S18: Editorial issues

2. Producing the names index - F) Pronunciation


If diacritical (#064) signs are added to letters, a pronunciation key should be added to the atlas in order to allow the users to find out how these letters plus diacritics should be pronounced. The key to the pronunciation should remain simple, not to overshoot its target.

Where it is deemed suitable, accentuation (word stress) may be added. Accentuation is used, for example, in Spanish, Czech and Finnish. Panamá is the name of the capital.

In Dutch exonyms no accentuation is used. So for the country name Panamá, the Dutch exonym would be Panama. The canal named after this city is called Panamakanaal in Dutch: as the generic (kanaal=canal) has been translated into Dutch, the whole word is treated as a Dutch exonym and in Dutch no accents are used.

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Copyright United Nations Statistics Division and International Cartographic Association, July 2012