Description: This side event, in connection with the main 4th Global Expert Forum event, is jointly organized by ESCAP, UNEP and ECE, to explore the nexus between disaster related statistics and civil registration and vital statistics systems, including the use of civil registration to support the production of disaster-related statistics. Date: 1 November 2024Venue: United Nations Conference Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Format: Mainly in-person, with the possibility of online presentations.Duration of the event: 3 hoursParticipants: All participants attending the expert forum and interested participants from the African StatCOM and UN-GGIM: Africa
Description: Background The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), together with other United Nations Development System partners, are working to strengthen the capability of countries to collect, process and disseminate data and statistics to respond to emerging economic, social and environmental data needs in times of crises and disasters through the use of innovative data sources, advanced data acquisition methods and modern technologies, while ensuring a path towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda. In Bhutan, during 2024-25, through support from the United Nations Development Account, activities are underway to support the following outcomes: The production of land and forest accounts, in line with Bhutan’s published System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) implementation plan. The creation of a strategic plan for producing and developing disaster-related statistics. To initiate this support a capacity building workshop on SEEA land and forest accounting, and a multi-stakeholder consultative workshop on disaster-related statistics were held in Thimphu between 8-10 October 2024, with the involvement of the National Statistics Bureau (NSB) of Bhutan and relevant stakeholders. Aim and Objectives The workshops had the following primary objectives: Provide practical support on the identification and application of available data sources for the development of land and forest accounts, in line with the Bhutan’s published SEEA implementation plan. Follow up on actions identified in the 2023 High-Level Seminar on Statistical-Geospatial Integration, with a focus on the use of geospatial data for SEEA compilation. Enhance awareness and understanding of relevant international statistical frameworks, guidelines and tools on disaster-related statistics. Identify and prioritise national data needs for disaster-related statistics through a multi-stakeholder workshop. Support the identification of priority data and capacity gaps to facilitate the development of a national plan for disaster-related statistics. A key outcome was the development of an agreed approach for taking forward the production of land and forest accounts and developing a strategic plan for disaster-related statistics for Bhutan.
Description: The TWG held its 24th virtual meeting on Wednesday, 27 September 2023, from 14:00 to 15:00 hours, Bangkok time (GMT+7). The objectives of the meeting were: To discuss the rationale as well as data and methodological considerations for DRSF tables DRRE Disaster risk reduction expenditure account. To share initial results of the review of DRSF tables DRRE by Philippines. To provide opportunities for TWG participants to reflect on and discuss the experiences from their national statistical systems. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 07 Dec 2023 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: Disasters continue to have an ever-increasing impact on lifewell-being and sustainable development. Given these impactsthere is a high demand at the localnational and international levels for high qualityintegrated statistics to inform all phases of the disaster risk management cycle. Furthermoredisaster related statistics are not only relevant to those working to prepare and respond to disasters but also to the public at largeresearch institutions and policy analysts at the local and national levels. In response to the increased demands for disaster related statisticsthe disaster management and official statistics communities in Asia-Pacific have developed the Disaster-related Statistics Framework (DRSF).
