. The course material is based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). Although the course summarizes the main principles underlying the compilation of monetary statistics, it assumes participants already understand these principles (e.g., having participated in the MFS-I course). The core of the course deals with characteristics of various OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structure, and their role in the financial sector. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, dealing with financial flows and stocks of all sectors of the domestic economy and their interactions with the rest of the world; the balance sheet approach to vulnerability analysis; and the relationships between monetary, balance of payments, government finance, and national accounts statistics. The course consists of lectures and case studies to familiarize participants with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics for OFCs and the basic principles underlying the compilation of national accounts. At the end of the course, participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their own countries.
Target Audience: Central bank officials and officials from regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, introduces the fundamentals of compiling monetary statistics, with special attention to other financial corporations (OFCs). It also gives an overview of financial statistics and national accounts. The course material is based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). Although the course summarizes the main principles underlying the compilation of monetary statistics, it assumes participants already understand these principles (e.g., having participated in the MFS-I course). The core of the course deals with characteristics of various OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structure, and their role in the financial sector. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, dealing with financial flows and stocks of all sectors of the domestic economy and their interactions with the rest of the world; the balance sheet approach to vulnerability analysis; and the relationships between monetary, balance of payments, government finance, and national accounts statistics. The course consists of lectures and case studies to familiarize participants with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics for OFCs and the basic principles underlying the compilation of national accounts. At the end of the course, participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their own countries.
Target Audience: Central bank officials and officials from regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics.
Description: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) are co-custodians of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 16.4.1 on the “total value of inward and outward illicit financial flows”. UNCTAD, in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), has implemented a UN Development Account project from 2018 to 2022 on “Defining, estimating and disseminating statistics on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs)”, in 11 countries on the African continent, including Ghana, Namibia, and Zambia. The project focused on developing a statistical methodology to estimate IFFs and resulted in the finalisation of the UNCTAD-UNODC IFF Conceptual Framework in 2020 and the UNCTAD Methodological Guidelines in 2021, to measure tax and commercial IFFs, and tested by all pioneering countries. The project and related guidelines supported the countries to assess the types of IFFs relevant to their national contexts. Countries pilot tested between one and three of the methods to measure different types of IFFs, including trade misinvoicing, profit shifting and offshore wealth. In parallel, UNCTAD Africa, Least Developed Countries (ALDC) Division was focusing on strengthening research and data analysis skills in selected pioneering countries and developing targeted policy measures linked to specific IFF activities. These pioneering countries have paved the way for the approach to measure IFFs, providing a wealth of knowledge, lessons learned and resources such as terms of references, tools and guidelines. At the end of the project, more work was necessary to confirm the preliminary estimates and extend them to other types of IFFs towards reporting data on the Global SDGs Indicator Database for 16.4.1. At half-way point through the 2030 Agenda and in the conditions of compounding crises, it is more urgent than ever to pursue SDG target 16.4 to significantly reduce illicit financial (and arms) flows by 2030, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime. The new project proposes to refine preliminary estimates, to pilot test new methodologies and report results on the Global SDGs Database, as well as to link estimates with policy formulation and action. Objectives The objectives of the online regional workshop are as follow: Kick-off the project and introducing the different entities; Present the project components, objectives, activities and timeline; Countries share expectations on measurement and policy pillars, confirming their national objectives. Participants UNCTAD Statistics; UNCTAD ALDC; Ghana Statistical Service; Bank of Namibia; Zambia Statistics Agency; other relevant national institutions in countries; ECA (tbc); UN Regional Coordinator Offices (tbc).
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, provides participants with an introduction to the compilation of monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with international standards. Course materials are based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectorization of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. The course consists of lectures, and exercises covering practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics, especially the use of financial statements for filling out standardized report forms (SRFs 1SR and 2SR) and the derivation of the respective surveys for the CB, ODCs, and the consolidated DCs sector. Participants should be prepared to ask questions and discuss challenges related to MFS compilation practices. This course is an abbreviated version of the longer, introductory MFS course traditionally offered by STA in-person.
Target Audience: Central bank officials and officials from financial regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, provides participants with an introduction to the compilation of monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with international standards. Course materials are based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectorization of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. The course consists of lectures, and exercises covering practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics, especially the use of financial statements for filling out standardized report forms (SRFs 1SR and 2SR) and the derivation of the respective surveys for the CB, ODCs, and the consolidated DCs sector. Participants should be prepared to ask questions and discuss challenges related to MFS compilation practices. This course is an abbreviated version of the longer, introductory MFS course traditionally offered by STA in-person.
