Description: This course shall present theoretical and practical issues related to the compilation of the sequence of accounts of the SNA (current and capital accounts, financial accounts, other changes in volume of assets accounts, and revaluation accounts) and balance sheets according to institutional sectors. The course is based on the conceptual framework of the System of National Accounts, 2008 (2008 SNA). The aim of the course is to provide participants with the necessary skills to compile the sectoral accounts and the balance sheets. The course consists of lectures covering conceptual and methodological issues as well as exercises that require the application of these concepts and that highlight practical compilation issues.
Target Audience: The workshop is intended for officials employed in national statistical agencies and central banks, who are integrally involved in the compilation of national accounts and financial accounts statistics.
Description: This one-week workshop will be presented by experts from the International Monetary Fund's Statistics Department and a representative from India's Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. The workshop will be based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) and the Quarterly National Accounts Manual, 2017. The workshop will cover the following topics: (1) national accounts concepts and methods from the perspective of GSDP; (2) data sources and indicators (annual and quarterly), including use of benchmarking techniques; (3) price and volume measures; and (4) fundamental aspects of state/regional economic accounts. The workshop will feature interactive lectures and hands-on exercises that enable participants to operationalize what they learn.
Target Audience: The workshop is intended for Indian subnational government officials who are integrally involved in the compilation of and dissemination of gross state domestic product statistics (GSDP).
Description: This course, conducted by the IMF SARTTAC deals with the conceptual framework of public sector debt statistics as presented in the Public Sector Debt Statistics Guide and on the practical aspects of compiling public sector debt data. Basic concepts, accounting principles, and detailed classifications are discussed in the context of methodology harmonized with government finance statistics and the system of national accounts. The course examines coverage and accounting rules for public sector debt, valuation, classification, important methodological issues, and the sources and methods used for compiling the statistics. It also deals with reporting debt data to the IMF and the World Bank. The course is organized around a series of case studies.
Target Audience: Officials whose main responsibility is compiling public sector debt statistics.
Description: This course, presented by the IMF's Statistics Department, aims at providing a thorough understanding of concepts, sources of data, and compilation techniques for producing quarterly national accounts (QNA) statistics. It introduces participants to benchmarking, seasonal adjustment techniques, as well as volume estimates; and explains the application of these techniques to time series data. The course also discussed how to identify and assess available data sources, use real-time series databases to assess the quality, and implement a suitable revisions policy for compiling QNA.
Target Audience: Officials responsible for compiling and using intensely national accounts statistics (NAS).
Description: This course focuses on the conceptual framework of government finance statistics (GFS) as presented in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014). The course requires that participants are familiar with the basic GFS framework and classification system. Participants should also have experience in compiling GFS from national source data. Emphasizing the integrated GFS framework, the course addresses some complex cross-cutting GFS issues that we have found to be pertinent to improving data quality. It also examines coverage of the public sector, giving special attention to borderline and complex cases. The format is lectures and exercises. Participants will be requested to propose topics related to methodological concepts that they have found problematic in compiling GFS.
Description: This course examines the conceptual and practical elements of compiling and disseminating fiscal statistics according to international standards, useful to assess the impact of government activities on a country's economy and to facilitate international comparisons. This course, presented by IMF SARTTAC, focuses on both the conceptual framework of government finance statistics (GFS) as presented in the IMF's Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014), and on practical aspects of data compilation. The basic concepts, definitions, accounting rules, classifications and presentation tables of the GFS framework are discussed. The compilation and dissemination of comprehensive and cross country comparable GFS are explained. Finally, the course shows how to use GFS to evaluate the impact of government activities on a country's economy.
Description: This course, presented by the IMF's Statistics Department, aims at providing a thorough understanding of the concepts, as well as practical advice on the data sources and compilation techniques of the international trade in goods and services statistics. The course will be largely based on the BPM6 Compilation Guide - the companion document of the BPM6 - and the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010 Compilers Guide (MSITS 2010 CG). The course will consist of a series of lectures, workshops and plenary discussions on country practices covering concepts, sources, and compilation methods associated with international trade in goods and services statistics. Recognizing the challenges in the compilation of certain services categories, such as manufacturing and merchanting, insurance, financial services, construction, and digitalization, the course will emphasize specific aspects related to their treatment and recording in the balance of payments. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss problems encountered in their compilation work and gain insights into the analytical uses of international trade in goods and services statistics.