Description: The TWG was held its 23rd virtual meeting on Wednesday, 26 July 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 hours, Bangkok time (GMT+7). The objectives of the meeting are: To discuss the rationale as well as data and methodological considerations for DRSF tables (1) tables D2: Disruption of basic services from a disaster by hazard types/geographic region, and F: Summary of material impacts to agriculture by hazards types. To share initial results of the review of DRSF tables D2 and F by Maldives. To provide opportunities for TWG participants to reflect on and discuss the experiences from their national statistical systems. To get volunteers for the next DRSF table review on table G Summary tables of direct environmental impacts. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The Expert Forum was organized for statisticians, disaster management experts, geo-scientists, as well as policymakers and other decision-makers that rely on statistics to inform their decisions. We welcomed participants from governments, academia, NGOs, the private sector, international organizations, and champion experts participating in their personal capacity. The objectives of the 2023 Expert Forum were to: Share and discuss country experiences with the utilization of disaster-related statistics to monitor national and global disaster risk reduction commitments or guide risk-informed development Share and discuss country experiences with the production of disaster-related statistics with a view to identifying good practices and replication opportunities. Expected outcomes In pursuing the above objectives, it was expected that the 2023 Expert Forum would have: Identify priority needs of countries to inform capacity development and technical support Identify priority research topics to be pursued by the IAEG-DRS and other relevant groups Generate additional insights of use for the formulation of a common statistical framework on disaster-related statistics. , Full Week Programme Download the Full Week Programme (PDF). For more information, please click the Programme tab. Time (UTC +7) Session DRS Expert Forum (The Sukosol Hotel) Associate Events (UNCC, Meeting rooms C and D) Mon 5 Jun Tue 6 Jun Wed 7 Jun Thu 8 Jun Fri 9 Jun 09:00–10:00 Morning Session (In-person) Losses and Damages Tracking System Assessing Asia-Pacific challenges, needs and opportunities in advancing climate change and disaster-related statistics 10:00–11:00 11:00–12:00 12:00–13:00 Welcome cocktail lunch for all in-person participants (12:00-14:00h) Break Break 13:00–14:00 Building Resilience through Disaster-risk-related Statistics and Indicators: A Workshop on operationalizing the ESCAP DRSF Assessing Asia-Pacific challenges, needs and opportunities in advancing climate change and disaster-related statistics (cont. until 15:30h) 14:00–15:00 Afternoon Session (In-person) Introduction and warm-up Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters: Task Force D Disaster Related Statistics Pilot Project Estimating economic losses from disasters: practices, challenges and way forward 15:00–16:00 16:00–17:00 17:00–19:00 Break Break Break 19:00-19:55 (UTC+7) 12:00-12:55 (UTC) Evening Session (Hybrid) 1. Setting the scene 4. Defining direct and indirect impacts of disasters 7. Estimating direct material impact and economic loss from disasters Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Disaster-Related Statistics (virtual meeting for members only) (19:00-21:00h, UTC+7) 20:00-20:55 (UTC+7) 13:00-13:55 (UTC) 2. Assessing and mapping risk exposure, vulnerability, and coping capacity 5. Measuring human impacts of disasters 8. Accounting for disaster risk reduction expenditures 21:05-22:00 (UTC+7) 14:05-15:00 (UTC) 3. Classifying and harmonizing hazards and disasters 6. Measuring disaster impacts on the environment and cultural heritage 9. Summary and conclusion , Contacts Forum host - ESCAP Mr. Hakan Yazıcıoğlu Associate Statistician Statistics Division Tel: + 66 2288-1521 E-mail: hakan.yazicioglu(at) Ms. Piyapat Nakornchai Research Assistant Statistics Division Tel: + 66 2288-1519 E-mail: nakornchai(at) Forum co-organizers UNECE Mr. Michael Nagy Statistician UNECE Statistical Division Tel: +41 22 917 3109 E-mail: michael.nagy(at) UNDRR Mr. Rahul Sengupta Programme Management Officer UNDRR Office in Bonn Tel: +49 228 8150303 E-mail: sengupta(at) UNESCWA Ms. Wafa Aboul Hosn Chief of Economic Statistics Statistics, Information Society and Technology Tel: +961 1 978 353 E-mail: aboulhosn(at) UNECLAC Ms. Georgina Alcantar López Statistician Statistics Division E-mail: georgina.alcantarlopez(at) Mr. Alberto Malmierca Associate Statistician Statistics Division Email: alberto.malmierca(at) UNECA Mr. Andre Nonguierma Chief of the Geospatial Information Section E-mail: nonguierma(at) Ms. Aster Denekew Geospatial Information Officer E-mail: denekewa(at) UNSD Ms. Reena Shah Senior Statistician Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) Tel: +1 212 963-4586 E-mail: shahr(at) Mr. Greg Scott Inter-Regional Advisor UN GGIM Tel: +1 212 963-8578 E-mail: scott12(at) Mr. Emil Ivanov Statistician Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) Tel : +1 212 963-7989 E-mail: ivanove(at) Mr. Mark Iliffe Statistician Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) Tel: +1 917 367-3475 E-mail: mark.iliffe(at)
Description: The annual expert forums are organized to advance the production and use of disaster-related statistics for risk-informed development in support of the aim of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Disaster-related Statistics (IAEG-DRS) of the United Nations Statistical Commission.
