NSA Namibia
Description: In this context, the joint UNCTAD/Namibia Statistics Agency regional capacity building training will provide an opportunity to show the Productive Capacities Index (PCI). Created by the UNCTAD Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes, the PCI, built on the core concept of productive capacities, will serve as a major monitoring and evaluation tool to track progress towards the SDGs, and will also identify critical areas for possible policy interventions.
Target Audience: Participants will include ministers and senior officials from African landlocked developing and least developed beneficiary countries and experts from accredited institutions. The Ministerial and Expert Segments of the meeting will be open to broad public participation, including governments, the business community, academics and other participants interested in productive capacities and the use of data for evidence-based policy making.
Course Language: English
Event URL: Event Page
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