Description: Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) is a classification defined by the United Nations Statistics Division and adapted to the IMF government finance statistics (GFS) reporting framework. COFOG enables trends in government expenditure by function (e.g., defense or education) or policy purposes to be examined over time. The value of this is that expenditure by functions of government of different countries can be compared. Participants will gain an understanding of how the ten functions of government as described in the GFSM 2014 are classified, how to categorize expenditure data to generate a functional split will be explained and how it should reconcile with the economic classification of expenditure data used in the GFS. Participants should feel comfortable to present and discuss relevant data of their own country. Practical exercises with participants working in random groups will feature throughout the course enabling them to be able to appropriately categorize expenditure data to the correct functional categories. Focus will be on the function environmental protection and how this can be used in conjunction with other government data on climate change to see how governments are addressing the issue. In addition, applications of COFOG for reporting select UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators will be discussed.
Description: This one-week course will be presented by experts from the International Monetary Fund's Statistics Department. The course will be based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA). The course will cover the following topics: national accounts concepts, methods, and framework; estimating Gross Domestic Product using the production, expenditure and income approach; Supply and Use tables and Input and Output tables; price and volume measures and Satellite accounts. The course will feature interactive lectures and hands-on exercises that enable participants to operationalize what they learn. The main lectures and workshops include: (i) Overview of the System of National Accounts, (ii) Gross Domestic Product by Production, Expenditure and Income approach (iii) Supply and use tables and Input and output tables (iv) Price and Volume measures (v) Satellite accounts.
Description: This one-week course will cover theoretical and practical issues related to the compilation of sectoral accounts (current and capital accounts, financial accounts, other changes in volume of assets accounts, and revaluation accounts) and balance sheets according to institutional sectors. The aim of the course is to provide participants with the necessary skills to compile the sectoral accounts and the balance sheets. The course consists of lectures covering conceptual and methodological issues as well as exercises that require the application of these concepts and that highlight practical compilation issues. The lectures provide a thorough review of the methodological framework, concepts, and definitions relating to sectoral accounts and balance sheets, including accounting rules, valuation, institutional units and sectors, and residency. The course will also outline potential data sources for their compilation and illustrate recommended compilation techniques and procedures.
Description: This will be an in-person training course delivered at the SARTTAC offices in New Delhi. Fiscal analysis continues to evolve, and the changed economic environment requires improvements in data to formulate and evaluate fiscal policies. Additionally, the demand for fiscal data for the purposes of identifying and managing fiscal risks, has grown. Public sector balance sheets (PSBSs) provide the most comprehensive picture of public wealth and account for what the state owns and owes at any point in time, thus offering a broader fiscal picture beyond gross debt and flow measures such as the deficit. PSBS is aligned with the methodology outlined in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014). This course will provide the opportunity for participants to understand more about the financial and nonfinancial assets and liabilities of the public sector and the metrics that can be derived from these data (including debt). The course will provide detail on specific topics such as pension liabilities, and measurement of nonfinancial assets including natural resources. Given the relevance for fiscal risk analysis, the course will go beyond balance sheets and explain the concepts of contingent liabilities and what should be reported. The course will consist of presentations, group exercises as well as homework that will ultimately provide the participants with the skills to assist in improving entries for their home country on the Public Sector Balance Sheet database. Participants' questions/concerns will be invited and entertained throughout.
Description: This one-week course will be presented by experts from the International Monetary Fund's Statistics Department. The course will be based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA) and the Quarterly National Accounts Manual, 2017. The course will cover the following topics: national accounts concepts, methods, and framework; estimating Gross Domestic Product using the expenditure and production approach; interpretation of National Accounts Statistics; supply and use tables; data sources and indicators; price and volume measures; and revision policies. The course will feature interactive lectures and hands-on exercises that enable participants to operationalize what they learn. The main lectures and workshops include: (i) Overview of the System of National Accounts.(ii) Production accounts: measurement of output; intermediate consumption, and value added (gross domestic product (GDP)).(iii) Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure.(iv) The sequence of accounts from the production account to balance sheets.(v) Supply and use tables.(vi) Preparation of GDP volume measures: double deflation; volume extrapolation; and introduction to chain linking.(vii) An overview of GDP revisions and rebasing.
Target Audience: The workshop is intended for government officials who are integrally involved in the compilation of national accounts statistics, or, would benefit from the knowledge of the concepts, principles, sources, and methods used to compile National Accounts Statistics. As this training is broad-based, it is applicable for relatively new officials in the area of National Accounts, or users within Central Banks, Finance and Economic Planning.
Description: This course offers an opportunity to learn the concepts, principles, sources, and methods used to compile the producer price index (PPI). The course covers fundamental features of the PPI including the sources and methods used for compiling index weights The course discusses presenting PPI results and producing narratives of PPI developments. There will be a specific focus on expanding the PPI to include service activities. Finally, the course will address the rebasing and linking of the PPI.