Description: The TWG was held its 22nd virtual meeting on Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 hours, Bangkok time (GMT+7). The objectives of the meeting were: To discuss the rationale as well as data and methodological considerations for DRSF tables (1) tables D1b: Summary table of direct material impacts by hazards types and geographic regions, and E1b: Summary table of direct material impacts by hazards types and geographic regions. To share initial results of the review of DRSF tables D1b and E1b by Bangladesh and Malaysia. To provide opportunities for TWG participants to reflect on and discuss the experiences from their national statistical systems. To get volunteers for the next DRSF table review on table F Summary of material impacts to Agriculture by hazards types. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: Institutionalizing sound evidence-based sustainable development policies in the Caribbean requires quality, timely, and accessible climate change and disasters indicators that are harmonized and comparable across countries.
Description: The Global Webinar on Strengthening Climate Change and Disaster-Related Statistics: Needs, Priorities, and Action is part of a series of online webinars being held under the 14th tranche of the United Nations Development Account (DA14) Project “Resilient and agile National Statistical Systems to meet post-COVID-19 data needs to recover better”. The DA14 Project aims to help enhance the resilience and agility of the national statistical systems (NSS) of the 50 beneficiary countries to respond to emerging economic, social and environmental data needs in times of crises and disasters, through the use of innovative data sources, advanced data acquisition methods and modern technologies, while ensuring a path towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This webinar is organized under Workstream 2.1 of the DA14 project, which aims to strengthen national capacities, and increase the availability and policy use of statistics and indicators on climate change and disaster-related statistics. The Workstream is co-facilitated by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). The objectives of this webinar are to: Enhance awareness and understanding in the beneficiary countries of relevant international statistical frameworks and guidelines on climate change and disaster-related statistics; Share experiences, including good practices as well as technical and institutional challenges, on the production and use of climate change and disaster-related statistics between beneficiary countries; Discuss national priorities and plans for improving climate change and disaster-related statistics, and, Share and discuss how countries may further engage in the project. Before and after the webinar, each participant will be invited to complete a short survey on their level of awareness and knowledge relating to climate change and disaster-related statistics.
Description: The Global Webinar on Strengthening Climate Change and Disaster-Related Statistics: Needs, Priorities, and Action is part of a series of online webinars being held under the 14th tranche of the United Nations Development Account (DA14) Project “Resilient and agile National Statistical Systems to meet post-COVID-19 data needs to recover better”. The DA14 Project aims to help enhance the resilience and agility of the national statistical systems (NSS) of the 50 beneficiary countries to respond to emerging economic, social and environmental data needs in times of crises and disasters, through the use of innovative data sources, advanced data acquisition methods and modern technologies, while ensuring a path towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This webinar is organized under Workstream 2.1 of the DA14 project, which aims to strengthen national capacities, and increase the availability and policy use of statistics and indicators on climate change and disaster-related statistics. The Workstream is co-facilitated by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). The objectives of this webinar are to: Enhance awareness and understanding in the beneficiary countries of relevant international statistical frameworks and guidelines on climate change and disaster-related statistics; Share experiences, including good practices as well as technical and institutional challenges, on the production and use of climate change and disaster-related statistics between beneficiary countries; Discuss national priorities and plans for improving climate change and disaster-related statistics, and, Share and discuss how countries may further engage in the project. Before and after the webinar, each participant will be invited to complete a short survey on their level of awareness and knowledge relating to climate change and disaster-related statistics.