Target Audience: Central bank officials and officials from financial regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics.
Source: IMF Metac (Data extracted on: 23 Apr 2024 )
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Organizer(s): IMF Metac
Description: In collaboration with the IMF's Middle East Center for Economics and Finance (CEF), METAC conducted a five-day workshop on Measuring Financial Services. The workshop was attended by 30 participants from 11 Arab countries and covered the techniques and methods used to estimate financial services in nominal and volume terms, their impact on the sequence of accounts, and estimation of financial institutions’ output, intermediate consumption and gross value added as recommended by the 2008 System of National Accounts.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, provides participants with an introduction to the compilation of monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with international standards. Course materials are based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectorization of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. The course consists of lectures, and exercises covering practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics, especially the use of financial statements for filling out standardized report forms (SRFs 1SR and 2SR) and the derivation of the respective surveys for the CB, ODCs, and the consolidated DCs sector. Participants should be prepared to ask questions and discuss challenges related to MFS compilation practices. This course is an abbreviated version of the longer, introductory MFS course traditionally offered by STA in-person.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, provides participants with an introduction to the compilation of monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with international standards. Course materials are based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectorization of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. The course consists of lectures, and exercises covering practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics, especially the use of financial statements for filling out standardized report forms (SRFs 1SR and 2SR) and the derivation of the respective surveys for the CB, ODCs, and the consolidated DCs sector. Participants should be prepared to ask questions and discuss challenges related to MFS compilation practices. This course is an abbreviated version of the longer, introductory MFS course traditionally offered by STA in-person.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, provides participants with an introduction to the compilation of monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with international standards. Course materials are based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectorization of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. The course consists of lectures, and exercises covering practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics, especially the use of financial statements for filling out standardized report forms (SRFs 1SR and 2SR) and the derivation of the respective surveys for the CB, ODCs, and the consolidated DCs sector. Participants should be prepared to ask questions and discuss challenges related to MFS compilation practices. This course is an abbreviated version of the longer, introductory MFS course traditionally offered by STA in-person.
Description: Within the framework of the Programme of Action for 2021-2025 set under the OIC-StatCom Strategic Vision for 2030 and its Webinar Series on Statistical Experience Sharing, SESRIC will organise a Webinar on ‘Reporting Data on Islamic Financial Services Sector’ on 14 March 2023, in collaboration with Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB), United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), and UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) with the participation of official statisticians working in National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of the OIC member countries. The main objective of this webinar is to provide a platform to exchange knowledge on how to utilize the Prudential and Structural Islamic Financial Indicators (PSIFIs) methodology as well as how to implement the recommendations of the joint task team on Islamic finance (IFTT) Guidance Note on the Statistical Treatment of Islamic Finance in the National Accounts and External Sector Statistics in national statistical systems of OIC member countries. The Webinar will cover: Prudential and Structural Islamic Financial Indicators (PSIFIs) Introduction Methodology Reporting practices Statistical treatment of Islamic finance in the national accounts and the external sector statistics in the update of the 2008 SNA and BPM6 Guidance note (GN) on Islamic Finance and the recommendations Pilot Countries Experimentation Document: Concept Note and Work Programme: (English)
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, introduces the fundamentals of compiling monetary statistics, with special attention to other financial corporations (OFCs). It also gives an overview of financial statistics and national accounts. The course material is based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). Although the course summarizes the main principles underlying the compilation of monetary statistics, it assumes participants already understand these principles (e.g., having participated in the MFS-I course). The core of the course deals with characteristics of various OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structure, and their role in the financial sector. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, dealing with financial flows and stocks of all sectors of the domestic economy and their interactions with the rest of the world; the balance sheet approach to vulnerability analysis; and the relationships between monetary, balance of payments, government finance, and national accounts statistics. The course consists of lectures and case studies to familiarize participants with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics for OFCs and the basic principles underlying the compilation of national accounts. At the end of the course, participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their own countries.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, introduces the fundamentals of compiling monetary statistics, with special attention to other financial corporations (OFCs). It also gives an overview of financial statistics and national accounts. The course material is based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). Although the course summarizes the main principles underlying the compilation of monetary statistics, it assumes participants already understand these principles (e.g., having participated in the MFS-I course). The core of the course deals with characteristics of various OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structure, and their role in the financial sector. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, dealing with financial flows and stocks of all sectors of the domestic economy and their interactions with the rest of the world; the balance sheet approach to vulnerability analysis; and the relationships between monetary, balance of payments, government finance, and national accounts statistics. The course consists of lectures and case studies to familiarize participants with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics for OFCs and the basic principles underlying the compilation of national accounts. At the end of the course, participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their own countries.