Description: The TWG held its 21st virtual meeting on Wednesday, 29 March 2023, 13:30 – 15:00 hours, Bangkok time (GMT+7). The objectives of the meeting were: To discuss the rationale as well as data and methodological considerations for DRSF tables (1) tables C2: Summary table of human impacts by hazard type and geographic regions and (2) C3: Summary table of affected population by demographic and social categories. To share initial results of the review of DRSF tables C2 and C3 by Sri Lanka and on Türkiye. To provide opportunities for TWG participants to reflect on and discuss the experiences from their national statistical systems. To get volunteers for the next DRSF table review on tables D: Summary tables of direct material impacts in physical terms. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: This activity, organized by ECLAC, was carried out within the framework of the eighth session of the Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the Americas and the Caribbean (PR23), which took place from February 28 to March 2023 in Punta del Este, Uruguay, which was sponsored by the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay.
Description: The growing impact of disasters, associated preventive, preparedness and response measures, and the COP27 decision on establishing a Loss and Damage fund, have all necessitated strengthening of the data ecosystem that underscores decision-making. Mandated by the UN Statistical Commission, the Inter-Agency Expert Group on Disaster-related Statistics (IAEG-DRS) is developing recommendations for a common disaster-related statistical framework for the Commission’s consideration in 2024. The framework will enhance rigour in statistical methods, define parameters for internationally comparable data, and help bridge the gap between national statistical offices (NSOs) and national disaster management offices (NDMOs). The side event will feature governments (especially NSOs and NDMOs) and expert organizations from across the world to share their enriching experience and initiatives on disaster-related statistics. Challenges and good practices will be shared, building on the previous IAEG-DRS meetings and Expert Forums on Producers and Users of Disaster-related statistics.
Description: The TWG will hold its 20th virtual meeting on Wednesday, 25 January 2023, 13:30 – 15:00 hours, Bangkok time (GMT+7). Objectives: The objectives of the meeting are: To discuss the rationale as well as data and methodological considerations for DRSF tables (1) B1b: Population Exposure by Social Groups and (2) B2a: Exposure of Land and Infrastructure by Hazard Type. To share initial results of the review of DRSF tables B1b and B2a by Bhutan and Mongolia. To provide opportunities for TWG participants to reflect on and discuss the experiences from their national statistical systems. To get volunteers for the next DRSF table review on (1) B3: Coping Capacity Background Statistics and (2) C1: Summary Table of Human Impacts by Hazards Types. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The Statistics Division and the Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in collaboration with United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission, have been working together over the past year and a half at the country level to strengthen institutional and statistical capacities of selected Caribbean countries to better produce, disseminate and use environment, climate change and disaster indicators. Work at the country level has helped in identifying coordination and data sharing as the most critical areas where exchange of knowledge and experiences and peer learning at the regional level bring the most value for countries. Therefore, as part of the Development Account 12th Tranche (DA12) project on Caribbean SIDS relevant climate change and disasters indicators for evidence-based policies, a regional workshop is being organized to facilitate exchange of ideas and peer learning among project beneficiary and non-beneficiary countries.
Description: About the session The Asia-Pacific region is prone to various disasters every year and the aftermath of these disasters tend to be a huge cost to economies/ countries and individual households. It is quite common to hear of economic losses or financial losses because of these disasters. Similarly, crude estimates of loss to gross domestic product (GDP) are cited as some of the effects of disasters. National statistical agencies have not been on fore front of measuring losses from disasters in the Asia-Pacific though they have made strides to produce disaster related statistics. Other statistical systems are simply in the process of setting up systems to compile disaster related statistics. Disaster management agencies have been on the forefront to measure potential economic losses from disasters. This Stats Café will discuss issues relating to how economic losses from disasters. It will provide a forum to share experiences on how economic losses are measured. Furthermore, it will highlight specific case studies on measuring economic losses based on conceptual frameworks for economic losses from disasters. Speakers Lutfi Alfia, Statistician, BPS Indonesia: Disaster related statistics in Indonesia Daniel Clarke, Researcher, Statistics and Data Directorate, OECD: Concepts of measuring economic losses from disasters Alper Aras, Economic Affairs, United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR): Concepts and case studies on economic losses from disasters , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events in 2022 2021 events 2020 events
Description: The aims of the course is build national capacities for the compilation of disaster-related statistics for enhancing disaster management and promoting risk-informed sustainable development in the countries. Also aims to facilitate national monitoring and reporting on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Description: The TWG held its 19th virtual meeting on Wednesday, 26 October 2022, 13:30 – 15:00 hours, Bangkok time (GMT+7). Objectives: The objectives of the meeting were to: To discuss the rationale as well as data and methodological considerations for DRSF table (1) A1: summary table of disaster occurrences, by hazard type, scale, and geographic region and (2) B1a: population background statistics and hazard exposure by geographic region; To share initial results of the review of DRSF table A1 and B1a by Nepal and Thailand; To provide opportunities for TWG participants to reflect on and discuss the experiences from their national statistical systems; and To get volunteers for the next DRSF table review on (1) B1b: population exposure by social group and (2) B2a: exposure of land and infrastructure by hazard type. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The objectives of the meeting were: To review progress and discuss a proposal to operationalize work of the TWG in the context of the 2022 activities in the five-year plan; and To discuss a modality for updating TWG-DRS membership.
Description: The objectives of the meeting were: To discuss production and compilation of background statistics and hazard exposure in DRSF tables; and To share good practice and in-country experiences about background statistics and hazard exposure. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The objectives of the meeting was: To discuss compilation of disaster occurrence statistics using the DRSF manual; To share good practice and in-country experiences about occurrence statistics; and To present the suggested list of speakers and facilitators for the TWG meeting in 2022 , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The TWG holds its sixteenth virtual meeting on Wednesday, 30 March 2022, 13:00 – 14:30 hours, Bangkok time Report of the 16th TWG meeting List of Participants The Draft Plan for 2022 Activities Objectives: The objectives of the meeting are to: present the draft plan for 2022 activities; collect feedback from the TWG members on the proposed activities and agree on the plan; and share good country practice on initiation of DRSF implementation. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The TWG was held its fifteenth virtual meeting on Wednesday, 23 February 2022, 14:00 – 15:30 hours, Bangkok time. Report of the 15th TWG meeting List of Participants Objectives: The objectives of the meeting were to: present the accomplishments of the TWG to date; provide updates on the e-learning on DRSF courses; inform members on the ongoing statistical review of the new UNDRR/ISC Hazard Information Profiles; and share TWG members’ engagement re: work on the new Hazard Information Profiles , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 brought for the first time a monitoring framework including seven global targets and 38 indicators for monitoring of the targets. While endorsing these recommendations, the UN General Assembly recommended developing standards for disaster-related data and statistics including with engagement of national disaster risk reduction offices and national statistical offices. Building on existing work in this emerging area, the Statistical Commission at its 50th session established a mechanism to develop a common framework on disaster-related statistics. An inter-agency and expert group (IAEG) began operating in 2021. One of the foundations of risk-informed development is an evidence-based approach to policy and investment decisions to reach the most vulnerable. Policy makers mostly rely on official statistics, compiled and analysed with empirical rigour in all areas of governance, including disaster risk reduction. Disaster-related statistics provide the required level of quality and standard in data usage, enabling comparison across space and time, and inter-operability between data platforms. Disaster-related Statistics have gained a strong interest from the national statistical systems. The Disaster-Related Statistics Framework supported by ESCAP, Task Force on Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters by ECE and the Disaster Risk Reduction Statistics Working Group by ECLAC demonstrate the strengthening of this field in statistics. The structure of the common statistical framework on disaster-related statistics is currently under development. Moreover, the UNECE Task Force on Measuring Hazardous Events and Disasters and the IAEG organized the First Expert Forum on disaster-related statistics in June 2021. UNESCWA will be hosting the second Expert Forum on disaster-related statistics in 2022. Come and join! Against this backdrop, this side event will be organized with the following objectives: Share progress in development of the common framework on disaster-related statistics Share good practices in disaster-related statistics Provide a status of the reporting on international agreements through SDG and Sendai Framework monitoring
Description: The main objective of the workshop, the TWG members were able to: understand how establishing the business process (mainly involving the NSOs and NDMOs as principal agencies) in the form of committees, task force or working groups, and other institutional stakeholders facilitate the sharing of responsibilities among relevant agencies under the framework; contributing to the joint development of standard classifications and systems, and perform more disaster-related data specific tasks, including among others, cooperative data collection; exchange of information and best practices; and technical assistance and common training initiatives. More specifically, the workshop aimed: to review the division of labour among DRSF stakeholders to analyze the institutional arrangements necessary to establish DRSF to propose DRSF coordination structure and mechanisms aims , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: This is a side-event of the Eleventh meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC, organized by the Statistics Division of ECLAC. Experiences related to indicators produced or developed by countries of the subregion will be presented, as well as progress in the production of a resilience database for the Caribbean subregion.