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, introduces the fundamentals of compiling monetary statistics, with special attention to other financial corporations (OFCs). It also gives an overview of financial statistics and national accounts. The course material is based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). Although the course summarizes the main principles underlying the compilation of monetary statistics, it assumes participants already understand these principles (e.g., having participated in the MFS-I course). The core of the course deals with characteristics of various OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structure, and their role in the financial sector. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, dealing with financial flows and stocks of all sectors of the domestic economy and their interactions with the rest of the world; the balance sheet approach to vulnerability analysis; and the relationships between monetary, balance of payments, government finance, and national accounts statistics. The course consists of lectures and case studies to familiarize participants with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics for OFCs and the basic principles underlying the compilation of national accounts. At the end of the course, participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their own countries.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, introduces the fundamentals of compiling monetary statistics, with special attention to other financial corporations (OFCs). It also gives an overview of financial statistics and national accounts. The course material is based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). Although the course summarizes the main principles underlying the compilation of monetary statistics, it assumes participants already understand these principles (e.g., having participated in the MFS-I course). The core of the course deals with characteristics of various OFCs (insurance corporations, pension funds, non-MMF investment funds, etc.), their typical balance sheet structure, and their role in the financial sector. The course also covers some aspects of financial statistics, dealing with financial flows and stocks of all sectors of the domestic economy and their interactions with the rest of the world; the balance sheet approach to vulnerability analysis; and the relationships between monetary, balance of payments, government finance, and national accounts statistics. The course consists of lectures and case studies to familiarize participants with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics for OFCs and the basic principles underlying the compilation of national accounts. At the end of the course, participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their own countries.
Target Audience: Central bank officials and officials from regulatory agencies responsible for compiling monetary statistics.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, provides participants with an introduction to the compilation of monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with international standards. Course materials are based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectorization of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. The course consists of lectures, and exercises covering practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics, especially the use of financial statements for filling out standardized report forms (SRFs 1SR and 2SR) and the derivation of the respective surveys for the CB, ODCs, and the consolidated DCs sector. Participants should be prepared to ask questions and discuss challenges related to MFS compilation practices. This course is an abbreviated version of the longer, introductory MFS course traditionally offered by STA in-person.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, prepares participants to compile monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with international standards. The course materials are based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectorization of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. The course consists of lectures, workshops, and case studies dealing with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics, especially the use of financial statements for filling out standardized report forms (SRFs 1SR and 2SR) for the CB and ODCs, and the derivation of the monetary survey for the CB, ODCs, and the depository corporations sector. At the end of the course, participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their own countries.
Description: This one week course, presented by the IMF Statistics Department, is designed to assist officials in the compilation of monetary and financial statistics in accordance with international best practices. The course material is based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and the Monetary and Financial Statistics: Compilation Guide, which expand on the definitions, classifications, and valuation principles for monetary and financial macroeconomic analysis within the framework of the System of National Accounts. The course discusses the principles of economic sectorization, the characteristics and classification of financial instruments, valuation, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of analytical accounts for the entire financial sector, comprising the central bank, other depository corporations, and other financial corporations. The course consists of lectures, workshops, and case studies that familiarize participants with practical aspects of monetary statistics compilation; in particular the recently introduced standardized report forms (SRFs). It also focuses on financial statistics, which comprise the financial flows and stocks of all sectors of the domestic economy and their interactions with the rest of the world, and the balance sheet approach for vulnerability analysis. Lectures address the interrelationships between monetary, balance of payments, government finance, and national accounts statistics. Participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their countries.
Description: This course, presented by the Statistics Department, prepares participants to compile monetary statistics covering the central bank (CB) and other depository corporations (ODCs) in accordance with international standards. The course materials are based on the Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course discusses the principles of residency and sectorization of institutional units, the characteristics and types of financial instruments, valuation principles, and other accounting issues that are relevant to the compilation of monetary statistics. Participants also become familiar with the defining characteristics of depository corporations (DCs), notably their role as money issuers, and with the main principles on which analysis of monetary and credit aggregates is based. The course consists of lectures, workshops, and case studies dealing with practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics, especially the use of financial statements for filling out standardized report forms (SRFs 1SR and 2SR) for the CB and ODCs, and the derivation of the monetary survey for the CB, ODCs, and the depository corporations sector. At the end of the course, participants are expected to make a short presentation on monetary statistics compilation issues in their own countries.