Description: Main objective of the workshop: Members will be able to draw DRSF basic range of disaster-related statistics and associate it with the data sources in order to refine the mapping of disaster-related data producers and users. More specifically, the workshop aims: to review the basic range of disaster-related statistics in the DRSF to review the country level existing disaster-related basic range of disaster-related statistics to appreciate the scope of data in the DRSF basic range of disaster-related statistics , Home: TWG Confluence | 2020: 1st meeting (Oct.) 2nd meeting (Nov.) 3rd meeting (Dec.) | 2021: 4th meeting (Jan) 5th meeting (Feb.) 6th meeting (Mar.) 7th meeting (Apr.) Workshop on Five-year plan of TWG (May) 8th meeting (May) 9th meeting (Jun) 10th meeting and Asia-Pacific Regional Symposium (Jul.) 11th meeting (Aug.) 12th meeting (Sep.) 13th meeting (Oct.)
Description: The main objective of the workshop: TWG members would be able to relate the need for policy impetus towards DRSF to the policy environment in their respective contexts and to envision the steps needed to catalyze such an impetus in their own countries. More specifically, the workshop aimed: to review the configuration of the policies relevant to DRSF to determine the policy priorities related to the demand of DRSF to identify the structure and mechanisms of producers and users of information to develop policy impetus, based on policy gap analysis, to catalyze the DRSF , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The objectives of the meeting were: to provide a briefing on the First Regional Asia-Pacific Regional Symposium on Disaster-Related Statistics held last July 27, 2021; to present examples of tools and technologies for producing disaster risk and occurrence; and to share good country practices of Maldives and Mongolia on the production of disaster-related statistics. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Organizer(s): ESCAP ESCAP SIAP Statistics Indonesia Ministry of National Development Planning Indonesia
Description: The TWG Secretariat, in collaboration with the Indonesian Statistical Society Forum (FMS), conducted the Asia-Pacific Regional Symposium on Disaster-Related Statistics and the 10th meeting of the TWG on Disaster-related Statistics on 27 July 2021. The Symposium jointly organized by the various agencies and university in Indonesia (Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), the Central Bureau Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik), the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), the Department of Statistics, MIPA, and the Syiah Kuala University); and the UN Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (UNSIAP). The symposium aimed to review progress towards establishing disaster-related statistics at the global and regional levels and encourage initiation steps at the national level. Summary and Takeaways: Asia-Pacific Regional Symposium on Disaster-Related Statistics Report of the 10th TWG meeting Agenda Article in ESCAP Newsletter , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP Forum of Statistical Society Indonesia Disaster Management Agency Indonesia SINDPA within the MNDP
Description: This course in Indonesian language aims to build national capacities for the compilation of disaster related statistics for enhancing disaster management and promote the risk-informed sustainable development in Indonesia.
Description: The TWG was held its ninth virtual meeting on Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 14:00 - 15:30 hours, Bangkok time. Report of the 9th TWG meeting The objectives of the meeting were: to present the Country Case Study: Indonesia as a country model on the implementation of the Disaster-Related Framework (DRSF) and a Plan for a Regional Symposium as the 10th Meeting of the TWG in July. to present the highlights of the First Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Disaster-related Statistics, held last June 7, 8 and 10, 2021 led by UNECE, and to share good country practices on the production of disaster-related statistics. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The TWG was held its eighth virtual meeting on Thursday, 27 May 2021, 13:00 – 15:00 Hours, Bangkok time. Report of the 8th TWG meeting List of participants The objectives of the meeting were: to present the results of the Planning workshop of the TWG held last 21 May 2021; to present the highlights of the first meeting of the Inter Agency and Expert Group to be held on 25-26 May 2021; to provide a briefing on the First Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Disaster-related Statistics on 7, 8 and 10 June 2021 led by UNECE; and to share good country practices on the production of disaster-related statistics. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The workshop was held virtually on Friday, 21 May 2021, 13:00 – 15:00 hours, Bangkok time. List of participants draft Five-year plan of Technical Working Group (TWG) on Disaster-related Statistics Objectives of the workshop: to finalize the 5-Year Strategic Plan of the TWG that is required to support countries to establish disaster-related statistics to identify the priority areas where the countries needs support from the 5-Year Plan to identify priority areas where the countries can extend support to the 5-Year Plan to formulate a work program for the TWG for 2021 based on the 5-Year Plan , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The TWG held its seventh virtual meeting on Friday, 30 April 2021, 13:00 – 15:00 hours, Bangkok time. Report of the 7th TWG meeting List of participants The objectives of the meeting were: to present the 5-Year Strategic Plan for the TWG for discussion and agreement on the next steps; to share results and lessons learned from the first facilitated DRSF training and plan for national-level trainings on the DRSF by the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP); and to share good country practices on the production of disaster-related statistics. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: About the session This Stats Café session will showcase the recent efforts and advances in disaster-related statistics being undertaken by ESCAP and UN partner agencies through enhanced regional cooperation and platforms. This is with the aim of improving the production, dissemination and use of disaster-related statistics at the national and regional levels to promote evidence-based policymaking for building disasters resilience; reporting to and monitoring of the Sendai Monitoring Framework and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Programme Welcome Remarks by Rikke Munk Hansen, Chief, Economic and Environment Statistics Section, ESCA Introduction of the Speakers by Puji Pujiono, Senior Adviser, Technical Working Group (TWG) on Disaster-related Statistics, ESCAP Presentations by Maria Fe Talento, Statistician, Statistics Division, ESCAP Michael Nagy, Statistician, UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Timothy Wilcox, Programme Management Officer, UNDRR Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Question and Answer Presentations by Sara Duerte Valero, Regional Advisor, Gender Statistics, UN Women, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Amin Shamseddini, Programme Officer, Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information (APDIM), ESCAP Question and Answer Summary of the Stats Café by Puji Pujiono Closing Remarks by Rikke Munk Hansen , Stats Café Home: Upcoming events Concluded events
Description: The TWG held its sixth virtual meeting on Wednesday, 31 March, 2021, 14:00-15:30 hours, Bangkok Time (GMT+7). Report of the 6th meeting List of participants The objectives of the meeting were: To present the highlights of the 52nd UN Statistical Commission’s Side Event on Setting the Global Standard for Disaster-related Statistics held last 23 February 2021 for information; To present the draft 5-Year Strategic Plan for the TWG taking into account the TOR of the TWG and outcomes from the 1st to the 5th TWG meetings; and To share good country practices on the production of disaster-related statistics focusing on data collection/compilation, data utilization and sharing, and challenges faced. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: Compared to other regions of the world, Latin America and the Caribbean has historically made a minor contribution to climate change. Nonetheless, the region is acutely vulnerable to its negative consequences, particularly the small island developing States (SIDS) of the Caribbean that have been continuously impacted by hazardous events, such as tropical storms, floods or landslides.
Description: The TWG held its fifth virtual meeting on Wednesday, 24 February 2021, 14:00 – 16:00 hours, Bangkok time. Report of the fifth meeting List of participants The objectives of the meeting were: To provide the members with a step-by-step tutorial on how to make the best use of the Confluence as the main communication platform to facilitate the work of the TWG; To solicit interest from members in making TWG meetings more participatory and seek ideas for engagement between meetings; To present examples of tools and technologies for producing disaster risk and occurence; and To share good country practices on the production of disaster-related statistics. To learn more about the presentations, please visit , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: References ToR IAEG on Disaster-related Statistics Report of the IAEG to the 52nd UN Statistical Commission About the session This side event presented the perspectives on the state of affairs and prospective pathways of disaster-related statistics. Experiences of country representatives from National Statistics Offices and disaster risk reduction related organizations from the five regions of the world formed the essence of the discussion.
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 11 Feb 2021 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP Topics:
e-Learning Course on Disaster Related Statistics Framework
22 Feb 2021 – 09 Apr 2021
Source: ESCAP SIAP (Data extracted on: 04 Jan 2022 )
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Organizer(s): ESCAP SIAP
Description: This course aims to build national capacities for the compilation of disaster related statistics for enhancing disaster management and promote the risk-informed sustainable development in the countries. The course also aims to facilitate national monitoring and reporting on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It introduces concepts relevant to compiling disaster related statistics.
Original webpage was deleted, archived version from the Internet Archive (not a UN service): Link
Description: Organized by Statistics Division and the Caribbean Subregional Headquarte of ECLAC. This is a Side-event of the 52nd session of the United Nations Statistical Commission
Description: The TWG was held its fourth virtual meeting on Wednesday, 27 January 2021, 13:00 – 15:00 hours, Bangkok time. Report of the 4th TWG meeting List of Participants The objectives of the meeting were: To provide updates on the regional situational report including an outline and approach for the in-depth country case study on the implementation of Disaster-related Statistics Framework (DRSF); To provide a summary and reflections on the feedback received on the draft e-learning course on disaster-related statistics pilot-tested by the members of the TWG; and plans for launching the e-learning course and related activities at the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP)and To share good country practices on the production of disaster-related statistics. , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The TWG held its third virtual meeting on 16 December 2020, 14:00 – 15:30 hours (Bangkok time). The objectives of the meeting were: to discuss the responses to the questionnaire on state of production, dissemination, and use of disaster-related statistics in Asia - Pacific countries for the preparation of a Regional Situation Analysis Report that will provide the basis for the TWG’s mid-term work strategies; to provide information on the availability of the e-learning course on disaster-related statistics for pilot-testing by the members of the TWG; and to share good country practices on the production of disaster-related statistics. Report of the 3rd meeting of the TWG List of participants and attendance summary Reference materials: Disaster-related Statistics Framework (DRSF) Presentations Disaster Data Compilation, Sharing and Utilisation - Findings from TWG Questionnaire Capacity building: DRSF E-Learning course Bangladesh Disaster related Statistics 2020 Climate Change and Natural Disaster Perspectives , Home: TWG Confluence Previous TWG Meetings
Description: The TWG held its second virtual meeting on 25 November 2020, 11:00 a.m – 12:30 p.m. (Bangkok time). The objectives of the meeting were: To introduce the electronic Confluence platform to facilitate the work of the TWG; To discuss the responses to the Questionnaire prepared by the Secretariat on the work priorities of the Technical Working Group. The results will be used to prepare a draft work plan for the TWG; To provide a briefing on the learning course on disaster-related statistics for pilot-testing of the members of the TWG; and To share good country practices on the implementation of the DRSF.
Description: With the completion of work to develop the Disaster-related Statistics Framework (DRSF), the endorsement of the Committee on Statistics in October 2018 and the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction noting its work in 2019, the new task is to direct collaboration towards the implementation of the framework and capacity development in the Asia-Pacific region in the form of a Technical Working Group (TWG) on Disaster-related Statistics. The TOR of the TWG was approved by the Bureau of Statistics in April 2019 and the Committee on Statistics in May 2020. The TWG shall function as a community of practice, consisting of experts and professionals to support the capacity of member states to implement the DRSF that is aligned with national priorities, internationally comparable across countries and coherent with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Following on the decision made by the Committee on Statistics, the TWG held its first virtual meeting on October 28, 2020. The objectives of the meeting were (1) to select the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the TWG to provide leadership and direction to the group and (2) to adjust expectations, discuss drivers and determine immediate priorities for the work of the TWG. Participants of the meeting will be members of the TWG.
Description: Organizado conjuntamente por la CEPAL, la Secretaría Nacional de Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático, Ministerio de Vivienda, Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente, Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y el Sistema Nacional de Emergencias de Uruguay. Financiado por la Cooperación Alemana.